Why didn't Elrond push him?
Why didn't Elrond push him?
why didn't the eagles just build a nest on top of mt. doom, blocking off the airway to put out the lava?
1.- Because lava doesnt need fucking oxygen to stay hot you dumb abortion.
2.- Without lava nobody would be able to destroy the ring
>I'm going to take this ring faggot
He had the ring of power. Thats at least a +5 to dex. Hed dodge that shit.
elrond was a beta faggot
Because Elves aren't utilitarians
I know someone has the pic to this.
Only in the movie does this scene not make sense. In the book there's nothing to suggest that Elrond is standing right next to Isildur when he gets the ring.
post the fucking comic
Isildur wasn't leaving without the ring.
If Elrond tried to attack him for the ring he would have started a huge war which neither said wanted, as they'd literally spent the last few years sieging Sauron trying to lure him out.
If Elrond managed to take the ring, he'd have fallen to its corruption as well.
None of this matters anyway because it didn't happen in the books.
That would be like, really impolite man.
>fight a giant war over the ring of power
>go to destroy it
>isn't destroyed
>just go about the next several thousand years or whatever without giving it a second though
Most irresponsible being in middle earth, yo.
For an elf that's like a week. They're just very chill dudes.
Bitch, the world almost got fucked up because of this dumb ass, knife eared faggot. Set up an "The order of guys who need to find the ring" or something, even if they just pop in once a month and be all like "nope, still nothing"
At least then he can say he did something.
Why would he? The elves were leaving Middle-Earth anyway, he didn't give a fuck about Sauron and stupid men. He only helped them because of Arwen.
Would have been pretty cool desu had Elrond actually tried fighting Isildur and we see that numenorean genes in action beating the crap out of that elven pussy and leaving Elrond for dead
Why didn't Gandalf just give the ring to the eagles? Even if they were going to get corrupted by it, what's the most it can do, make them fly faster?
Eagles are Tolkien's Deus Ex-Machina.
thank you
Tolkien elves aren't d&d fuccbois, they were big brawny supermen who wrestled balrogs and fucked up their enemies with swords and axes. Isildur was a Numenorean of royal blood but I'd still bet on Elrond in a fight.
he had the ring and he was powerful enough to use it
LOL a sissy-trap femboy elf overpowering the king of Numenor...
>Literally a brother to the first king of Numenor
Elrond was probably strong enough to hold Isildur off the ground by his throat and toss him in ring or not. Elves are pretty strong.
It just drives me crazy he let him walk right out the door with it.