Just saw this, I'm only 19 so give me some leeway here...

Just saw this, I'm only 19 so give me some leeway here. You're telling me the whole stigma associated with the church and child molestation ONLY began in 2001? Before this investigation no body, nationwide, had any knowledge of ANY connection of the churches and p-p touching?

Other urls found in this thread:


It began in 1517, when the antichrist manifested in human form.

Michael Keaton is playing a girl in this movie??

It was a small in-joke among communities like "if they're not fucking women(celibacy vow)then they must be fucking the choir boys", usually said in politer terms but never taken seriously.

... how can you say you've seen it and not understand what a cover-up is?

also a bit weird when Birdman swoops in to save all the children in the end.

>It began in 1517, when the antichrist manifested in human form.
Hillary isn't THAT old.

wait, this wasn't fictional?

most of those children gave consent

it's a fucking broken system, once you're past 13 you should be able to fuck whoever you want

It was never as big as the (((media))) made it seem, and most of the abusing priests were homosexuals who were allowed to join after Vatican II liberalized everything. Public school teachers and Rabbis are worse abusers, but you never hear about that in the media for...reasons.

This movie was so fucking shit. It's like they forgot movie are supposed to have conflict.

I thought this would be like some hard hitting story trying to find the truth in the face of adversity but they really don't have any roadblocks along the way outside of some minor inconveniences.

No, it was all about the cover-up. Everybody knew there were occasions where priests touched kids. They just didn't know the whole religious establishment, up to the Vatican, signed off on strategies to keep the families quiet, without punishing or removing the priests. That was the information that blew people's minds.

It was like watching reenactments for a documentary. There was no story being told. We were just watching some reports do their jobs. Easily one of the worst "good" movies of the last few years.

> They just didn't know the whole religious establishment, up to the Vatican, signed off on strategies to keep the families quiet,

That never happened. It was a local problem, mostly, and it happened because psychologicsts at the time thought it was the best way to treat pedophiles.

>What was Cardinal Law's crime? His crime is that he listened to psychologists. His crime is that he did what the dominant culture told him to do. He was told, on the authority of psychologists, that that pedophilia was curable and so he reassigned the priest in question to another parish. The molestations happened 20 years ago, and the changes that created the atmosphere that allowed that disaster to happen in the Church, the culture of saying yes to appetite, happened 20 years before that, which is to say in the '60s, when the Catholic Church, fatally docile when it comes to the dominant culture of control through appetite, started running seminaries and religious orders according to the principles of Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud. If the Catholic Church is at fault, it is at fault for listening to the dominant culture, specifically psychologists of this sort, in the first place. The vehicle for the demoralization of the Catholic Church was modern psychology.


The Boston Globe knew about this as early as 1992, and wrote an editorial approving of the treatments. They only turned on the church when it was convenient for them, Meanwhile the media covers up or ignores abuse by gays and jews constantly.

No, people did. The point was, that the sexual abuse was systemic, right up to the level of the Vatican and hushed up in every conceivable way possible. And it could be, because the church was so powerful. They could bribe victims, threaten them, work with crooked lawyers, whatever, you name it. It's a textbook conspiracy of the highest order. This is what this team of journalists discovered. The 'magnitude' of it, you could say.

> The point was, that the sexual abuse was systemic, right up to the level of the Vatican and hushed up in every conceivable way possible.


They make a movie about decades-old abuse cases from the 70's, meanwhile the kikes who run Hollywood are fucking kids right now.

That had NOTHING to do with this movie you dumb fucking retard, did you grow up on a farm?

This film was about the power journalism, nothing more or less.

Most accusations are false, and the Diocese chose to settle because that's what the families wanted, you dumb cunt.

>this butthurt catholic

why haven't you dropped religion yet?

>facts are butthurt know

The whole scandal was a media-driven scam.

Yes, yes. By the jews, the fags. I'm sure the nigs are benefiting from it too, yes?

The problem is that the movie doesn't do a good job of showing how Catholic Boston really was back then. I grew up Catholic in Boston and this film could have been better they should have used the article as a springboard for what came after. The mistrust of the church and the victims coming forward.

Wow look at these buttmad pedo apologists.

The abusing priests were almost exclusively gay, but they made it seem like it was a priest problem instead of a gay problem to whip up an emotional reaction and sell papers.

Look at this fucking shill.

>victims coming forward.

You mean the people who made false accusations for a quick settlement?

>The church settled four claims against Shanley that emerged in the early 1990s but concerned events said to have occurred twenty years earlier. Spotlight and “Spotlight” and millions of repetitive words spilled on the subject claim Shanley’s diocesan file is stuffed with allegations of sexual abuse from the 1960s and 70s which the church ignored. That is false. There was one hearsay allegation from 1967, which Shanley vehemently denied and church superiors did not pursue further. Of those claims settled in the 1990s one was brought by relatives of a dead man; another by a blackmailer who was making harassing phone calls to church workers. Once the settlement business got rolling in the 90s, and galloped at full speed post-2002, accusations and payouts multiplied. How many are valid? Having read a number of post-2002 affidavits, some of which are incredible, some of which describe willing sexual behavior, some of which seem to follow a script, I won’t hazard a guess. The point is they were not sitting in Shanley’s file for thirty years ignored.


Jews blaming catholics: The Movie

You're right over 100 people woke up one day and said hey you know whats a great scam? Lets say that some priests raped us for a settlement. Get real dude.

>religious shitfligging

holy shit wise up and stop pretending there is some magic creature that created you


OH man, they picked the hippy dippy lefty faggot priest to defend because its a hippy dippy lefty social justice faggot website. That article is outrageous.

Do you not know how extortion works? If people know the church is willing to settle out of court for any and all claims, they're going to take advantage of that.

They also defend a conservative priest. The point is that both were falsely accused.

don't be an idiot

You missed the point then.

They didn't have any real roadblocks because people were just trying to forget it. They were trying to act like the abuse didn't exist. There wasn't a real concerted effort to shut them down or stop them from trying to find the truth because lets face it, who wants to talk about priests molesting kids. Who wants to defend that? Who wants to further implicate themselves trying to hide it?

What should hit you is the horror of the situation. That this shit can happen and nobody seems to care. Nobody cares to the point that reporters can walk around finding out about this shit and no one is really trying to hide it.

>I'm only 19
That's no excuse. I assume you know how to read. So get to researching, and stop looking to this board for knowledge. You'll only find meme's and shit posting here.

But the globe already knew. They were cheering on the rehabilitation process in 1992. It didn't become a "scandal" until they needed it to be one. The film celebrates opportunistic journalists as heroes.

Abuse by public school teachers is worse, why isn't that a scandal?

Would you rather they not have made it a thing and have the church continue playing musical chairs with pedophile priests?

t. Priest

If you speak so lowly of the board here, why the hell do you seem to frequent it?

It's hypocritical of them to complain about the Diocese doing something that the Globe itself encouraged them to do.