A more believable female operator than the Angel of Sicario
A more believable female operator than the Angel of Sicario
If Hollywood wants to depict "strong women," why doesn't it cast legitimately strong women for those roles, like professional female powerlifters?
>a character that uses guns needs to be a powerlifter
They don't need to. This gal won ultimate hell week.
a qt
Twh no ginger qt gf
Where is the jordynbro?
Cuckold threads still up
Yes. She is a squeerator
Where is the helmet?
Well the intention of Sicario was not to portray Blunt as a strong woman.
>doesnt follow orders because me strong me woman
>gets BTFO
any other movies that portray women realistically?
That would mess up her hair. Real operators know that helmets are for pussies. Tactical eyewear at most.
kek, DROPPED the serie after that.
time to google search the image to see what the fuck you're talking about
>Gripping the foregrip like that
Does she want to hit her targets?
>female character puts on professional level make-up before going on military operation and it stays perfectly intact while she plods through a tropical climate
>gun pointing at the ground
probably not right then
Ugh, women have waterproof makeup, for the beach for example. Do you even have a gf?
Strikeback has tons of women that seem to know their shit. This one leads the pack. Everyone on section 20 went through two months of training
Do you?
no but I am a girl and I still don't know anything about make-up
The Last Ship is pure unadulterated military wank kino. It's great.
hey bros
let's fix this shit
you can be lesbian and have a gf who know about make-up
Evil or God?
I lost interest during the last season. I feel like it hit a pretty significant lull. Does it pick back up?
how can anyone be this perfect?
good :3
You kill your evil twin?
d-dem abs
why does she want to get rid of them wtf
no, he was posting last night
oh, and btw, he told me to call you a faggot for saying we were twins
that guy is pretty weird
girls shouldn't have sixpacks
I have multiple gfs
it's getting insane, isn't it?
we been jojoposting like crazy in /waifuist/, man
kek, I know.
He told me he was posting only in Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
I brought him to this place............. Sorry
Do you watch her videos on YT?
They are soooo comfy, fuggggggggggg.
it's always jojo posting in /w/
jebus....she looks....older....
Based Cunny Kisses
haha, well, it's good to know there's some dedicated jojobros posting in different boards
any idea what he hates me so much?
only the music videos, 2bh
but I've seen a lot of younow clips
ha, true, but these new pics have certainly added some fuel to the fire
is it brynny tiem already? :3
I mean videos like these
kek, is she a womanlet?
oh yeah, comfy as fuck
being tiny is one of cutest features :3
Nothing better to start your day with than Brynnyposting :3
Petite girls are the best
What did she mean by this?
>The fire rises
she's obviously asking for a good boop :3
>he posted the boopiest boop porn
don't do this to me user
baneposting and boopposting are god's greatests gifts
>dat reaction image
kek, saved
this is my fav boopkino, 2bh
i like this one, she makes the little jacket look like it's floating on her
>when she does that little spasm at the end
oh man, these old silly videos are the best
I she having a spasms-gasm?
her little face makes her boops look bigger :3
As a European I love that she's a fan of MLS :3
>ywn take her out to watch a game
the boopness in these videos is absolutely insane
I miss those big ears ;__;
oh, and this is RM shirt, right?
don't know much about divegrass, 2bh
>yfw she has more money than you
ohhhhh, kek
wrong country and wrong league
plz don't tell her
No shame in that, some cunnys are literal millionaires
Haha you're excused :3
>dat fullblown tush
is that kaylyn 'i need your load' slevin?
>are literal millionaires
she was born jewish
Please stop posting this unattractive literallywho.
Such wasted potential
>female operator than the Angel of Sicario
but she wasn't
>Me on the background
>unattractive literallywho
>Beholding her BBC
>insulting both Jordyn and LB
your proxy has arrived
I can post brynn now :3
all money kidding aside, i would eat kaylyn's ass without hesitation
she looks like the offspring of a jewish producer and a blonde-bimbo-wannabe tv host-type
if you get off on that sorta thing which i do
Who LB?
>tfw no hot rich underage gf
why is life so unfair bros?
she's been getting ridiculously curvy lately
shame i can't post the webms because this shitty board doesn't have sound
>I'm ready for frozen and chill, user
>all those monies towards dance classes
>fully functional gym in your own house
>maids and cooks to make you kale smoothies and peach enemas
still can't hold a candle to jojo poor girl from michigan in dance grooves. SAD!
There's something about this outfit... would cuddle all day with :3
It just a shirt.
>and peach enemas
c-citation needed
I know, rite?
if we ever get a brynny-onesie pic I think I'm gonna die :3
is not the shirt, but who's wearing it
>not getting the appeal of Brynny in a comfy shirt
>if we ever get a brynny-onesie pic I think I'm gonna die :3
Pleaaaase, that really needs to happen
>"why aren't you keeping up with me, user! you haven't even worked up a sweat yet...you know i like my seed straw a little salty, don't you?"
just imagine brynnypoo wearing this
would literally melt my heart
>seed straw
kekd irl
Kek pretty good
Jade is cute, CUTE!
>Chokers in little girls