So this is the future of Star Wars, huh?
So this is the future of Star Wars, huh?
cute girls?
ho no god forbid.
There's a Han Solo and a Boba Fett movie in the works, dipshit.
Is the Boba Fett one official? I heard the talk about it, and that Josh Trank was going to direct lol not anymore but ever since then I haven't heard a single word about it. Are they just keeping that under wraps for now since they already have Rogue One, Episode 8, and the Solo movie front and center?
>Is the Boba Fett one official?
No. Not yet at least.
Shes literally the other side of kyle katarn, which looks to have an added male stand in too... diego rivera.
>we're gonna make Star Wars so diverse and inclusive
>two movies in a row now the protagonist is a brown haired british girl
>Six Star Wars movies with male protagonists
>"oh, that's cool xDD"
>One Star Wars film and an anthology film with female protagonists
Get a life, virgin.
This is a rare occasion when I would have prefered a colored woman.
Why does Felicity Jones look ten years older than her age?
White women only. Minority women have to be CGI toons
The future is looking so damn bright.
I'm not complaining.
I would rather look at women than dudes.
But go on being gay, its 2016, we are suppose to allow your kind, I guess.
I'm going to marry that Xeno!
I know, white people right? Ffs Disney.
because she's a patrician waifu for gentlemen.
not savages like you. now go back to defending that pig Chloe.
Rouge One has undergone extensive reshoots and all promo pics are look like a campy version of Vietnam war.
This one will be worse than Suicide Squad.
This demand for diversity only meant overpowered white female characters, huh?
Two dumb British chicks in a row. That's not even diverse, what the fuck?
Wtf? That's sexist!
At least they're white.
pretty much this.
Asians and Latinos already have their cinema so they are fine.
It's white privileged women because they are the demo that more easily spends their income on shit. There's a strong incentive to pander to them.
Blacks are poor and no one likes them, so they take sidekick roles, to avoid possible chimpouts.
well Rey is gonna get BLACKED so next trilogy then?
star wars sucks
it always has
get over it
han will be played by numale pussy and Boba fett will be an ugly nignog
better her and dayyyylmao ridley than this
it was actually supposed to be sersha ronan but she turned it down because star wars is bull shit drivel for plebs
>sersha ronan
go fuck yourself
whats the problem here?
why are you upset?
did you just realize that star wars couldve been good for once but didnt because a real actress sees no value in being a part of such a shitty franchise?
She didn't turned it down, she just lost to Daisy at the audition. That being said, I'd rather have her, she's beatiful and talented, and I love her voice
>but she turned it down because star wars is bull shit drivel for plebs
More like they turned her down because she was an obese whale at the time and didn't want to slim down
It's funny how Sup Forums will piss and cry about women leads but then when a movie with a male is announced they'll just cry that he's a nu-male or something retarded like that.
Face it, you're cynical/contrarian fuck who'll hate everything they do because it's Disney.
>real actress
People talk about Hollywood not wanting to risk large budgets on minority actors and actresses. Somewhat understandable. But we're in the middle of this cry for diversity, so why couldn't have a talented Asian or Hispanic actress been cast as Rey? Especially if the rumors are true that Rey isn't related to the OT cast. It's Star Wars. It was going to sell regardless.
she probably lost to daisy because they needed someone ugly enough but at the same time sexy enough to losers to make them feel like they could have a shot with a fantasy character
sersh wouldve been too beautiful for the loser fanbase of star wars, they wouldve felt intimidated and the fems wouldve been offended that she didnt look like your average ugly woman
because White people are still safer than other Minorities and Disney still wants money from China (who doesn't care about minorities)
Disney is the smartest company making movies right now.
more like she got rejected and then got butthurt over it
...or maybe they wanted someone that had time for reshoots, voicing herself in all of the video games, do her own stunts, want her likeness singed over to Disney forever, and have infinite time available for press.
Maybe Rosan didn't have time.
>she lost to daisy at the audition
lmao. she lost the part because she broke a non disclosure agreement. but man if daisy was the next best thing imagine what they turned down
>it's a diversity means white female or black male lead episode
maybe she wasnt even trying in the audition because of all those very valid points you made
>maybe they wanted someone that had time for reshoots, voicing herself in all of the video games, do her own stunts, want her likeness singed over to Disney forever, and have infinite time available for press.
>she broke a non disclosure agreement
what she say?
whats your source?
More often than not, white female. And a tension killing, power fantasy at that.
They can't be very good looking or it would be sexist.
Felicity is pushing it.
Blame hunger games
Star Wars is supposed to be gritty.
>someone ugly enough but at the same time sexy enough to losers to make them feel like they could have a shot
most of the pics of actresses on Sup Forums
But the last Hunger Games movie practically flopped.
And no clone of HG did particularly good in the boxoffice.
maze runner?
divergent insurgent emergent resurgent detergent
>mfw they could have cast someone that actually looks like Jan but didn't
>mfw Kyle Katarn isn't canon
>real actress
Riiight, she's shite. Only reason she was nominated last year was because the movie she was in was too good to ignore.
A asian chick would have been perfect 2bh
adults are talking
>Han Solo movie
you will when she smiles
>Kyle Katarn
You guys are never going to stop
People were bitching about how everyone who hated the new Ghostbusters hated female leads, but I'd be down for a superhero/action movie if this cutie was the lead.
Why did Cuteana only have 12 lines in Suicide Squad?
>he and Thrawn are the best characters the EU has to offer
>Thrawn is now canon
Why stop?
why does she look like she's 50?
>two white women
Biracial transvestite homosexual atheist Muslim lead actress when?
Ho-lee-shit. She literally looks 45 here.
>a Han Solo
mun nu males. get the fuck out
Seeing the trailer I was kind of impressed because I thought "Wow, they're seriously giving middle aged women a chance in the lead role?"
Can't believe how young she is.
I won't.
She looks perfectly fine m8.
She's an acquired taste.
I don't think she looks bad, just older than I thought. I like her look.
How does anyone think the left is hot??
How does anyone not?
looking forward to her Jyn Erso
>main character girl
>sidekick black
you guys do realise if they do a han solo spin-off he's going to be chinese?
Holy shit this has gone to far
>if it it woman, or ethnic it is SJW propaganda, if it is white male it is nu male SJW propaganda.
>I thought this was a shoop from the thumnail
There's already a confirmed young Han and he's not asian