Is Sup Forums /lit/?
Post your favourite album and your favourite book and D I S C U S S other people's choices
Is Sup Forums /lit/?
Post your favourite album and your favourite book and D I S C U S S other people's choices
The Stranger
Recent favorite is pic related
Grapes of Wrath or East of Eden
don delillo- underworld
Slaughterhouse 5
>not poetry
>not just getting your poetry from music
anyways here is my favorite album solely based off the lyrics
Scelsi is p cool
I dont read books.
>Is Sup Forums /lit/?
filled with pseuds and shitty stirner memes? almost. also, all quiet on the western front.
Yeah I definitely don't think he's anywhere near as important (or really as good in general) as Darmstadt colleagues but Uaxuctum is a fucking experience
Musicians are terrible poets, including Mark (passable).
There's a reason Schubert used Goethe.
I tried reading moby dick once, but quit when he started talking about whale species or harpoons. You have any tips to help me continue?
>Doesn't post favorite book
>does though
shit sorry
Coming in with that Sup Forumscore
Atlas Shrugged or Inferno
Fuck you too
I threw a beer bottle at an otter in that OP pic irl
Innocence, by I Am a Lake of Burning Orchids
Idk I find that kind of shit interesting so it wasn't really a problem for me. If it helps Melville/Ishmael uses a lot of the "encyclopaedic" chapters as vehicles for his own philosophical musings, for example in the chapter "Of Whales in Paint, etc." where he lists various depictions of whales in increasingly grandiose manifestations, culminating in his reference to the constellation Cetus where he says he'd "mount that whale and leap the topmost skies, to see whether the fabled heavens with all their countless tents really lie encamped beyond [his] mortal sight", which links in to many of the book's central themes and draws comparisons to Ahab's claim that he'd "strike the sun if it insulted [him]".
The Line is another notable example.
Pale Fire
>Atlas Shrugged
Has tripfagging gone too far?
Um, just sort of read about the book, I guess. I have something of a fetish for peritexts, personally. Also, Metcalfe is cool, Genoa.
journey to the center of the earth
atlas shrugged is good
ur forgiven
are you saying Atlas Shrugged to further the rivalry into Steinbeck v Rand because that's p deep
>libertarian "literature"
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Very cool taste. Tomorrow's Harvest is actually such an interesting album.
How are they terrible poets, not starting a war just curious
Libertarians": the latest aberration of some conservatives, the so-called "hippies of the right,"
pretty decent storyline, prose is definitely nothing special. the chapter where they all shrug off responsibility until that little kid has to send the coal train into the tunnel def gives me some feels tho
because writing isn't their strong suit or they'd be writers
there is not just artistic intelligence vs scientific intelligence, there are multiple intelligences for various disciplines.
What about
>Bob Dylan
>Joanna Newsom
>David Thomas
The list goes on...
>Crime and Punishment or Slaughterhouse Five
they're passable but Joanna Newsom doesn't compare to actual fucking prose from Emily Dickinson
Bob Dylan's whole appeal is the folksiness and down-to-earthiness
Read a Bob Dylan song without music
>Once upon a time you dressed so fine
>Threw the bums a dime in your prime
>Didn't you
Leonard Cohen is an amazing writer
Then why he moved to the music?
The Rosy Crucifixion
The Book of Disquiet
I generally hate novels but my favorite is Infinite Jest by DFW basically the MPP of /lit/.
Either Narcissus and Goldmund by Hesse or The Confidence-Man by Melville. It's been a toss up between those two for quite some time now.
favorite book is toss-up between The Stranger and American Psycho
You're on the surface tier of music and philosophy. Expand your horizons man. Read some Kierkegaard
But how is that true, what keeps a great poet from being a great musician
Moby Dick is unbelievable. Annotate everything and power through the boring bits. It'll all be worth it in the end, but remember that the process of reading it is the real value
favorite Album is a toss up for me, but my top 5 are Sound of Silver, Torches, Outrun, Prom King, and The Glow Pt 2
favorite Book is either Gatsby or Catcher in the rye
I'm also quite partial to the raw shark texts but I don't expect many people here to have read it
this kind of thing is too common on the boards in question here. if you look at a pair of works and only look at x having this many fans or that many readers, then y having fewer, and therefore y is superior, you're doing it all wrong. i get it if you use the boards for recs because obscure recs are more valuable sometimes, but to tell a guy to get better taste because his is kind of mainstream, and like taste is some outfit you can go buy, is super faggy. get your shit together.
The Warlord Chronicles
lmao chill out dude. I'm telling him to dig deeper. Crimson King is dank, Camus wrote some great novels, but there are other artists and philosophers who have done deeper or less accessible works. Are they necessarily better? No. But they might be interesting if he hasn't looked at them. Camus especially is not an especially rigorous philosopher, though he is fun and interesting ('fun' meaning exciting to read).
The Cat in the Hat
lol regardless of your recommendations it's still his favorite book mongasaurus rex do you think anything by kierkegaard is gonna displace that for him?
>Art Angels
>The Lightning Thief
You've no idea how much I struggle picking a favorite anything. Anyways--
>Naked Lunch, by William Burroughs
>or maybe Lolita and White Noise
It's ok.
A fun read indeed, but it isn't as deep as people would sugest.
Basic as hell
The Picture of Dorian Gray is an all time favorite. Wilde's prose is nice also. Btw, last time I read it, for some fucked up reason I thought of Dorian Gray as fucking Milo. That kind of ruined it for me. Now you'll do the same.
Nice picks. Loved The Stranger, and American Psycho is one of the funniest books i've read.
The Third Policeman
are you serious?
Infinite Jest
Kanye West is one of the best poets ever.
>Family Business
>The ENTIRETY of 808s and Heartbreak
>Freestyle 4
>he fell for the multiple intelligence meme
The Sun Also Rises
he wanted to? you don't have to do something just because you're good at it
Most likely Don Quixote or the stranger