Is this the best film in the 21st century?

Is this the best film in the 21st century?

Well it says its kino so yeah

No, but I liked it

That's not The Tree of Life.

And of the 20th century. It took two centuries to make.

Confirmed kino as fuck


It was good. The gimmick did it's job. It's a nice little slice of life movie. The press and the studio were too busy jerking off the muh twelve years and tried to sell it as some lofty ambitious movie because of the production time. But it's a nice little drama with a gimmick that works. Not surprising that Sup Forums, who spend hours and hours and hours of every day on an image board, would hate a movie that teaches the lesson not to let life pass you by, considering that's exactly what they're doing.

not quite but it is definitely one of them

it's up there with Margaret, Yi Yi, Mulholland Dr, The New World, A.I., Beyond the Hills, Zodiac, Before Sunset, etc, as one of the masterpieces of the century so far

it's hated on this board because this board is made up mostly of tasteless retards who don't even know the name Linklater


How many years did it take to make this again?

It'll get memed here because Sup Forumsirgins haven't a single genuine conviction in their lives. Probably all have deadbeat parents too.

One of the best of the past few years definitely.


Linklater is intellectual poison. The less of him you carry around in your mind as you live your life the better. If I could go back and unwatch all of his movies I believe I would be more sophisticated about film for it.

That is a pretty hot take there mate. I hope you enjoy sitting around on the board waiting for Linklater threads so you can post that hugely insightful kind of commentary. I mean you've totally convinced me. Thank you for your astute analysis.

I don't like Boyhood, but if you genuinely don't think Dazed and Confused is nearly perfect you're a pleb.

>people hating on this movie
But anons it took



Stinklater is the ultimate leftist nu-male so it was funny seeing him get cast aside by his fellow leftists for Everybody wants some's apparent white misogyny.

what in the fuck are you even trying to say?

It was okay for the first parts or so, but near the end when it's revealed that Boyhood is on his way to become a slacker pothead with no ambition in life it becomes unintentionally depressing. I would have liked it if there was a Boyhood where he becomes a successful businessman or scientist.

It's actually Kill Bill vol. 1.

Director is a prominent cuck.

Critical community are now even bigger cucks.

Cuck director makes a movie.

Cuck critics get upset and attempt to destroy their former ally.



seriously, what are you talking about? Are you referring to Everybody Wants Some? It's one of the most acclaimed movies of the year.

It took 12 years to made.
It was epic!
Twelve years!

Just because a movie has a theme doesn't make it good. It has to convey it well. As someone who actually works in Hollywood, I think you people seriously underestimate how many pieces a film consists of.

>pretends to work in Hollywood
>legitimately thinks citing Hollywood as a point of expertise for film opinions is valid
>cites Hollywood during a discussion of an explicitly, deliberately anti-Hollywood movie

are you a retard?

Nobody who would watch another film by Linklater after Boyhood belongs on this board.

The mexican scene was the most "cuck" thing I have ever seen in a mainstream movie. I stood up and walked out right then I vowed never to let Linklater waste another second of my time.

I would have thought that explicitly racist scene would be bread and butter for retards like you though...

It was a leftist cuck feel good scene. I punched myself in the jaw repeatedly in anger and stormed out.

except it was unintentionally extraordinarily racist

>white people save Mexicans from their lives of hard labour

it's hilarious that you're so obviously racist that you can't even realize when a movie has done something inadvertently racist

stay pleb dumb fuck

>Le McCain sucks xd
>I'm a strong single mom who remarries alcoholic child-beaters

Overall pretty good. lots of feels

shame most people cant look past muh 12 years

you realize that obama lady was meant to satirize the legitimate fanboyism that got obama elected? was that not obvious to you? have you ever watched a film in your fucking life?

jesus christ this board is dumb

I walked out of Boyhood as soon as they played Coldplay in the opening. From that moment it was clear the film was liquid shit.

Everything I have read about this shitheap since makes me prouder and prouder of that decision.

best film in 10's imo

>people who like boyhood
here are some reasons why this movie was successful in its execution, in my opinion

>people who dislike boyhood

Fuck off to reddit you leftist retard.

how embarrassing

Case in point

Richard "Stinky" poopoo-Later ought to be embarrassed

This movie is boring as fuck.

Better stop before mommy takes away your computer privileges again.

>there are people in this world above the age of 15 who watch movies and are not able at all to detect the point a movie is making unless it is explicitly spoonfed to them by a character's shitty monologue

this board is so fucking embarrassing

I mean jesus fucking christ

Educated cinema lover completely at home in his arena of combat
Outsider redditor trying to cling to some "voice of reason" meme position while exploring a world he is not politically qualified to understand.

What cinema infants don't understand is that sometimes the correct reaction to a movie really is to thrash back and forth in your chair while slapping your thighs and screaming "cuck" or "reddit".

not even the guy you're responding to but you may want to go to a doctor. what in the fuck do you even think you're saying?

What if I make a girlhood?
From 8 to 16 and the twist is that she was getting molested the whole time

The point of that was to juxtapose the two rabid fanboyisms going on in that election.

>The conservative guy had the confederate flag and implied Barack Obama is a Muslim (this actually happened during the election year)
>The liberal mom was obsessed with Obama, calling him "cute" and even making t-shirts for her kids and unborn daughter (this is playing on the cultural/pop culture phenomenon that Obama riled up, which got him elected)

You're fucking stupid if you can't discern this.

Even if the logic of that post doesn't make complete sense to you, you should at least be able to see a prevailing emotional truth within it else you do not belong on this board at all.


sorry but I am one of the people who frequent this board with the hope that it could be a source of discussion about actual films. shouldn't you be in a Suicide Squad debating the degree to which Leto is or isn't a cuck or something? you're cancer.

>appeal to emotion
Ah, you're a woman. That explains the tantrums.


Boyhood is on the exact same level of entry level reddit level meme film making as the latest capeshit release. Real film curb stomps the audience's faces down into mounds of dogshit, puts a rusty knife to the back of their neck and forces them to eat it down. Boyhood is a monument to the middlebrow. An ode to mediocrity. No bones were left broken. It is not a film. It was a pre-sold meme event with a terrible left wing edge,

is Killing Them Softly your favourite movie of all-time

I love how this movie is already forgotten.


Sup Forums: THE FILM

Positive opinion of PTA's second most pleb tier film = unsophisticated crossposter in the wrong place.

Punch Drunk Love, The Master and Inherent Vice are PTA's three decent movies. The rest are hot pocket slamming video games under a thin veneer of legitimacy. There will be blood is the cheeto dust laced ode to memelennial narcissism. I am literally punching myself in the face as hard as I can while typing this post because I am serious about film in a way that no PTA fan could ever understand,

What is your barometer for determining if a movie is forgotten?

so you're being ironic and actually love TWBB, right?

a barometer is used for measuring wind speed, it has nothing to do with movies

It is a plebeian tier "first year film buff" magnet. Another cinematic hotpocket on the linear path of adolescent film favorites after Fight Club, The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction, The Dark Knight.

Fedoraeuphoric Sup Forums cinema.


Linklater is a god, shut the fuck up.

>I haven't seen the movie but I'll call it shit anyway

t. Sup Forums

>reddit level meme film making

Stopped reading there. Kys.

He is on the short list of directors that I'd kill upon sight if I ever met them in the world. The cinematic frauds so destructive that I'd deem it my duty to lay down my life for the greater good of cinema just to take them out of the equation.

The others are Nolan, PTA, Tarantino, Fincher, Jeff Nichols, Steve McQueen, Inarritu and Villeneuve.

Sup Forums btfo, dubs confirm

>I'd kill upon sight

Too edgy to respectable, stopped reading there.

to be respectable*

There is nothing edgy about killing for the greater good. For a man of honor it is just a matter of duty.