Isn't he supposed to be faster than light?
How come he just stood there chilling instead of saving everyone?
Isn't he supposed to be faster than light?
Ran low on mana
He hears lois calling a mile away midfight with doomsday when hes distracted but cant hear a ticking bomb 2ft away as well.
>it looks like he's in hell
>Isn't he supposed to be faster than light?
>ticking bomb
kys lol
>"I'm afraid I didn't see, because I wasn't looking."
his dad taught him that sometimes it's better to just stand there and let people die
He's an alien. He does not understand human court procedures.
Why was BatAss added in the extended version?
It was a lead bomb
Why not? :^)
>faster than light
Lol, no. He's fast but not impossibly fast. He only realised the whole thing was set up right as the bomb went off.
because he doesn't have speed force like flash nor does he think at super speeds, moving that fast would just kill everyone
its a world of cardboard situation
He can move at around 1000 times the speed of sound. But that he wasnt expecting that.
You're an idiot.
DCEU Supes is needed, first of all.
Second, he didn't see the bomb.
>that moment when he realises that the explosion that incinerated every person in the room wasn't on that episode of Judge Judy he watched to prepare for his appearence
Its not like he can use the speedforce or anything
>Man of murder
>saving anyone
You just don't get it. The people are like the horses Pa Kent told him about.
But instead of water, they drown in fire. It's like pottery you know.
>ticking bomb
are you a cartoon character?
>He's an alien. He does not understand human court procedures.
top kek habahahahahahah
they mention the wheelchair was lined with lead, as you cannot xray though lead his xray vision saw nothing
he can run at the speed of sound and fly at the speed of Light.
why? i don't want to shitpost like you.
He can fly at 900 times the speed of sound in MoS. He got stronger since.
wow, check out Bill Nye over here.
No. This superman can't move at the speed of light. Returns could. Different power levels
>moving at speed of light
>having any sort of mass
I get it that speedforce changes that, but how am I suppose to believe anything of mass can go at the speed of light
Yup, you're an idiot.
>So I guess the jarate wasn't part of the senate
It's theoretically possible, user.
Superman bioaura pretty much makes him "warp" in space, he doesnt go FTL on earth, but when he does he phase thought things, he loses his mas.
His Bioaura is the thing that allows him to negate the momentum os the stuff he touches so he can catch an airplane or someone without destroying them, is also the reason his cape gets destroyed, but his suit only gets destroyed by other kryptonians or magic. His bioaura is he "special defense" he has against all damage that isnt magical or kryptonian without it he is still thor-hulk tier of invulnerable,
Speedforce users can use the speedforce to keep their mass at FTL speeds, it negates the forces of nature.
Would Xmen Quicksilver of been able to save everyone?
Yes, all while listening to a hit song of the era he's living in at the time.
My comic nigga. I always thought it was his biofield which is why his costume was so skin tight.
Also his heat vision is just a discharge of radioactive waste.