Can we get a Friday YLYL thread going on?

Can we get a Friday YLYL thread going on?

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i'm gonna carry this thread on my back




wow nigger, wow


pics above me probably all samefag



who gives a fuck you little cunt?

Anyone have the fb screencap where the girl tells the guy why did he think it was ok to talk to her, then he apalogizes amd she says dont let it happen again? Please post it, ive been looking for weeks now






Holy fuck this thread is cancer. Do you niggers do it on purpose at this point? Does anyone have something actually funny?

when they're all fucking shit tier

fucking faggot


you are the fucking faggot just chilling in a thread bitching about shit. Just close your eyes. Walk away from the computer. Lol just fucking go to another thread. Or post something actually funny.

fucking idiot

These are terrible

Comedy gold

Jews learned from the best when it comes to burning meat up. This was meant to be.

go back to 9gagmewithreddit you fucking nigger

The average age of the U.S. troops in WWII was 24.

samefag posted them most likely

post something bitch

>shitty meme
Sincerely hope you get cancer cause this website could go without fags like you

you heard him, close it up boys


nah you just have shit taste m8. this is your last (You) from me

hurr durr i am on Sup Forums memeing



he said who cares you nigger
>my fault for checking a ylyl thread and pointing out its shit
either suck his dick, or suck your own dick for samefagging

Thinking only one person thinks he's an unfunny faggot. Seriously,go back to roddit nigger


Calm down, boyo. We all big gay friends here.

''palestinias'' you mean terrorist who killed inocent people.

samefag here, i am the faggot you responded too originally



"Israelis" you mean state sponsored terrorists who kill innocent people

Holy shit what a fucking shit tier thread. This shit belongs on /r/funny

Why does this make me so angry?
Is it just because she's black?

>implying cause i called him a fucking faggot that i am actually mad

nigger get the fuck out



clever Jews

no way that's real



Really. Relax. Take a deep breath. Suck some dick, lick some ass. It's all good.



>impying the holocaust even happened



U rite

you cant talk sense in to a retard



Lets spice things up a little. This ylyl is a big disappointment so far


Gotta try though. Haven't gave up on my son, so I have a habit of talking to things that don't "get it" the first 200 times.

Or ever.


''state sponsored'' you mean stat that dont belong to them. the british gave to the israelian and the palastian( aka arabs that come to isreal durin the turkish empire) each part of the country and the arabs decide to open war from 4 diffrent boarder and lost. so we Took it all. now they can cry how long they want. you gonna be terroist? you end up dead or in jail.
you want to leave in peace? go head nobody stop you. but you leave under our control if you like it or not.


>Gotta try though. Haven't gave up on my son

Sooner or later the world is going to get tired of your shit, and when that happens ever last Israeli man, woman and child will be put to death.

guys i am on Sup Forums now, memeing and stuff

Gay is as gay does.





Where he belongs under his masters

I lost here!

Ylyl:Shitty stale memes edition


>ifunny water mark

What kind of gay is this? Good meme but bad source


10 bucks samefag
10 bucks a jew irl
10 bucks might be a sandnigger


its probably OP



shit, do you want paypal?

Thanks. I mean, some people are just thick, y'know? I sent my son to the store to buy a 5lb bag of Russet potatoes, pretty simple request...

...he comes home with three enormous yams. His reasoning? "Big, brown potatoes! More bang for your buck!"

I died a little inside that day.


Ok this got me to chuckle

why would you do this?


we still don't know if he a jew or a sandnigger yet

it took you 4min to make that?

it took me less than a min to screenshot and post that

troll harder kid