What are some good movies that are redpilled on women?
What films and documentaries expose them for what they essentially are: whores?
What are some good movies that are redpilled on women?
What films and documentaries expose them for what they essentially are: whores?
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if they r whores how come you can't get laid lmao owned
holy shit, u got rekt op
Gone Girl
The Dark Knight Rises
Because they all go for Chad, and are waiting until I'm in my thirties so that they have a stable beta to get bucks from.
Last American Virgin is a 90-minute seminar in why being a beta male is a bad idea.
a film called 'these dubs'
Holy fucking shit, OP ABSOLUTELY REKT
How will OP ever recover?
Kek /r9k/ btfo
It's also a Cannon movie so you know it's full of good 80's nostalgia.
Although if you really want to go crazy I'd recommend the Israeli version, Lemon Popsicle
Respire 2014.
This film is good example on how toxic female friendship can be and how the beta female mc shouldn't have listen to her friend sob story and let that whore keep abusing her.
>it's an OP gets destroyed episode
My shitty life.
They truthfully just fuck away the pain. I'm not saying that to be mean, but that's how they do it.
I didn't get "destroyed" you fucking retards. Women just all go for Chad, this is known.
Nah you're just undesirable, maybe there's something wrong with you instead of half of the worlds population
>this is what neckbeards actually believe
What a faggot, if you want to know about women just AMA. I'm one.
>implying weeding out the bottom 60% of males is a bad thing
I mean shit, you niggers are talking about eugenics every day, then when someone institutes an actual system that doesn't require the government to bust in and exterminate you, you act like society is collapsing.
The new upcoming flim "Is that a gun in your pocket?"
Women reduce themselves to mere holes in order to persuade their lovers to give their hobby/right/self defense.
OP can't socialize so it's everyone else's fault. girls are easy if you know how to advertise yourself retard. don't wear hoodies and cargo pants to bars and maybe you'd be desirable. there's hope for everyone as long as you're not lightspeed ugly. Oh, and get a gay friend.
Why do neckbeards hate women so much? Is it a virginity thing?
>ctrl+f taxi driver
>0 results
Pleebs all of you
I'm a virgin and I don't hate women I think it's a homosexuality thing
Just watched this for the first time since i was really young and it made me rage. Jenny is probably the biggest piece of shit female in any movie ive ever seen. And dont give me that shit about how it was because she was abused. there's literally no excuse for being a a fucking degenerate whore who uses mentally retarded people because she cant get her shit together
Picture Day.
Sure is reddit in here.
>tfw virgin for 20 years
>lose virginity in college to multiple stupid sluts
>meet qt 10/10 Christian girl who is saving herself for marriage
>didn't save myself
How do I gain my virginity back?
>he's not an alpha male
lmao loser virgin
Holy shit OP is crying right now
you have to kill so many people its not worth it
>redpilled on women?
What do you mean?
really the hard part is finding the virgin women to sacrifice to regain your own.
except you don't have a job, so you aren't even that.
Yes. It's a bullied by women thing.
Kek btfo
>Women just all go for Chad, this is known.
Not even remotely true, butthurt faggot. I'm nowhere near a Chad and have a high number.
Put me in the reddit screenshot.
why don't she want me man?
They smell weakness.
Lana Del Ray is untalented and gross
OP is a fag but this desu
b-but I'm an alpha male. I browse /fit/ and everything
/r9k/ and r/Redpill are butthurt women don't want them, but then go online and behave in a way that shows they're inwardly shitty people and those women made the right decision.
And you pouty little shitstains know it too. It's so delicious. Makes me grin.
.t chad's cumdumpster who takes out her aggression from getting pumped and dumped on downtrodden men
Wtf im a mgtow missile now
Watch the movie "How to be Single" . I literally threw up 3 times watching the movie, because how disgusting women are. They all cheat with chads and lie and justify it with "no regrets :/". It shows women as the finicky , un loyal, lack of compassion , un honorable whores that they are.
Redpill is Reddit as shit tho
My girlfriend is the best thing in my life. I have been with her for over 3 years, and our relationship has made me the happiest I have ever been in my life.
I'm not sure why you are so miserable and hate women. Maybe you're joking. Maybe you have never had a gf. I don't know. I feel sorry for you. It feels like you are just going to stay that way and be alone forever. Sounds like a pretty bad road to go down.
redpill is for angsty teenage losers
adult men like myself browse /r/mensrights