incest user here. sometimes i post.
used to sex with sister. ask me anything. im bored.
picture not her. just famous singer.
incest user here. sometimes i post.
used to sex with sister. ask me anything. im bored.
picture not her. just famous singer.
How did it start? Did you see each other naked accidentally or was it planned by one of you?
How old were you both when it started? How did it start? How long did it last? Did anyone find out? Body type of you and sister
>How did it start?
slept with me since she was little. then she got older and i felt attracted to her. then over time it happened.
>Did you see each other naked accidentally or was it planned by one of you?
gradually happened. first with dick and boobs. then other stuff until finally naked.
Yea anyways how was the pH balance of your sisters cunt? More on the basey side or acidic?
>How old were you both when it started?
>How long did it last?
>Did anyone find out?
no. no one.
> Body type of you and sister
athletic. not so much now because we are older but before yes. athletic.
>Yea anyways how was the pH balance of your sisters cunt? More on the basey side or acidic?
it wasnt acidic. just normal. are some women acidic?
Depends on the diet
i didnt know this. she always tasted normal. maybe because we were young.
was it consensual? i mean, at first, who engaged who?
Pics of sister?
My assumption is that you creeped on them somehow because it's the only female other than your mother that's in your life, and you're basically so socially inept that the only female you're attracted to (and the only one you can talk to) is the one that has NO choice but to be around you.
If I was your parent I'd kick your ass and then kick you out of the house. I'm no saint but it's so fucking obvious that the only reason you have such a hard on for your relatives is because 1) She's female and 2) You can't figure out how to have any interaction with any other female other than the ones that are forced to be around you. That's the most beta shit I've ever heard of.
Either way this is pretty sick and stupid. Ten years from now once you've gotten out in the world and have experienced female companionship in the workplace or even a girlfriend, you'll cringe and feel ashamed at this wacky fascination you had with your sister/cousin/aunt.
Sure it's all fun and games for Sup Forums but seriously, if this kind of shit really gets you off and it's a relative, realize that you need to work on social skills instead of trying to live this stupid fantasy of yours. Jerking off to your relatives isn't healthy.
How old are you now?
Was she conventionally attractive, or do you think you more attracted to her due to her being your sis?
>was it consensual?
yes. of course.
>at first, who engaged who?
i did, but she said no. but later on she said she did want to. (see my penis) and then more things happened.
hold on. give me a minute.
U serious m8? This could explain why my ex her pussy tasted bad
>How old are you now?
30 something.
>Was she conventionally attractive, or do you think you more attracted to her due to her being your sis?
conventionally attractive. i almost never felt romantic attraction to her (only sometimes) and we would never kiss when we had sex.
>sure it's all fun and games for Sup Forums but seriously, if this kind of shit really gets you off and it's a relative, realize that you need to work on social skills instead of trying to live this stupid fantasy of yours.
this was a long time ago. we dont do anything anymore., so you dont have to be angry.
>greentext the first encounters
If OP did have issues getting strange pussy, the parents genes and upbringing are responsible. They (you) have no grounds to judge, and deserve the full share of judgment.
Why did you guys stop?
Do you still talk or does she hate you for fucking her so young?
she met my brother in law and told me she felt guilty about us having sex because it felt like she was chating on him and that she wanted to stop. so I said ok and we stopped having sex after that.
we are still the same. everything is the same. except we are old now (well i am) and we have different lives. we still talk and see each other and do everything the same. just no sex.
>If OP did have issues getting strange pussy, the parents genes and upbringing are responsible.
i had a girlfriend when it started and had another girlfriend when it stopped. im not ugly.
lol. so now you censor the entire room? if you are this paranoid by now why don't you just stop posting?
How long was she fucking you and BF/husband for at the same time? She ever fuck you both on the same day?
there is other people in the picture. and its not a room. sorry.
>How long was she fucking you and BF/husband for at the same time?
i think like 3 or 4 months. then she told me that she loved hima and the cheating stuff and we stopped. they got married the next year.
>She ever fuck you both on the same day?
i dont know. but probably. i never asked her that.
3-4 months that's a pretty big secret, but I guess so is fucking your brother.
Do you have any other brothers or sisters?
Was she having sex with anyone else or just you and her BF?
>3-4 months that's a pretty big secret, but I guess so is fucking your brother.
i knew she was going out with him but i didnt know it was serious until she told me.
>Do you have any other brothers or sisters?
no its just me and her. no more brothers or sisters.
I get it. I'm obsessed with my niece. 19. Half Asian. So sexy. Fap to her all the time. Wanna fuck her so bad. Pic related.
Did you ask had they had sex? Or how was it?
only me and him that i know. but i never asked her if she did anything with him. i didnt want to know that.
>Did you ask had they had sex?
no i didnt ask her but i thought they did after some point. when she took him to my parents house i knew.
Well shit! I thought it was you being perverse with her but it more sounds like you were in love with her.
Did you fuck her after that?
How did it feel when u finally got in the cookies
got moar?
>Well shit! I thought it was you being perverse with her but it more sounds like you were in love with her.
well i have always loved her very much because she was my sister and didnt want to know those things even though we had sex ourselves. i dont know why.
sometimes i felt like i loved her romantically, but only when one specific thing happened and i think it was because of that one thing. somebody here said it was because of the hormones released, so i think thats the right explanation.
>Did you fuck her after that?
we were still doing things when he met my parents but after she said she didnt want to do things anymore nothing happened except for a blowjob and it was because i asked her for it.
>How did it feel when u finally got in the cookies
very aroused. i was trying not to cum too fast, but still did.
I always get off on knowing how big a slut a girl is and what she gets up to but I guess when it's your little sister it's different.
did you ever not use birth control?
>u serious m8
Oh please, don't even pretend you've ever been with someone. Go fetch your fedora and play some minecraft.
>I always get off on knowing how big a slut a girl is and what she gets up to but I guess when it's your little sister it's different.
yes. you understand. even if we were doing things i still felt weird knowing if she was doing something with her boyfriend. i had a girlfriend too when it started and she never asked me antyhign either. but i think she knew anyway but never asked me.
>did you ever not use birth control?
in the beginning yes, and then no, and then yes again because she got pregnant, but we didnt have it.
Do you think you will you ever have sex again? You want this to happen again?
Did you ever fuck you GF and Sister on the same day?
>Do you think you will you ever have sex again?
i dont think we will. one time she told me she only saw her husband like that now and i think she meant it because nothing has happened again.
>You want this to happen again?
yes. if she wanted to i would.
>Did you ever fuck you GF and Sister on the same day?
yes. but i always preferred to just be with my sister, so i would tell my girlfriend i was doing something else and not see her. she left because of that eventually and also because she smelled my dick and suspected something one time but not with my sister.
She smelled your dick and then what? lol.
explain faggot.
So not even birthday blowjobs? :(
Please keep them coming, this girl is hot as fuck
i had had sex with my sister and when i saw my girlfriend later that day she wanted to give me oral and i forgot and when she tried to do it she stopped and asked me why my dick smelled weird and i told her i had masturbated but she didnt believe me and didnt want to give me oral anymore. and after that it was just problems and she left evetually. broke up.
i got a blowjob from her but it wasnt like before. she wasnt really interested. after that nothing happened again.
lol. wash your dick often if you're fucking different girls user. lol.
How old were you guys the first time you fucked?
Ever almost got caught?
How often would you fuck?
Also, more pics.
Shocking! Once a year for old times sake would have been golden.
Who was the older one, user?
Did she swallow?
She's perfect
>lol. wash your dick often if you're fucking different girls user. lol.
i always showered but i forgot that time.
>How old were you guys the first time you fucked?
>Ever almost got caught?
yes, by my mother. but she never said anything after so i dont think she knows.
>How often would you fuck?
2 times a week? 3 sometimes.
>Also, more pics.
ok. give me time.
>Shocking! Once a year for old times sake would have been golden.
i think so too. but i never pushed anything with her. so i dont ask anymore.
>Who was the older one, user?
i am.
>Did she swallow?
yes. sometimes.
Did you do anal or any kinky stuff? When so, which age (hers) you started that?
Any shots with her body?
>Did you do anal or any kinky stuff?
we tried anal in the beginning but she said it hurt and we didnt try it again. it went in a lot, but only because she panicked and backed up into me and it slid in.
>when so
kinky stuff was lingerie, but maybe thats not very kinky to some.
Her body is so tight.
my older sister messed around with me and some friends when we were teenagers,still recall the experience fondly
I thought you got her pregnant a few months later and she was 16. How does this work when first sex was with 14?
you tenia 23. no 21. ella 16.
So do you have a young GF now to play big brother/little sister with?
>yo. not you. sorry.
>So do you have a young GF now to play big brother/little sister with?
no. i am single. i sometimes go out with women but its not serious. its just to go out and do something.
would you fugg your mom?
>would you fugg your mom?
haha. no. that would be disgusting. and yes i know.
Normal vaginal pH is like 4, which is acid you dumb fuck
>Normal vaginal pH is like 4, which is acid you dumb fuck
ok. but i dont know. it didnt taste like acid. to me acid is like when you throw up after drinking. but ok.
lol - we can conclude: Banging your sister doesn't make you smart...
if you're smart you don't bang your sister. Or at least you use birth control
Virgin fags, we looked up one fact on internet, we smart, you stupid!
Yes pussy is normally slightly acidic to kill bacteria and viruses, it's a warm moist breading ground. However, when a woman is aroused she gets "wet" which is a base liquid that reduces the acid, makes it slippery, and sweet. Younger woman produce more which is why it's milky in color. Older women produce less which is why they are drier and taste nasty. Get your face of internet and into some pussy to put your facts into context.
She's not even that hot. Maybe I'm just not into asians
Imagine her sucking your cock
do some Sup Forums magic and find out who the girl is and tell her that her uncle wants to fuck her
I don't even pop a slight boner. I think you have a problem. She also has a gap in her teeth LOL
no my cum just tastes like shit, I drink to much
>because it felt like she was chating on him
if you had a boy and a daughter would you let them sleep in the same bed?
why don't you have a girlfriend?
why would I want the boy to sleep with us?
I have a story with my aunt. Does it count OWs incest?
yes. until they got older.
well, some women my age have kids and they want to live together and i dont want to have to support their children. i also have problems with sex and have problems cuming. so sometimes i dont want to spend money to go out with women just to have sex with them since i cant cum anyway.
dem trips, and top kek
Virginfag here, what does pussy taste like
Did you ever send your sister off to see him with a hot load of cum in her pussy?
Dick problems or mental problems?
Inscest thread? I have a story about my aunt if anyone is interested?
it tastes like sweaty salty skin.
no. it was not like that. i didnt know when things between them happened. i didnt ask.
mental problems. cant cum with normal women sex. i can have sex but not cum. its hard to.
>cant cum with normal women sex
What does get you off?
i dont have videos or pictures of doing anything, so i look for videos that look like stuff we did and i masturbate to that. i can cum like that. or just thinking about it sometimes.