Do you guys try to watch bad movies?
Do you guys try to watch bad movies?
As someone trying to get into film, yes. Watching just good movies helps but watching shit films helps even more cause then I can see what didn't work and to make sure I don't replicate that. You can learn a lot by watching shit films
I have to. My girlfriend likes Marvel movies.
yeah im working through the IMDB top 250 right now actually
Movies rated 2 stars are the best.
Bad movies are great.
Double Down is trash and I love it.
Bad movies are usually the best enjoyment and funniest
On occasion, they need to be sufficiently bad while not being too bad, or they are entirely unenjoyable.
I paid money to watch BvS. So yes, I do.
Of course. That is why I watch DC movies
Yeah sure I don't have shit all else to do
What ever happened to Quentin?
I literally prefer bad movies since it's funner to make fun of them
I usually download direct to DVD or really shit and/or campy looking stuff straight from the Yify site for background material, have actually ended up finding some surprisingly good movies that way.
Sup Forums is the patron saint of mediocrity.
Do people hate Harry Potter or something? Also Rent sucks. I like some musicals, but this one just doesn't work for me.
I pretty much watch anything that gets discussed enough that it's relevant. I never think of stuff as "bad" or "good" before I see it, it just is.
The Room is unironically my favorite movie