Im getting a 2nd hand PS4, what should i look out for...

Im getting a 2nd hand PS4, what should i look out for, does the PS4 have a big chance for internal failures like the ps3 used to

Big chance? Citation please.

i meant the older models, i had 3 YLOD on me, i have no beef with Sony

just buy a PC dude. i bought a ps4 pro the other day and i thought i would really enjoy it but the only games i can legitimately play are platformers. aiming with a controller gives me HIV.

i got a pc with a 980 and a 6700k no point in upgrading yet i want it for the exclusives

you should look out for buyers so you get money for a graphics card or a N switch

i got a graphics card nigger

Talk more crap, PC's keyboards and mice are good for FPS (the single shittest 10-every-fucking-day category of game in human history) and point-click StarCraft C&C shit.

Enjoy Street Fighter with your WASD's

dude can you fuck off, PC, Consoles, its all the same bunch of fucking idiots

>I played so much for so long that 3 consoles melted on me.

You should really buy a new PS4, buying a 2nd hand one means you could buy it from someone who games just like you.

dude i played about 2 hours of uncharted on the first one and then it shut off, then i left the 2nd one to download red dead and it shut down about the same time in. and the 3rd one came almost DoA

Is it second hand or refurbished? I'm paranoid about second hand electronics cause I have no clue how to find out if something is wrong with it.

So.. you've been doing this 2nd hand buying before then eh?

its second hand

no shit sherlock, no point in buying a 10 year old console new

and also the cooling on the ps3 was an absolute piece of shit even the huge fan couldnt do jack shit to keep it cool

If you're going to keep it in standby mode, keep it off the carpet as high as you can.

Otherwise you'll have cockroaches climb inside your PS4.

The point would be that the used ones are old enough to be run down and buying new would prevent the disaster you had previously

>buys 2nd hand stuff
>hates how it keeps dying

Seriously man, get a mcjob and buy a new one.
otherwise you're just gonna have a repeat of the PS3 era.

the ps3 fats were horrible consoles that were a ticking timebomb and i already have a mcjob but not everyone lives in the land of the fat

This nigga is edgier than the fags from the masterrace
PC is superior but ps4 has better exclusives and better controls
And if you can't see that difference
you either live in your moms basement and she buys you games and shit or you are just so fucking stupid tonrealise people like different things

If it still has PT on it then sell it on ebay to neck beards

console peasant

i got a good pc that i play stuff on

What does said nigger do? Perhaps you could invest in a used Nintendo and some commas

the graphics card nigger steals me the newest gpu

I never got a ps3 because I'm poor, but I did get gifted a ps4 and never have problems with it.