What's the best song on this album and why is that Devil in New Dress ?

What's the best song on this album and why is that Devil in New Dress ?

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It's very clearly Gorgeous, you must have accidentally skipped that track it's okay though just go back and listen to it.

Those are both decent answers but runaway is better

agreeing with someone on this website for once

It's Runaway you niggers

actually its runaway. fucking 9 minutes of greatness with a dope video to boot


I concur

all the songs from this album are 10/10

*deletes track*

so appalled unironically

>all of the lights
>not a 10/10 pop song

You got it completely right OP.



>I'm so appalled Spalding ball,
>Baldin' Donald Trump, takin' dollars from y'all
what did he mean by that

Does anyone have that "meme" cartoon with Kanye recording that the "nigga that was awful" line at the end

You got the lyrics wrong, it goes-
> I'm so appalled, incompetent Donald trump in office taking dollars from y'all
Kanye was simply ahead of the time. What a guy, is there anything he can't do?

"So Appalled" is not.
I prefer "Hell of a Life" over "So Appalled".

my fucking nigga

Excellent "response."

Thank "you".

this album is overblown air. check em

> air
redundant you faggot. cant even roll dubs


it will be forgotten, i remember Kenya more than his music. i needed you to call me out, now i can, check me.

can't roll shit since you are trying to be a contrarian faggot. truth will set you dubs

brother this album is not spectacular, cool sonics sure. very low replay value, for angry teens at best for demographic. watch me roll now. check the quads.

lol low replay value. weak b8
>calls quads but rolls dubs
can't get anything right in your life eh bruv

everyone loves a comeback. check em.

no one likes you tho so

now you do, check em.

no bad songs on MBDTF and Yeezus


just kill yourself now its just pathetic. even the RNG hates you
Agree. Skip no songs on either album



or a double double

I am embarrassed for you

This. gorgeous is Ye's best song lyrically

All Of The Lights

it's lost in the world
I cry everytime i hear that song


Why are you fucks so obsessed with this album, TCD is way better.