This shit was better than Civil War pham.
This shit was better than Civil War pham
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It really was.
Please respond.
>watching either of those
quicksilver scene was the only thing good about it.
>I know you just killed thousands, my old friend, but how would you like to join our school again?
Really professor?
The tone was way too inconsistent
How do you go from scenes like Magneto's family being killed to when Apocalypse and his gay pride parade show up at the factory?
It's just so fucking jarring
Agreed. Oh and Havok dies to a fun and happy Quicksilver scene
>Sweet Dreams are Made of This
Yeah, I really hated this movie.
>still no bdrip out
I agree
Realizes he can't be stopped, tries to bargain with him.
Charles X is 10 steps ahead of you.
This bothers the fuck out of me so much.
reported for misogyny
>Magneto was a bad guy
Hillary shill spotted.
A little late to be at the CTR offices?
To be fair, you don't realize that until afterwards
but yeah makes subsequent watches kind of awkward don't it?
Best scene in the entire prequel trilogy
Yes, and shit is better than diarrhea.
reported for misandry
My thoughts exactly! The emotional drama and character interaction between Xavier and Magneto feel real and somewhat deep. We have been with those two for a long time and their dispute is sincere. In Civil War, the plot and splitting opinions of Stark and Rogers feel shallow with a lot less impact.
The action in Civil War was alright and entertaining but the action in Apocalypse was fucking amazing. I mean, holy shit that's how it should be. At least that's what I think. Civil War was an okay movie but X-Men:A was just a lot more entertaining, even though it had some real stupid flaws.
All the new star wars movie suck, and this is coming from somebody who liked the early 2000 ones
Meh on both DESU. I think "Winter Soldier" is much better than those two.
Civil War > Deadpool > X-Men Apocalypse > Suicide Squad > BvS
The only good part was when bunch of human mortals tricked his ass and beat him and his 4 folllowers without any fucking mutant.
BTFO god mutant. eat human dick
Yeah, because you've got shit tastes.
x-men? more like cuck men, lmao
>Can't be stopped
>Could have just mindfucked him at any time once his helmet was off.
It really was. Civil War was a slog, this was still fun even if it wasn't as good as the previous ones.
Charles doesn't do that to friends though
You do find out in the scene because Havoc is no where to be scene and it makes the scene go from Sad/stressful to lighthearted to sad. It's nuts.
>The emotional drama and character interaction between Xavier and Magneto feel real and somewhat deep.
>You literally killed millions of people but we're friends again so it's all good
NO no no no
CW>BVS>human shit>SS>dog shit>XA
Haven't seen deadpool
>comparing shit to shit
/capeshit/ when?
My thoughts exactly! The emotional drama and character interaction between Tony and Steve feel real and somewhat deep. We have been with those two for a long time and their dispute is sincere. In X-Men, the plot and splitting opinions of Xavier and Magneto feel shallow with a lot less impact.
The action in Apocalypse was alright and entertaining but the action in Civil War was fucking amazing. I mean, holy shit that's how it should be. At least that's what I think. Apocalypse was an okay movie but Civil War was just a lot more entertaining, even though it had some real stupid flaws.
quit shilling this disgusting troglodyte
her face is upsetting my visual safe space
the only thing this movie managed to do better than Civil War is more cinematic feels and music score desu
How come Civil War is everyone's new 'BEST MARVEL MOVIE" and yet there is never discussion of it on this board? Admit it Marvel kids, it came and fucking went, like all the Marvels do. Marvel flicks are empty calories. Inoffensive and audience tested into oblivion, I'm sure Dr Strange or whatever else will become your next BEST MARVEL MOVIE EVER and Civil War will be forgotten. They're not bad movies, in fact they're pretty good, but they inspire zero discussion and require zero thought.
>it's another opinion posting with comparing it to superior product