

he was right

imagine if star wars was directed by someone competent and not a fat retard or a jew studio shill

Looks like Lana Wachowski


kids at the time thought the current darth maul looked cooler anyways.

That's the Enchantress

this looks so shit

look like a lil kid

Looks like Finn Balor fucked the grudge chick.

Looks like The Ring girl at a Die Antwoord rave.

>this is a 10 in bongland

Man oh man, Hot Topic & Spencer's are gonna make a killing!

Her body is fucking disgusting

>This passes as a """"model"""" in bongistan

Looks like a Slipknot costume.

Literal 0/10 garbage.

what is this grotesque monster?

Looks like something from a Japanese horror movie.

Looks like a character from BLAME!

That does look frightinening

George Lucas is an idiot

This is a rare occurrence of George Lucas' input into Star Wars actually being correct

Is this dyke the worst Victoria's Secret girl ever?


Your mom was worse.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.



Looks like your typical Tumblrina. What's the issue? Those people are full of resentment.

>all these virgins talking shit about Cara
>implying you wouldn't fuck her if you had the chance


we'll find out with rogue one or episode viii

I wouldnt because it would lead to sex outside of marriage degenerate scum

I would be worried about STDs but would do it just to shitpost about it on Sup Forums forever more

He looks british

She should close her mouth. Something might fly in there.


He should have used this design but with a cunny.
Toy sales would have been massive.

Looks cool on paper, would look like shit on screen

well that and the fact that it's a fucking terrible design

wtf is this, a korn reject?

Rob Zombie?

jesus christ is this from an actual scene in the movie?


looks great in my opinion

would be cool if they used this for a new character