I'm so hungry
I'm so hungry
This is better than the BLACKED threads, I suppose
Me too
The way he moves that bread around on the pan makes him look like a tool tbqh
Also this movie sucked.
right, that's that done with
i'm a chef and making a grilled cheese like that isnt as nearly as complicated as that
>put it on a plate
>take it off
>then put it back on
was that supposed to be appealing?
Why oil when you just buttered it?
yeah hes a chef he can move things around on the flat top without burning himself it looks soo cool
olive oil and butter for flavor, the real flavor comes from his fat finger grease
Olive oil and
Literally kornheiser
fuck grilled cheese seriously
at least make a movie about steaks and meat
He needs to move it from the hot stove to the cutting board. The logical vessel to do that is a plate.
he has a flattop in his home kitchen tho, i mean come on
C-calories in calories out. R-right guys?
Yes. It's not a meme. I do it constantly and still lose a good amount of weight
If I was a chef I'd have one in my kitchen at home. Fuck, if I were wealthy at all I'd have one.
No, not all calories are processed the body the same.
Do you have medical issues or are you just a disgusting fat fuck?
She's a big girl
ITT: Americans react badly to the idea of someone expending more effort than the absolute minimum necessary to give food better flavor, texture, and/or presentation
>count calores
>have 1500 a day max
>still gain weight
must be a thyroid condition or my genetics
Do you sit around 12 hours a day ?
That is weird. I do 1500 a day and sit around all day and have been dropping weight fast
yeah that must be it lel
at least admit it, fat shit
Butter has a low smoking point, you add olive oil and butter when pan frying something so that the butter mixed with the olive oil have a higher smoking point
I'll admit I sometimes have some snacks but those calories don't count because it's just a snack
I eat at least 2k a day and still lose weight. Then again I lose weight like crazy when I try. 5 pounds within 2 weeks.
>not all calories are processed the same
please nobody take this guys advice
With a soon to be big turd. What I wouldn't give to sniff that log.
Uhhh they do count. If you're gonna count your calories and lose weight then everything you eat counts. That is the point of it
why is she so hungry?
If your body doesn't produce insulin, you generally won't gain any weight.
Insulin is the key fat storage hormone.
Fat = near zero insulin response
Protein = moderate insulin response
Carbohydrate =high insulin response
>counting calories
You faggots make me sick pull your skirt down
I love counting calories. No shame in it
>Uhhh they do count.
nah they're just a handleful of m&ms a few times a day no big deal mate
i can genuinely tell that you dont really know what you are saying, and are likely just parroting things off /fit/
Literally retarded
Fuck you
Serious responses only, please.
this shit has to stop
>handful of mnms a few times a day
>x20mnms = 80 calories
>few times = 3 therefore 240 calories
>consuming a whopping 250 extra calories just to 'snack'
Why do so many people want to pretend that the oil + butter is just bad filmmaking? You just don't do it like that. And you don't fry in olive oil you mental detectives
*isn't just
nah mate it's cool they dont count
I made this exact toasted sandwich with the same method and same cheeses today. It was pretty good. They only sell gruyere in annoying thin hard-to-slice dimensions in Tesco though, so cutting that shit was annoying.
Some europoor in the chef thread yesterday thought the orange cheddar was processed american cheese because and i quote "i have never seen cheese of that colour"
>"grilled cheese"
>it's actually fried
>it's orange for some reason
Sort it out, America.
>its another plebian has never seen aged orange cheddar episode
>aged orange cheddar
Cheddar is orange in America because they dye it.
should i go to culinary school, Sup Forums?
no, you're thinking processed cheese, various ages of orange cheddar has been around for hundreds of years
I didn't go to culinary school, I went to restaurants.
wow nigga fuk u
wut? it's literally the most impatient meal you can cook
no you stupid cunt, YOU are thinking of processed cheese. its common for american cheddar to be dyed orange because thats what theyre used to
>you're thinking processed cheese
No, it's real cheese, but they dye it.
5 kinds of fat
enjoy your weight gain
To be fair, it took me the better part of an hour because I've never made a toasted sandwich outside of an actual sandwich toaster, and I usually just use Cathedral City or Pilgrim's Choice cheddars rather than three fucking types. On top of that I never cook in general.
>processed american cheese is hundreds of years old
this is literally what you are saying right now
I'm tired enough to react to this
Yeah, they've been dying it with plants for hundreds of years, its not something new that was made in the 50's
nice try, i have IMMUNITY
why do European think Americans only eat processed cheese? most of the grocery stores in my town have entire sections dedicated to a shitload of obscure cheeses
Cucked again
im assuming you are trolling me because nobody can be this retarded
is he supposed to be a good cook in this movie?
i'm no chef but i cook often and it seems to me this guy is an absolute shitter
>says exactly what I said he said
>boy you sure must be retarded because of how wrong I am
order a pizza
Just fucking carry it there on the spatula.
anyone have that webm from inglorious basterds where the waiter puts the whip cream on the pastry
what the fuck
can you go back to my post about dyed american cheese and start again? your half brained epic greentext retorts really arent making sense
you thought I was confusing american cheese for cheddar cheese, which I wasn't, you then claimed I was a cunt who thought american cheese was hundreds of years old when my post clearly stated that cheddar cheese that is orange is hundreds of years old, unlike american processed cheese
I know someone with a small deep fryer as part of their kitchen. A small flattop isn't so bizarre.
Do you... secretly love us?
Why do all "pro" chefs put olive oil on literally everything?
It takes like shit.
just replying to say i appreciate you putting the effort to spoonfeed that retard about what you were conveying. it wasn't even that confusing
the halfwit isn't going to acknowledge his fuckup
Fuck being superstitious
Fuck off
Envy and inferiority complex, is it really that hard to understand? Let them fuss
why, you prefer your crust unevenly browned?
you sound conceited. does anyone like you?
So melted cheese can dribble onto your counter on the way?
Holy fuck so easy to spot the Mac 'n' Cheesers in this thread.
A non-grilled sandwich takes a third of the time.
kys faggot
Joke's on you, cunt. She died in February.
>if its cheddar cheese, and its orange, then it is hundreds of years old
You really are a stupid cunt, the firs guy you responded to was saying that cheddar cheese made today, in america, is dyed orange for appearance.
You then told him that hes thinking of "processed cheese" (synonymous with fake kraft cheese), and stated that orange cheddar has been around for a long time (no shit)
I expressed that the first person was not talking about processed cheese, rather cheddar cheese, made in america, today
Then you tried to tell me that i said processed cheese is hundreds of years old
I really think you should kill yourself
>So melted cheese can dribble onto your counter on the way?
Nigger you don't fully liquidize that shit. That sounds disgusting.