we can all agree this was capekino right?
We can all agree this was capekino right?
You and I will be the only ones to agree on that brother.
It was utterly forgettable.
Republicans vs Democrats: the movie
>H-hey guys, wanna talk about a m-marvel movie?
It was, but fuck you, this thread will be cancer, it's probable you did it in purpose, ill check back in 5 minutes and this will be Shitpost: Civil War
Lemme just leave this here
>ill check back in 5 minutes
Check back in 5 minutes and this will be archived, family unit.
Essential nu-malekino
Sup Forums only wants to hate on movies and since Civil War had no problems we of course only talk about DC trainwrecks
It's the perfect film for all those REAL men out there secure enough in their masculinity to take their wife's last name
cringily obviously samefag
>Registration had minimal impact
>Team members switching sides had no impact
>BBEG was just some dude, his entire plan could have been executed via email
>Cap didnt die
>the Avengers are now pretty much dissolved, so instead of Tony and friends itll now be Tony and friend.
>Cap didnt fucking die
wrong on all three I think dude.
lol, no
I don't have a single positive thing to say about it.
>since Civil War had no problems
The title character came off as an indifferent douchebag who valued his homo-tier friendship with an international fugitive over his successful working relationship with an industrial leader, whose father he also knew, and whose murder he was apparently indifferent to.
Marvel tried to do the GOAT comic Civil War plot without getting DC-style edgy and "serious" (although watching Bucky murder the Starks was pretty stomach-turning), and gutted it to the point of absurdity.
Skwad is objectively superior in almost every way
It genuinely was. Most Marvel films are. Not even baiting.
>Not even baiting.
Don't worry...being retarded isn't baiting.
I don't feel baited when the Downs Syndrome cart guy at Walmart rolls one into my car and I have to talk to the manager about the insurance to cover the paint damage.
oxymoron, capeshit can't be kino.
it was a good popcorn movie but it has zero substance and is not worthy of being discussed
This is actually my favorite comic movie. Its the only one where I absolutely love everything about it with no exceptions and actually have some reasonable defenses to the most common criticisms people fling at it and act more harshly about because the movie's popular.
I think its a genuinely great movie but my biggest bias is that I loved comics growing up and always fantasized about a comic movie that was finished with origins and setups, where all the heroes actually interacted like they do on pages. And for most people the Avengers was enough to satisfy that but a lot of elements such as the generic alien army, Joss Whedon's writing and lack of any directing skills really ruined that for me. I love that we live in a world where its normal to tell a Captain America story, but unavoidable that all of his life revolves around his super friends, and because of the years of setup they did that's just normal. This is the first Marvel movie for me that solidified the world and went beyond something self contained feeling. Yet with all of that, in the final act it's still focused on Captain America himself as the main character with an emotional based struggle. People cite there not being a world ending threat as a negative but I was so caught up in all of the characters I love how intimate it is.
Thats a flaw of the character, not the movie. The entire point is to make both sides flawed and emotionally compromised. If his mindset was irrational in context or made no consistent sense that would be one thing but that's not the case. I'm assuming because of the filename you don't take this totally seriously but I struggle to understand the mindset of someone watching a story where the intention is that the characters are emotionally flawed and uses that as criticism. Unless you're going to explain how its a "problem" that a character would hold on to the last remaining piece of his old life that was suddenly stolen from him, I dont consider that a problem.
It also needs macros and more discussion.
Someone convince me there is actually capekino.
Maybe the 60s Batman movie.
The CIA/Bane scene is all that comes to mind.
The only superhero movie I have seen that has any philosophical ideas or concepts in it as consistent themes is Watchmen. The problem with that movie is everything good is from the comic and all the changes are bad and Zach Snyder's idea.
Why so many Civil War threads? Did the dvdrip just drop or something?
Also its capekino
Yeah. And I'm trying to think of a single superhero movie I admire on an aesthetic level too.
I'm drawing a blank. Absolutely nothing comes to mind.
In a weird way, the only superhero movie I perhaps admire a little is the 70s Superman movie. Which was the only one ever done right. It was corny, but it got that right. I don't think another one has ever been necessary, because everything is a derivative of Superman, and that movie summed it all up. They could try to do a definitive Batman movie, but I doubt that is possible.
>They could try to do a definitive Batman movie, but I doubt that is possible.
(Not that it's unfilmable, it's just that Hollywood the way it is these days has to taint everything)
I suppose the animated series basically got it.