This is my slutty older sister's used tampon. Trips decides what I do with it

This is my slutty older sister's used tampon. Trips decides what I do with it

Throw it away properly.

Take it to her room and ask her if she's okay. That's a lot of blood loss.

Go in your parent's car and wrap the thread around the rearview mirror like an air freshener.

Not especially for a period

Suck on it

rawling and lollin'

Throw it in the trash

Put in mouth then go to sister saying it tastes bad and she should get checked.

Put the kettle on and make yourself a cup of tampon tea.

Suck it until its dryer than the Sahara desert

Slap someone with it

Cum on it

rollin for this

superglue it into your butthole

put it in the fridge

Heavy flow cunt detected tits or gtfo

LOL, better hope she doesn't have HIV

Make tea

wipe it on someone's windshield

either this or eat it

Put it in your neighbors mailbox

Cum on it.



Got em

Get help

Just go to sleep, OP. Please.

Eat it you bitch

Suck on it and shove it in your ass post vid

Shove it in your ass hole and go to your mom and tell her you just had anal for the first time and you used ur sisters tampon and now it got stuck.

Alright. Boiling water now, I'll update with pics after it's done. How long should it steep?

oh god you gotta do this op...and film the reaction after they check on it

Tie it to a stick, make makeshift morningstar, hit sister in the face with it, and webm that shit

Throw it away

dubs for 5 minutes

Tampon tea

lol I thought that was a strip of roast beef at first

tea bag it in a cup of hot water and drink

Put in hot water and use it like a teabag. Then drink it.

at least 2 mins

put it in her shoe.

and then tie her shoelaces together lmao



stick it in ur pooper


Smear vasoline all over it, light it on fire and leave it on her bed.

This because it reminds me of the condom i put in my neighbor's mailbox

deep fry it and eat it

hail fucking Satan

Rolling for this

Eat it.

Dude.. op is already doing that.

Do it OP


Newfag detected cock or GTFO

Ask her why the fuck she did not flush it

OP here, fuck that, I can't do it. It's way too fucking gross, no way will i put it anywhere in my body. Fuck that, quads decide now, I WILL deliver. GET ROLLING.

OP is a faggot, abort thread

I was hoping for that too..just for the lulz



Put in oil hole on car.

Fuck you i got Satan trips and you won't diliver you beta cuck

Because you don't flush tampons you stupid faggot

Feed it to local fido

LMAO smh

OP should be gunned down for being a pussy boi

>This is my slutty older sister's used tampon
Is that a finger?

kill youself, roll

squirt the juices all over your face cunt

steeping now. smells bad


After drinking the tea, show it to your sister, whilst dipping the tampon in your mouth. film it.

You fucking pussy

yeah that's not me

Op wont deliver, of course not, op is always a fag.. first trips now quads.. fine, i roll one fucking time op

Use the tampon, make tea out of it, let the tampon sit in the hot water for exactly 10 minutes, then drink the water - slowly and enjoy the taste.

cum... cum on it and post pic

eat it

why does that look like roast beef?

Pour it out and go to bed you nasty fuck


oh yes thats a good idea

gulp that shit down OP, let it cool if you have to

make sure it's a video

time and time OP never ceases to be a faggot

Oh shit, op delivers..

Anons that wasn't the real op we all were trolled

>being this much of a faggot

Leave it on your floor and say nothing about it

Reroll since OP is a faggot


that's not me, you fuckin moron. look at my photographic evidence and learn reading comprehension

drink it or were cutting off the (you)'s

drink it

Suck up all the blood and then show your sister the tampon you sucked when youre done and tell her what you did.

Oh shit, cancle that - go ahead op.

Walk into her room, place it in front of her, wink, and leave

won't take a pic of me taking a sip because it either reveals my face or shows nothing, but I took a sip and it doesn't taste bad or like anything really. like hot water with pennies in it for a long time

This faggot

LUL like hell you did.

stick it up your arse then dip it, show it to your sister and drink it, having her at your company.

also CHECK EM ^

Wear a mask drinking it.

probably not op