My character profiles of "OFFICE"


Deep down a craven, cowardly. Weak man, knowingly seduced a woman who had a partner - could not control his baser urges (do not buy that "love" crap for a second) - that's the mark of a boy not a man. Openly mocks his coworker and plays cruel pranks on him. Not dependable, talks behind your back and insults your family members for a cheap laugh. This is the kind of man who has rejected God, he has no faith - no purpose except to mock, cannot see the glory in life only the chinks in the armor where he will relentlessly prod and poke in order to hurt you. This man is weak and could not withstand a righteous person.


Very unpleasant. Hypocrite, gives image of caring, kind woman, is not. Partakes in cruel pranks on coworker. Looks down on others and thinks herself better, haughty. Very ugly inside. Fancies herself "artist" this artist would distort the truth and make it bland and pretty - real artists shine the light on the truth warts and all - Adultress who preys on weaker men in order to have validation - sees herself as a beauty but deep down knows the painful truth. Lying to self. The type of woman who would bully by proxy using her children. Passive aggressive like Jim, no backbone. Lacks faith.

why was every fucking character in this show cheating, or being cheated on

Jewish writers infecting Christendom with their parasitic moral rot.

only those two?

I like and appreciate the effort you put into this. Very visceral. not sarcasm

Found Dwight

you mean Angela

Is that it, OP? Two character profiles?


Go to sleep, Angela

Pam, Erin, Jan get



I agree that Jim and Pam became insufferable the moment they had to be "characters" instead of plot elements defined by their romance.


Please more OP

Rolling 420 for those damp beans.

lkets go


I only watched this for the first time this year.

The sheer amount of cuckoldry was fucking weird



I love the scene where Jim does not know what Charles Miner calls a ''rundown'' and his spend his afternoon trying to figure this out.

Chrales destroys Jim so much, it becomes so enjoyable.

I know normies seem to love Jim and Sup Forums hates him but to me he came across as a very realistic character. Feels the job and the people are beneath him and that he's intellectually superior but is too insecure to challenge himself so he stays and mocks people to make himself feel better.

plzz im so lonely


Perennial Child Abnormal Personality. Believes himself to have been abused by his step father Jeff. Has arrested development - stuck as child before his mother met Jeff, this would be the happiest time of his life. Substitutes co workers for family and friends. Deeply lonely. Lets himself be dominated by unpleasant women, believes this to be love. Anti authoritarian. Escapes into fantasy in order to combat mundane life. Affable enough, made from better material than Jim but still flawed. Naive dilettante.

Holy crap only 1 person got a good roll




Karen's boytoy

every character - LOL SO EPIC AND WACKY XD caricature

>Adultress who preys on weaker men in order to have validation
do you have illustrations of this ?

I am roll.

Do Dwight.

Why do Jim and Pam christened their child in the chruch?

I think that she said she was Presbyterian but I am not sure.

8, 0 or trips are the only good choices
