Will Smith is lobbying for a "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly"-esque movie about Batman, Deadshot and Joker.
Would it be capekino?
Will Smith is lobbying for a "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly"-esque movie about Batman, Deadshot and Joker.
Would it be capekino?
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That... Actually doesnt sound bad.
With Afflecks writing and direction, and the acting power, and presence, all three have to offer, it could be really fucking good.
until they do reshoots after deadpool 3 makes 6 gorillian dollars
Wait..who's who? Both Batman and Deadshot are basically good guys in this universe.
that's a good idea actually since he was the only good part of suicide squad and all anyone wants is a batman vs joker movie
Joker:Lee Van Cleef
I think that's the most natural fit.
I don't buy Will ever wanting to work with Leto again. Unless they recast Joker.
Fuck off, Will Smith. Hijack another movie.
3 to Six million gorillas?
I'd love it
You do realize that was pure publicity for the movie, right?
Studio interference will demand that the climax involves giant shitty looking CGI things punching each other, whether or not audiences want them.
But the Batman/Deadshot scene was one of the worst in the movie.
Deadshot and his daughter go into an alleyway, and Batman sneaks up behind them. Batman then says "I don't want to do this in front of your daughter," implying that he'll "do this" in front of Deadshot's kid even if he's not happy about it. Now keep in mind that, in this universe, Batman kills people. This leads me to believe that Batman is prepared to kill a man in an alleyway in front of his own child. Batman. Is going to kill someone. In an alley. In front of their kid.
Seems like something Batman would do.
I dunno man I don't think Batman came in intending to kill Deadshot. DCEU Batman kills people but surely just arrests them sometimes.
Good post
Yeah I wondered why, since Batfleck kills people, why didn't he just machine gun Joker's Lamborghini until it exploded?
Or failing that, why didn't he just let Harley drown?
The Suicide Squad has more sympathetic and heroic people than the Justice League.
The DCEU is some bizarre form of Earth-3.
fucking fake
why the fuck causes you to make shit up you stupid op
That would be pretty cool.
I agree. That sounds like it has amazing potential.
I refuse to pay money to see Suicide Squad. How much was Batfleck in it and was he at least cool? I thought Batman played a big part in the Suicide Squad comics and now he's not there at all.
Batman saved Harley from drowning, so I think he only went full homicidal recently
however this is also fucking dumb and retarded since Joker has a tat of a dead robin on his arm already so it's implied the event that would push him to kill has already happened
>I thought Batman played a big part in the Suicide Squad comics
Where the fuck did you get that idea?
WB don't have the balls to risk a movie like that
>Advocating to rip off Based Eastwood and turn it into capeshit
He's in this scene plus a scene with Harley. That's it. I think he has one line? Maybe two?
If you're gonna steal, steal from the best.
I saw a few clips of Batman in the animated movie and I just assumed that meant he sort of played the same role in the comics. DC is usually pretty good about making their animated flicks follow the comics decently well
After Superman dies I don't think Batman kills anymore. The fact that he doesn't kill/brand Luthor shows that he has a change of heart about killing.
His son did that for him.
Still a bit weird that he'd traumatize a kid like that, even if he wasn't going to kill Deadshot.
"Do this" in context means kick his ass to subdue him. If his goal had been to kill him, do you honestly think he'd have done anything but ambush him?
He gave Deadshot the option of surrendering.
I like the idea.
I actually like this idea.
But since its a good idea DC wont do it.
I don't think they ever meant to make him come off as a dude that just kills people because he's pissed and tired. I also don't think they meant to make him look like he decided not to kill people anymore.
I think they put zero thought into anything and just tried to make their action scenes look cool with zero recollection on whether or not Batman tries to knowingly kill/spare people
Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
I already know what'll happen, it'll start off as a three way fight.....then the joker will manipulate deadshot to join with him and it'll be two on one....then during the final act the joker will kill his daughter or something or threaten her and it'll be Batman/Deadshot vs Joker and his goons
I think you put zero thought into your post.
Why did Zack Snyder say Batman kills people in the Dark Knight Returns when he simply... doesn't? Did he really think he could lie and get away with it? These are comic book nerds.
No please, Smith and Leto need to fuck off kindly
How convenient for Will Smith.
A movie that's almost sure to be a big draw, with his character shoehorned in. Hmm.
Yes, Will, surely this is a story that has to be told.
Heh. Stay evil dollface.
I read DKR and for years and years, I too assumed that they meant to unambiguously portray the Batman as having finally crossed the line on this anonymous gang member.
The only reason Miller even says he *didn't* is pretty obvious backpedaling. There are deeper psychological connections between the Batman and the Joker that would make it far harder for the Batman to kill the Joker than just some random street thug, so it's not even a contradiction, really.
real talk though
regardless of all the
>Batman doesn't kill people!
>Yeah but he's old and pissed off now etc
bullshit, that Batman car chase scene in BvS was super fun and exciting. I remember wanting to die throughout that whole movie and then that scene happened and I was like
and then Superman came and kicked the car and then the rest of the movie was suffering again
I hope the batman standalone movie can be as cool as that scene. Has there ever been a bad chase scene in a Batman movie?
Except that later on he debates on whether or not to finally cross the line on another thug, and there's a news report or something where they don't mention that Batman is a murderer while talking about all of his other crimes. I think Batman wounded the guy in the page you posted.
Sometimes to save an innocent you just have to fucking kill a guy. I don't understand how Batman would have went that far into his career without realizing that earlier anyway. Batman constantly deals with rough situations, and sometimes you just actually have no choice but to cap a guy
The answer is no. There's a real short list of things associated with the Batman that are objectively bad. The list begins with the bat-credit card.
Batman can find his way out of any situation. All he needs is a little prep time, and God knows he's probably constantly thinking of ways to get out of rough situations without killing anyone.
It's a pretty big deal for him.
>combine the best parts of the DCU so far sans Joker, didn't have enough time to shine
not gonna lie, that's actually a pretty sweet idea
I think they probably cut "his time to shine" because it was trash
This, Joker sucked in this movie.
>We all think Batfleck was gonna be bad.
>Is amazing
>We all think Will Smith is gonna suck
>He doesn't
>Jared Leto
>Ok, you got me but we can still make it work, the new joker is a pretty unique and fun twist
Please based Ben, deliver us the first capekino since TDK
>>We all think Will Smith is gonna suck
>>He doesn't
Did we watch two different movies?
>Don't forget, weer dah baaaad guyss
The script was obviously dogshit but I liked Smith's performance. Definitely better than I was expecting from the trailers.
Thats alot of bananas
I actually like this idea, good idea will smith. If Will is reading this please support better DC films, Will, together we can fix the DCEU change.org
we're only 96 away from this being sent to WB, the first step in our journey to better movies. The time are changing, do not accept bad movies lying down. Get up and get good movies made. WB has gone too far this time.
I thought every line he said seemed so flat and emotionless. I got the impression that, much like Deadshot himself, Will Smith wanted to be home with his kids. I think the scenes with his daughter were better than him as "Deadshot" though, to be fair.
anti-white faggot can fuck off
I liked the bar scene and the batman scene with deadshot... literally the only two scenes in the movie I thought worked - also bar scene felt like a glimpse at the movie Ayer actually wanted to make.
I guess we're just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one, my friend. I still like you and want to hang out.
Why is Will Smith obsessed with being the center of attention in movies, what a fucking tool.
>Turned down the matrix because he wouldn't be the only black lead in the movie
>Turned down Django Unchained because Waltz got more lines .
Except for that "doing this" being killing deadshot wasn't the implication at all, you absolute retard. He could have fucking throttled him to death without warning (the stealthy, typical approach), so why would he have given him the option to come away peacefully? To make sure his daughter doesn't have to see his father harmed.
So yes, that is, in fact, a very Batman thing to do.
Well I think that was intentional. Deadshot is a cynical, dead-inside kind of character and I think Smith was trying to play that. I thought it worked though. I haven't liked him in anything since...the first MiB.
He turned down "The Matrix" because he thought it'd be a dud. By then the Wachowskis were courting Gary Oldman to play Morpheus.
His narcissism has definitely sabotaged his career. If he had bothered to listen to people he'd still be making 20 million a movie.
That's the first I've heard of Oldman. I thought they wanted either Tommy Lee Jones or Val Kilmer as Morpheus.
Will Smith also thinks we have an "Islamophobia" problem in the U.S. and that we need to "cleanse" ourselves from Trump and Trump supporters.
Sounds good desu
That would imply Smith is the ugly and I don't think his ego would allow that.
>Will Smith also thinks we have an "Islamophobia" problem in the U.S.
We kind of do, though.
Granted, it can be justified at times, considering the unstable situation in the middle east, but that doesn't mean it's not an issue.
Batman was going to embarrass him by kicking his ass in front of his daughter not murder him
will smith can fuck off and so can his effeminate twink son
>based Eastwood
>not based Leone
Summer over yet?
This absolutely cannot happen, I would allow Deadshot as a very minor villain with Joker as the main villain, but anything else, nah
Except the only two witnesses to the crime, if it did occur, are a pre-verbal child and a thug that might or might not have even been conscious. Why weren't there any news broadcasts about the police seeking the Batman for assault with a deadly weapon? Or just assault? Or any of the grocery list of crimes he's technically guilty of committing by simple virtue of being a vigilante in the first place?
It's literally the most dangerous and most anti-liberal religion on the planet, yet lefties defend it left and right.
At least Christianity for the most part tries to evolve with the times.
I have 0 respect for Islam. There are good Muslim people. Shit religion.
Sure he does.
He and his family have jumped on the Oppression Train and Muslims and American Blacks are now riding on the same railroad.
Thank God for 90s basketball stars like CB and Mailman telling it like it is and not giving a fuck.
Barkley is based as fuck.
Love the guy.
It would be kino without Will Smith. Fuck that asshole
Batman didn't kill anyone outside of the dream sequence
Don't Will and Jared hate each others guts? How would the make a movie where they have actual scenes together?
When he was saving Martha, he shot up a few jeeps that had mounted guns. He destroyed a few vehicles in the car chase for the kryptonite truck, and those guys had no chance to survive. He blows up KGBeast's flamethrower to save Martha. Definitely killed people.
Can't we just have a Batman film where Joker and Harley arrive back in Gotham, and basically do the earlier Dark Knight Returns story, except in the end Joker doesn't die (because Leto needs to stick around)?
I can see something in the idea. Deadshot does seem intent on returning to Gotham and killing Batman (Yeah, sorry mang, I saw how that went down in Arkham Origins for you), and Joker and Harley were going home. So, it would work as something to slot into the timeline of just before JL.
Smith pulled off Deadshot. I liked him enough to sit through his portions of the film; but I don't think the actual character is strong enough to be that prominent in a film with Batfleck and Jarker. He would just be in the way,
who the fuck is deadshot
who cares about these shit movies
will capeshit ever end
Could be interesting.
>the good, the bad and the rough around the edges with a heart of gold
>implying Will Smith has any credibility left
>no power in hollywood
>A list to shit list
why would anyone think that this guy who sucked off the director for a part would have any say in what goes on in Hollywood. He doesn't even have any say in what his family does. he is the equivalent of that guy from the mummy movies but with money
A Good, Bad, Ugly Batman version already exists, it's called Batman Returns.
Morally ugly you moron.
He has the same morals as batman, batman just doesn't need the money.
That's not true, Deadshot doesn't hit women.
Holy fuck YESS as long as we also get a Joker and Harley film.
These would be 2 films to die for.
I loved Smith as Deadshot also. Surprised how good he felt in the role. He wasn't even too quippy as I was afraid he would be but no he played his good old dramatic self as I like
I can't wait to hear Smith make a quip when he comes face to face with Joker
There will never be a Thomas and Martha Wayne espionage thrillers stoping the NWO.
Not true, he doesn't kill women but he threaten to punch Harley.
This. Although I would sure love to see a reboot with him as Neo
I hate will smith