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>Sam, don't let Bumblebee fall for the Jewish scheme!
What did Bay mean by this? I don't know why he thought it was relevant to Optimus's character
>Literally taking care of starving Transformers babies in the desert
How is he the bad guy again?
>(21 KB, 320x133)
Great pic to start a thread with.
Megatron did nothing wrong
Well, except for this
He pissed off Optimus Prime, which in the bayverse is like pissing the devil off.
To be fair the elephant got in his way
Never mind, what a dick
>that scene where Optimus kills Harambe and forces Galvatron to watch
wtf I hate Megatron now
>Jazz: this looks like a cool place to kick it
>Sam: wow so even robots can be niggers?
Wow was this in the movie or just Directors cut
>two gigantic robots slugging it out with each other; little damage
>human sized gun that the gigantic robots happen to have for some reason (that can be operated by humans) blows fucking chunks out of megatron
>dinosaur robots
>Jazz: You want a piece of of me, you want a piece?
>Megatron: No, I want two, you cotton pickin' low-IQ porch monkey!
Jesus Bay, I know Megatron was the bad guy, but show some restraint
I feel uncomfortable how many times robots plead for their lives unsuccessfully in these movies.
The worst part is it's usually the 'good' robots being pleaded to.
Aw, fuck that book. That ending was naht cool.
Is this b8?
You said it, James Bond.
name 3
It's funny how much better the novels are.
>optimus and the autobots are not psychopaths
>decepticons are more intimidating, more autobots get killed
>sam isn't obnoxious or adhd in text form
>no awful ad-libbed humor since the text is all based on the original screenplays
>at the end, megatron has a change of heart and helps optimus beat sentinel with good intentions
>the fucking headshot
every time with this shit.
ratchet, wheeljack and leonard nemoy
Terrible directing
Hi there. Longtime lurker, first time poster.
Can I be real for a second?
This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.
A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.
Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.
What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?
Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.
But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but...."
We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.
Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.
If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.
Couldn't he have shot for the head in the first place? He's already down and disarmed. It's like he wanted him to suffer a bit before he died.
wait, you actually read the transformer movie novels?
was that nemoy's last role? if so im glad he was able to lend all his credibility to Michael Bay
Yes, novelizations fascinate me.
They usually contain all the deleted scenes and shit that was cut out due to executive meddling and stuff like that.
Case in point, Spider-Man 3 Novel.
10x better than the actual movie. Fixes almost all the problems.
>it's so dense, every single image has so many things going on
That's interesting, I've never really thought to read novelizations on generic movies, i may actually check some out now if i get the time.
I know, it's an easy thing to overlook as just some cheap tie-in.
But check some out, you may be pleasantly surprised.
Third Transformers novel was written by Peter David, and was bretty gud
this can not be real. shooting animals?
if you want to read the transformers comics, there's a huge collection of them on photobucket
Optimus isn't a good guy in Bayformers. None of the transformers are. In the fourth movie it's pretty much the machine God sending Lockdown to arrest Optimus for being an intergalactic Osama Bin Laden.
>it's pretty much the machine God sending Lockdown to arrest Optimus for being an intergalactic Osama Bin Laden.
The problem with these movies is that the fights are too fast, it all looks like a jumble of metal flying everywhere and you dont know wtf youre looking at