Solo movie when

Solo movie when

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she was already in one of the star wars movies m8

After ep 8 they already cast him, but I can't really see another actor in the role after Harrison Ford

Why didn't he shoot Harley?

I'd like to see him face off against Deathstroke in a sort of spy thriller-sequel sort of plot, like maybe Deathstroke targeting him as a means of eliminating him as competition.

he doesn't kill women or children

He's got his own code. He doesn't compromise it. In his own way, he's more noble than the Batman.

Deathstroke is Batman-tier, pitting him against Deadshot would make him seem weak. But I like the idea.

So he was nowhere near as black as people made him out to be.
He didn't even say HOL UP

>that scene where he's shooting all the guns laid out in front of him on a table
>every bullet hits on the same exact spot as the last bullet, even though he's 25+ yards away

Sorry but even with 11/10 aim, there would be slight variation in each shot. Literally impossible for those bullets to hit in the same spot consistently.

You didn't understand the meme

This. Deathstroke will have to get seriously nerfed to go up against Deadshot.

I fucking loved Amanda Waller.

>kills the intel nerds because they knew too much
>uses June Moon/Enchantress as a means to an end
>shoots down the helicopter after Deadshot refused to kill Harley
>calls in her own helicopter, which deploys it's flares to mark Midway City for bombing
>shoots the possessed soldiers after crash landing

Wouldn't the flash be able to see that set up happening considering he moves so fast?

Thats sexist af desu

It was already written, just waiting to go. But, nooooooo, they had to make Deadshot some dirty street nigger hustler with a precocious genius daughter who makes him feel guilty about everything, rendering the only good Deadshot comic ever completely fucking useless as source material, as well as all the other existing comics.


Yeah that is a bullshit job if I've ever seen it.

Wally perceives shit in an attosecond, he would have, in his perspective, years to see that sword. Even if he ran into it, he would feel the pain from it touching him before he ran himself all the way down the blade.

I don't think they made the daughter a genius or anything, it felt like they just made her a kid in school with a shitty mother, trying to do her homework with her dad.

>genius daughter
Bitch she couldn't even do trig.


Solo is a Marvel character

Doubt it.

he just needs a clear shot at batman or deathstroke, especially with the shit he was pulling off. fuck off

Yeah, and acting as his fucking moral compass.

>shooting batman or deathstroke
that's boring, and everyone knows you can't just shoot your main antagonist in capeshit where everyone and their mother is a kung fu master
Deadshot would need someone as skilled as him but not too skilled, so he could have a final final Winter Soldier style.


>final final
god damnit
final FIGHT

Can't we just have a great sniper movie?

If everything has to be capeshit, let's at least let Will Smith be our Ding Chavez.

Can we just have this?

>solo movie
We did this a long time ago, it was called Wanted

He clearly corrects for the variations.

She was like 11

As a black guy who grew up in a bad place, seeing this really makes me feel good.

I would like that film to exist.

that doesn't have will smith though

Pretty based women desu