Hey /b. What is this?

Hey /b. What is this?
> inb4 super-aids

its a blister. fap to muchz

its a cyst cuz you dont wash your dick. it'll probably stay there forever unless you get it cut out.

can confirm super-aids

Go to a doctor you cunt

you'd better go to the dermatologist. Do you have insurance?

Super duper AIDS

I had a cyst that kind of looked like that once; it hurt like a bitch and when it finally popped it left a scar; try and avoid touching it and keep it dry

Spider egg pouch

Looks like an ingrown hair you've been fucking with, or a pimple you've ignored for extremely too long.

Do what says

Looks like a cluster of warts, possibly HPV? Between 60 to 70% of men have HPV. Just get it checked out and then get vaccinated to prevent further breakouts

Literally penile cancer.

ive had this as well you get it from too much masturbation you have to cut down on it and if its still there in 5 or so days i suggest going to the doctor

pop it

it's probably teh Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).
You can test it at the doctors.

its called chancro

super aids I have it

Get your skin checked! Could be scabies starting out.

Pretty sure they're genitals. Secifically male genitals, referred to as testes and the penis.

I get them here and there. My Doctor told me to rub a raw chili directly on the sore, it works and it really doesn't hurt at all. You should try it.

no one is going to fall for that one.


It honestly looks like a wart. Veruca vulgaris HPV caused?

I have heard of capsacian patches for pain but i dont think you should rub raw chili on your cock. I study medicine.

It is super aids related, I have one too right now. It will go down to nothing with a prescription of antibiotic tablets, but may come back again later. I got mine from hetero related aids sex, but yours is clearly related to all of those cocks you have been sucking.


Ignore these fucks, you've been jerking too much. Stop for a week or so and should be okay.
Also start using lube.

It's herpes genitalis.

Had the same thing, cut it off with a razor blade. Try it

I had the same thing in the same spot. This is spot on.