>God doesnt approve of gays
>puts the male G-spot up the ass
what did HE mean by this?
>God doesnt approve of gays
>puts the male G-spot up the ass
what did HE mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Do not kill
>Drowns entire planet
I wonder
It's not up the ass you pleb.
There's a wall between them clearly visible in your google diagram.
>implying God is a man
>implying God exists
>Do not kill
>Do not steal
>Creates black people
This thread was just on Sup Forums and people shat in it there too
erm, men can literally cum handsfree from stroking the prostate/ getting rammed in the ass
to make shitting fun
Dear everyone about to post here: there is a Singaporean faggot constantly posting this in Sup Forums and he keeps getting rekt so he crawled over to Sup Forums, pasting what I said previously:
"same reason he put the best tasting food in the garden of Eden and made it off limits.
...temptation and to help us enforce restraint and resist evil temptations.
Stimulating the g-spot may feel good in the short term but not in the long term as you'll turn into a degenerate, same with casual constant masturbation"
Clearly His message is that should all finger ourselves