ITT: Worst Coen Bro's Films
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Anyone who finds this humorous should consider seppuku desu
not bumpin this shit
We have your shit
What did we learn, Palmer?
>Not true Grit
that llewyn davis shit
True grit was good tho but I had to watch with subtitles
kys weab faggot
2nd best Coen movie after True Grit Tbqh
No country
A Serious Man
Oh brother
Raising Arizona
These are Coen kino
Every Coen flick is shit
>2nd WORST Coen movie after True Grit Tbqh
how was hail caesar? haven't gotten a chance to marathon it yet
llewyn davis
hail caesar
intolerable cruelty
burn after reading
all shit
Why you don't like true grit faggot
Bet you liked Millers crossing you plebian
no country for old men
shit ending
stop fucking trolling you fucking fag
1. Fargo
2. Hail Caesar
3. Burn after reading
4. A serious man
5. Inside Llewyn Davis
He should have died in the car accident. Would have been ironic and actually good
Are the coen bros Sup Forums's favorite directors?
This wood chipper will surely get rid of all the evidence of a murder :^)
no, they're way too mainstream
Kurosawa - Tarkovsky - Jodorowsky
The wood chipper scene makes me crack up every time. It's a Coen movie, obviously it was meant to be humorous. Also, "Have you noticed this? I got shot! I got shot in the fucking face!"
You got pleb filtered
Is this movie really what the south is like?
>Pleb Filter
I bet you think Raising Arizona was good too
You think right
The chase scene with the dogs is absolute perfect
I agree, this movie is so shit.
I liked this movie, but I seriously couldn't understand what any of the characters were saying 40% of the time. I should watch it again with subtitles. Props to the Coens for paying a lot of attention to the accents at least.
Hail Caesar was pretty mediocre
>No Blood Simple
Oh, boy.
Blood Simple is great
It's a sloppy movie ffs
This is the least DUDE WEED LMAO stoner movie that I can think of. It's classic coen brothers comedy through and through.
you're fucked in the head if you think that's their worst movie
The only people who don't laugh at this have never met a minnesotan
This is the correct answer. I honestly still enjoy it, its impossible for me to not enjoy any Coen movie, but in comparison to everything else it's pretty awful
I don't want to if they're like the people in Fargo
What's your favorite Coen bro movie scene?
Bonus points if not from Big Lebowski
The Ladykillers is the only one I haven't seen, and most people think it sucks.
Honestly, Raising Arizona is probably my least favorite. Intolerable Cruelty and Burn After Reading are nothing special, but they make me laugh. Raising Arizona does nothing for me.
NCFOM, Inside Llewyn Davis, Fargo, A Serious Man, and The Man Who Wasn't There are my favorites.
The "I don't see a lot of money here" scene from Inside Llewyn Davis gives me goosebumps everytime. It's cliched, but the coin toss scene from No Country too. The scene when Llewyn asks the soldier guy "So what now? Do you plug yourself in somewhere?" makes me chuckle everytime as well. That movie had perfect dry humor.
Official Power Rankings.
God Tier
Barton Fink
No Country For Old Men
Inside Llewyn Davis
A Serious Man
The Big Lebowski
Close To God Tier
Miller's Crossing
Great Tier
True Grit
Raising Arizona
Good Tier
Blood Simple
Burn After Reading
The Man Who Wasn't There
Meh Tier
The Hudsucker Proxy
Hail, Caeser!
Bad Tier
Intolerable Cruelty
Pretend It Doesn't Exist Tier
The Ladykillers
Kubrick, Goddard, Malick, Leone, FFC, PTA, Scorsese and Fincher are all more discussed and liked here than Jodorowsky.
Hell, even James Cameron (though I suppose it's ironically).
See, I quite liked this remake of the Ladykillers.
It's amusing how the old take-no-shorts black woman donates to Bob Jones University, and how Hanks' erudition utterly fails on multiple occasions - finally, that the woman and Bob Jones (IIRC) make out all right in the end. Almost as if God planned it that way).
>on Sup Forums
you must be meming my friend
Also yeah you're probably right about Jodo but the real autists who want to stand out even from the Sup Forums crowd talk about him
Inside Llewyn Davis sucked.
> all this hate for raising arizona
the one time they tried to be funny and actually succeeded
I'll give it a shot! I don't actually dislike any Coen movie yet. Raising Arizona is just meh, the others I like/love.
idk but I simply cannot invest to the story. There are some stupid moments, too.
This is ironic on multiple levels.
First, Fargo itself is not in Minnesota, but just across the statte line, in North Dakota. Yes, the culture is much the same, but this is a salient point regularly worth making when discussing the movie/property and its association with Minnesota-as-such.
Second, the only scene of the original film which is set in Fargo is the opening scene, hence the film's name. However, the exterior shots were filmed in the central part of Minneapolis, around an area which is now a charitable apartment building for people who have HIV. In other words, the contextual connections with "Fargo" as a real or even a fictional place become even more scant, and less literal. Further, IIRC we never have any positive indication in the original film that either of the thugs are "from" Fargo, maybe they just live in that part of the world.
My point is that the titular "Fargo" of the film and property is just a kind of verbal token which sounds nice, and starts the story going. In some definite sense, both the literal, actual place and its scant depictions have little to do with Minnesota-in the film at least.
Now as for the TV show, which I couldn't be fucked with, maybe they use it more. Ask some other user.
It was just lying there...
I find it on the floor there
I've only seen it once, but I paid attention because I knew that it was important. I remember liking it, and now I want to see it again.
Blood Simple is a great start to a directorial career. To watch it is to immediately understand what the Coens will be about for the next thirty years - modernity, noir, dark humor, certain recurring actors, and perhaps most importantly, /crucial misunderstandings and confusions among the main and certain secondary characters/. The Coens' whole career is here.
I'll go one step further in praise of Blood Simple: like no other Coen Brothers movie I've seen before or since, the entire film can be appreciated as a joke. Guy 1 does x, Guy 2 watches Guy 1 do y, etc etc etc and everyone THINKS they've got it ALL figured out, and NONE of them has the whole story. Until finally, as it happens, two characters meet, and one finally understands what's been going on. then he delivers the punchline of the two-hour joke setup.
Roll credits.
This. I love the ending of this movie. "Well ma'am, if I see him, I'll be sure to give him the message". It's so poetic.
Yeah, I mean I appreciate that part of the film. Other things just don't seem to put up for a good piece. There are scenes that be there for the sake of being there. Characters are pretty funny, too.
But really, I can see the good in this, but I guess I was just too biased for that lighter foreshadowing.
Miller’s Crossing
Intolerable Cruelty
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
But people will defend anything old shit they do.
I haven't seen Miller's Crossing, I just know that my dad really likes it. I'm interested for you to elaborate on why you think it's inferior.
Don't be worried about spoiling anything.
he's a fucking pleb don't listen to him
o brother and millers crossing are both 2 of their best
I haven't seen it in years, but I remember it being an absolute chore to watch. I've forgotten mostly everything other than my resentment.
Once Upon a Time in America came out 5 years beforehand, I don't know why they bothered.
O Brother starts strong but it becomes so rushed in the second half, characters pop in and out, events come and go with no impact on the story and then it just ends. Could have easily been twice as long.
>Once Upon a Time in America came out 5 years beforehand
yea you have no idea what you're talking about
only similarity is the underworld aspect .. completely different films
Yes, one's a masterpiece and the other is something that doesn't even deserve to be a stage play.
lolwut? kys retard
Don't believe everything you read on imdb you edgy 16 year old faggot.
oooh DAMN you sure told me!
I need to watch more of their stuff. Especially O Brother. I have seen it but not since it came out.
One I probably liked the least out of what I've seen is Miller's Crossing, but it's still pretty good.
Haven't watched Big Lebowski yet. Fargo's great I think but my mom for some reason hates it with a passion.
>a lot can happen in the middle of nowhere
yeah, a lot of shit
Sup Forums is an 18+ board. Off you go.
You should watch Miller's Crossing again brah. It's pretty great from what I remember. You need to pay attention to the plot, but everything comes together so nicely.
Not bad, would bump down a tier ILD and TMWWT, and bump up a tier Blood Simple and Hudsucker Proxy, but pretty spot on.
The Ladykillers isn't that bad desu, the weird Southern 1950's in the 1990's style is pretty interesting.
>has shit opinion
>gets called out for being a fucking pleb
>hurr durr must be a kid
Have you ever made a post without memey internet slang for teens?
It's okay.
it's part of Sup Forums's tradition. idk why
you have a shit opinion and now you feel a bit stupid
and embarrassed so you have to keep bringing up my use of memes and calling me a child
i know it hurts, but damn son, it's not my fault your mom raised a faggot pleb
>damn son
>your mom
You made it so close to the end without sounding like a 16 year old kid. Better luck next time.