Spiderbite user here, I put a bandaid on it last night and went to bed. I checked on it this morning...

Spiderbite user here, I put a bandaid on it last night and went to bed. I checked on it this morning. Is it healing or is it getting worse?

lol its microscopic why are you even concerned

definitely healing.

Pic related is what it looked like last night after I put Hydrogen peroxide and Antibiotic gel on it.

Shit forgot pic

Looks fine. If you're really that worried about it get some saline wound wash and some triple antibiotic ointment. Change it once or twice a day. At this point the worst possible outcome is cellulitis.

Yep. Just keep an eye on it and if it starts spreading, go to a doctor.

Youre gonna be spider man soon

Shit man, I have aids lesions that don't look as nasty as that.

it's actually killing skin there. go to doc now...

Don't be such a pussy it will be gone in like a week max

looks like a bad infection. you can probably feel the pain. my guess is brown recluse? spped of reaction and puss looks about right too.

I have no idea what kind bit me. I was in coass and I looked down to a big warm bump on my arm.

Fuckin kek I bet you're also one of those faggots who goes to the ER for a cold.

Dude if the bump was big and warm you should really get that checked, the spider may have laid its offspring in you. Do you feel anything off with it? It wouldn't lay eggs btw, they would just be curled up until they matured from absorbing platelets and blood plasma.

if it's warm and a hard lump it could be a little staph infection. just a little one.

It wasn't that big, it was just kinda a welt. I thought it was a zit of some kind. I startid messing with it, trying to pop it or something and only clear liquid came out. I left it alone for a few hours and when I looked at it again it had a dark yellow-ish scab over it, so I took it off and started treating it. That's when it dawned on me it might have been a bite.

Dude go to the hospital. Stop fucking around

it's healthy. Let it breathe everyday, and keep it under bandaid, and you'll live. Maybe.

That looks like you could be getting cellulitis.

Two years ago I got bit by a spider and had to be admitted... shit got bad really fast. It took ~10 hours to go from what yours looks like to massive pain, with a red/purple leg.

You are the biggest pussy ever, your a fag

At least insult the faggot properly.

You'll be dead in an hour. (at best)

It's the same either way faggot

"Your" is possessive pronoun.
"You're" is a contraction for "you are".

The words are completely different.. at least strive to be more than a cave monkey.

Sorry looks like ur fucked id know, im a fireman