If you can choose one super power, witch one you'll pick?

If you can choose one super power, witch one you'll pick?

Me: pause the time anytime I want


Kill all the jews with the click of a button.

Power to kill niggers by looking at them. WHITE POWER!

Ability to transport walnuts via telephone wires.

Always have the exact amount of money needed for any transaction in my pocket.

The power to fuck your mother with your dick against both of your wills


Turn blood into bleach

Hummmm why

100x zoom with my eyes.

Remove your finger prints and you'll never get caught committing murder

I would choose the power to have any power I want

Easy, the power to steal powers. This counts in books and movies too, so I can literally become god.

Alright, you pause time. You can't do anything because time is stopped. Time stops forever.

Ask and ye shall recieve


ability to manipulate matter aka dr. manhattan hax

mind control... jk

id go with dragon ball z power

Not this way

I mean, pause and unpause

Great fuckin power you got there, OP.

So you don't want to buy anything online without having to first go and deposit the money in the bank or go to the store and get a gift card?

I have my doubts about it. Have you haver saw Jéssica jones? Imagine like you can't control reading others people minds

Telekinetic doorbell ringing.

Alright, you can pause an unpause time. When it's paused you can't move or do anything either. Man are you too stupid to even think of making sure you can act while time's frozen? Dumb fuck.

power to save&load like in games.

ability to have a 4+ hour erection that doesnot require medical help.

Live life to the fullest

Literally all of your powers are mine. This is a useless fight.

The power to make OP admit he's a massive dick sucking faggot.


Za Warudo

Reverse time in 15 second intervals. It'll make you amazing at talking to people and playin blibbeo blames

Wanna talk about it?

that i could dring 5 liters of vodka and not get drunk.

Ur hurting my feelings

This power doesn't prevent me from having money in my bank. I just can't deposit my magic pocket cash. I can still put earned money away.

Good one

That is so fucking inaccurate it hurts.

Speedster, protal maker or teleporter, that's all I would care about. Probably wouldn't even fight crime, just get shitty at the bar and be instantly in my bed.

In case you can just pick one


fart nerve gas


That's everything that I want to my life

Is no one going to check?

Fucking golden android/peter petrelli

But if I remove my prints then they won't be able to take them and can't use them for evidence


The ability to alter reality to suit my needs at will.

Along with these.

Right, I lean speedster (fuck that metabolism back story I wanna drink) I want that runner's body.

k. go have autism somewhere else, lie Sup Forums

what will you do in the heat death of the universe

that my wounds heal in hour, so i could make the dopest gore videos, that ISIS would be jelly.

Go fuck yourself. I have no idea why this irritates me to the extent it does.

Also, freezing time that does not cause me to age whatsoever no matter how long it is paused with the ability to predict disaster for self preservation (murder car wreck bombs etc)

have fun having the flesh ripped from your bones due to aerodynamic stresses.

Read minds on demand

someone ban this underaged glow in the dark faggot

total control over my body's internal and external functions.
think about it, it would be great for every situation. you could completely change your physique or skin tone at will, even using it as camouflage. you could slow down your heartrate and metabolism to wait for weeks on end, or speed it up, as well as how your brain processes things, for situations that require fast action. you could augment your eyesight, completely block out pain, hear a pin drop from a block away. if you're in the right environment, you could make yourself almost invisible.

What constitutes a need? It could be argued that the human body already has this superpower. Perhaps you just need something that suits your desires(cost to be determined later) like Longshot.

Infinite knowledge (with a brain capable of retaining and surviving it)

Just the liver, idk fuck I like rum.

In that case, if he will stay alive in a non-universe experience, he'll be basically god.

Think, the only thing alive when there is no time and space, is god. Idk

Yes actually

So you'll have to consciously remember to keep your heart pumping?

Oooh this one is better

That'd be my choice. The only issue I'd have with it is if you start to lose control of it and time permanantly freezes and you're just kinda fucked.

Think Life is Strange if you played that (I know it's not that great, but good time alteration stuff)

no, obviously some things like that can be set to 'autopilot' or a subroutine or something. you can just affect it as needed.

>hey user will you sell me your bike?
>sure user how's $200,000,000 sound?
>fair fair let me reach into the ol pockeroony
>split 50/50

True, what happens if you sleep? You'll not be controlling anything

The most powerful being in existence. Omnipresent and reality will be bent on my will. I am the future, the past, and the present.

Id never played, but u know the game


Yawn, that'd get boring so quick.

Damn dude, you lack imagination.

>>even using it as camouflage
Like turning it green/brown? That's not how bodies work...

>pick a superpower guize

>all of them
>is a huge fedora about it


Some form of energy manipulation. I figure if you got really fucking good at it than you've basically got like half the super powers imaginable at your grasp.

combination of Quiet and The End's powers

To edit anything. Change anything's (including self and the metaphysical) attributes, physical appearances and/or qualities, change oneself's skills and such, age and lifespan, personality, preferences, even thoughts of others. To edit anything and everything would be akin to having every power conceivable

>get away with anything

total control over sound.
for example, create an isolated pocket of sound around someone's head to either drive them insane or, if you crank it up enough, turn their brain to mush.

there is one fish that can camouflage to its enviroment. skin has some kind of layer of colors.

>energy manipulation

Just kill yourself now

Why just half? Just pick something like omnipotence and be done with it.

>dick.size = 15";
>hasHaremOf12YearOldsWithDoubleDs= true;

I'd want to be able to control time. Obviously, I'd have to be excluded from the effect. That way I can reverse, fast forward, and pause time while remaining the way I am. Kind of like how Hollywood portrays time traveling in movies. You step of the machine anywhere in time and space you want. Except I wouldn't need a machine and I could also pause time. Honestly, I would probably just freeze time forever.

with you could basically just develop chloroplasts

But it's just not healthy to your body. We're not fucking fish.

>yfw your Mutant power is growing antlers

Irl console commands would be nice

The abillity to copy or generate any other power. Without having to be exposed to said power first.

So if iwanted to fly, o could fly. If i wanted to be bullet proof, i'm bullet proof. Of i want to breathe fire, shoot eye lazers, be irrisistible to women, control minds, whatever. I can just do it.
I could potentially only manage 1 to 3 powers at a time, but hey, that's life.

That's the only power worth having.

quicksaving and quickloading
why has nobody suggested this

Sandy cheeks?

>I'd want to be able to control time. Obviously, I'd have to be excluded from the effect
is that way you content-regurgitating waste of fucking oxygen

take the three braincells you have that still think for themselves and convince them to fucking kill yourself

This and this made me think of

i am fucking a fish

The ability to have any super power but it'll only last 30 minutes and it'll take another 30 for me to choose another

because someone has. faget.

How would you access it tho?
