If she's so qualified and great how come she didn't win?

If she's so qualified and great how come she didn't win?

You can't fool all the people all of the time.

she's the closest thing to an evil villain that we have

She's a cunt, but I believe it had something to do with a retarded, archaic Republic, where you can win the popular vote by 3 million and still lose.

distribution of votes across election-relevant and less relevant states

Because life's no fairytale and 4 out of 5 people are borderline retarded and should not be allowed to procreate, let alone decide who rules one of the world's most powerful nations.

I don't even agree the bitch was any good, but my point stands.

if a state can be less relevant to the vote then shouldn't the elected politician be less relevant in governance of that state?

Because the American people weren't ready for Nixon in female form.

>Because life's no fairytale and 4 out of 5 people are borderline retarded and should not be allowed to procreate

so how do you feel about the holocaust and forced eugenics of minorities?

>where you can win the popular vote by 3 million and still lose.
I can tell you're a youngfag because you're surprised that this is how it works. If you were alive in 2000 you'd remember "Sore/Loserman" and the endless recounts, the hanging chads, fucking FLORIDA. At this point the only excuse for being surprised by the electoral college is political ignorance.