Ask someone who is addicted to prostitutes anything.
Ask someone who is addicted to prostitutes anything
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whats the cheapest one?
What age did you give up on life and become a loser?
post pics of the hottest one you fucked
90 Euro for 1/2 Hour is the cheapest I visited
With 21 yrs
You're addicted to sex, not prostitutes.
Stop wasting your money and get fit and fuck real women
How many STD's do you have?
How the hell do I find a 25 or younger redhead prostitute?
Made any friends?
Do you have regular go-to hookers or do you try and get different ones
Its like this - I cant have a proper relationship with a girl, after a few weeks i feel bored and with her and wanna try a new one. thats why I came up with prostitutes
None, I use protection
Websites, search
not unless you pay me.
Yeah, believe it or not, they're human too, so you can make some friends if you talk to them normally
Yeah, although two of my regularls quit, at the moment I have no regular but I am in search of one. Most of the time i visit one I was satisfied every 2-3 months
What country are you from?
What's the weirdest service you asked a prostitute for?
Austria. I usually not ask for weird service. Only girlfriendsex, kissing, licking, nothing special
How's the legal status of prostitution in Austria?
I think its not legal outside a brothel but its not a grave crime either, so its tolerated
are you addicted to prostitutes?
I think so, man
Any brothels in Vienna you can recommend?
Never been in a brothel in vienna, though
Do this girls really "enjoy" the sex?
Any orgasm?
Any "free" session?
Some of them. For some its a normal job which they can enjoy. If they meet a nice customer who isnt a total ashole, treats them well and is good at sex it can be a pleasure for them too. but often they have 5-10 customers a day so after the fifth its a bit exhausting
My regulars got orgasms. no free sessions, only price reductions
i remember your old thread
going to the pros 1-2 times a month isnt an addiction
youre still a faggot
never got any diseases from eating them out?
I will be honest.
I also have an addiction to sex and to quench this I use prostitutes. It is almost an addiction.
My big problem is that I use a SHITLOAD of cocaine as well. And drink too much. I have in one night had 4 different hookers, wait for one to leave order another one.
I must have met approximately 300, this is the UK, Spain, Italy.
I have CONFIRMED HPV and HSV2 Herpes.
I was recently in hospital with Pneumonia approximately 6 weeks ago, I am sick again right now. I am currently waiting on a HIV result to come back. I already know the answer. And it begins with P.
Ever feel nervous going into a place and getting secretly recorded on cam for potential blackmailing?
hire me one state side and we can be friends forever...sigh my wife just divorced me and i coulduse some comfort...
>inb4 feels
Do you ever take them to your place? I aways have to go to the whore house (not to safe of a place) or a motel (you end up spending the money on the hotel and not in the quality of the whore).
Positive, i guess.
Yeah. Perfect. Pass. Positive...
Yes. Of course.
well if you know the answer dont keep us waiting
I mostly ask for outcall where they come to me at my home.
P for Probably don't have HIV
Positive you fucking belm.
yeah but i mean, they are whores, they might rob you later...
no shit. its called a joke u retard
And yeah. But I use an escort agency that seems to be shall wel say...fairly reputable. The girls drive themselves. They have an office and he address is on the site. It's probably not worth ruining their reputation for.
Any of these?
is it safe to french kiss a hooker?
Only if the hooker in question is your mother, you never say no to mommy
It's safe if you're ok with getting the herps.
Have you got STD from prostitutes yet?
I kind of am too. I'm from Canada, but a few times a year, I go to Amsterdam and I just fuck window girls and escorts the whole trip. I fucking love it, I've been doing it long enough that I have regulars that I even chat with when I'm back home, it's a really great time.
I think it might be really bad for me, though. Every time, I say "ok, this is the last time", then I come home and book again right away. It makes it so I can't have relationships because I always know I have one of my hooker trips coming up, so I don't want to start dating. It's also quite expensive. I usually wind up spending like 20k a year on this shit. I can afford it, but I still feel like I could be saving that money for something better.
No STDs, since I use condoms and get tested regularly.
What city are you from?
Have you ever sucked a dick, OP? Fucked a trap?
Don't want to say because I have a lot of friends who come here and don't know that I do this shit. One of the big ones, though.
What do you think would happen to a person that lost their virginity to a prostitute?
id like to go to my first prostitute soon. What's the step-by-step of how it goes/starts & who initiates etc
I think they'd have a fun time and realize that sex isn't actually a big deal and making your virginity into a commodity that should be saved until the right time is retarded.
>I'm a virgin
hello my hobbyist Sup Forumsro
fellow whoremonger checking in
srsly thats cheap? I wish I was a whoe
ok for the dubs
1 you buy a sub to an escort review site, as your a retard who asks for advice on 4chin about the whore game you cant be smart. buy the sub
2 find a whore in your area and price range
3 go to site and actually read the goddman thing
4 contact her and tell her your new
5 make an appt be ready for screening since your an unknown faggot
6 pay way more than most guys and get your dick wet
7 become addicted to the easy sex and spend 12k a year on whores
OR go to Europe, walk to whatever city you're in's red light district, pick a girl you like, and walk up to the door and give her money.
Either/or, really.