If she's so qualified and great how come she didn't win?

If she's so qualified and great how come she didn't win?

You can't fool all the people all of the time.

she's the closest thing to an evil villain that we have

She's a cunt, but I believe it had something to do with a retarded, archaic Republic, where you can win the popular vote by 3 million and still lose.

distribution of votes across election-relevant and less relevant states

Because life's no fairytale and 4 out of 5 people are borderline retarded and should not be allowed to procreate, let alone decide who rules one of the world's most powerful nations.

I don't even agree the bitch was any good, but my point stands.

if a state can be less relevant to the vote then shouldn't the elected politician be less relevant in governance of that state?

Because the American people weren't ready for Nixon in female form.

>Because life's no fairytale and 4 out of 5 people are borderline retarded and should not be allowed to procreate

so how do you feel about the holocaust and forced eugenics of minorities?

>where you can win the popular vote by 3 million and still lose.
I can tell you're a youngfag because you're surprised that this is how it works. If you were alive in 2000 you'd remember "Sore/Loserman" and the endless recounts, the hanging chads, fucking FLORIDA. At this point the only excuse for being surprised by the electoral college is political ignorance.

She is an insufferable cunt. Her, "im entitled to it" attitude could be seen in everything she did and said. Funny, the left bitches about entitlement and then gets upset because she was entitled to it but didnt get it...

I'm sorry, did I imply that I was surprised? I don't think I did.

I heard she eats babies and has kuru.

>I'm sorry
You should be

Why did she lose?
>Life is no fairytale
>I don't even agree with the bitch
>Point stands

Naturally , you can see the logical misfires happening in your idea engine.

I heard that jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Simple: don't fuck with people that are already alive and focus on imprpving the future if you disagree with the current state of affairs. The line between fucking up "muh freedomz" and genocide on one the one hand and, and making sure the lack of natural selection doesn't lead to our own downfall on the other hand, may be thin, but the line does exist.

Because you don't have democracy. The question should be: As she got 2,000,000 more votes how come she didn't win?

so you're ok with forcing poor uneducated minorities to be able to have children?

No logic misfires. The point is entirely independent of my attitude toward any one politician. Even if a politician was considered perfect for the job, people's lack of intellect would cause that politician's victory to be anything but assured. Hence: life is no fairytale.

You need to read what you type before posting. That is pure gibberish.

*not rather

You're so right and I'm glad Trump won before Hillary could continue her genocidal march through Northern Africa and the manipulation of Islam.

Sure. The world's population is already higher than it should have ever gotten and those people are the least likely to make any meaningful contribution tonthe world's well-being. It's not their fault, but someone has to be thrown under the buss. Considering the birth rates among those uneducated minorities are generally highest, they provide the most effective target as well.

I heard that it can, and did.

because most americans aren't qualified to wipe their own ass yet alone vote

Because she was arrogant as fuck, she just assumed no one would vote for trump. Turns out there are a bunch of really stupid people who were desperate enough to go for trump. She lost because of the lack of turn out for her. Virtually no one I know gave a shit about her, regardless of gender, age, race. Just no support.

Margaret Sanger's hero would've been Hitler.
A correlation can be inferred to increased availability to abortions and lower crime rates.

However we can't have all of this while also draining educated middle and upper middle class homes of their income to support shaniqua and her 5 kids. Inevitably the educated middle and upper middle class are going to forego having children due to cost.

She had no message. Make America great again vs I'm with her?? Pathetic.


voting for a slogan, pathetic

>Here you go America! Choose between Jeb (lol) or Hillary, who is a woman and who's turn it is!
>w-wait, what are you doing?
>no! n-no you can't do that!
>STOP, he's HITLER! Didn't you hear us, we said HE'S HITLER!
>how could this happen?! It was HER TURN!

so basically, you're saying it's ok to commit genocide if you use the right words and reasoning

tell me now, how that was any different than how hitler convinced his people to go along with the holocaust

Most people don't have the time or the capacity to follow politics. Keep it short and sweet. I'm with her is the slogan of someone that doesn't give a shit about your outcome, only her own.

Because she is not the future that America wants or needs. She represented everything that any American with half a brain hated. Trump was the clear choice.

You don't understand the power a slogan has on the entire dynamic of a campaign

Killing the Jews had no obvious economic benefit. Quite the contrary, Jews often lead to economic improvement.

Cause she's a fucking liar

>trumpfags are still obsessed with Shillary
Is this site one giant retard-fest now?

I would say Hillary lost it more than Trump won it, but the rust belt strategy was brilliant.

Obama sucked but only won re-election because people thought he was cool. Hillary wasn't cool. And she couldn't get the minorities out to vote and never even tried to appeal to white men (almost a third of the country).

Because she never was going to win. Everyone but hardcore Feminazis who wanted to get a woman into office fucking hated her and saw right through her corruption.Everyone I talked to during the election wanted Bernie to get the nomination. But he didn't because she used her corruption to rig the DNC and ensure that she got a nomination in place of someone who actually could have won against Trump in a landslide and revolutionized the stagnating Democratic party while he was at it. Everyone but her could have won against Trump. She was the only person who could make such a race even remotely nerve wracking. Then Hillary and some Democrats across the nation decided to get condescending to the Bernie supporters and rather than address their concerns opted to go with the "tough shit, I'm obviously the better choice" approach rather than actually address the concerns of a substantial fraction of the electing body, sending that body into the 3rd party realm, the no-vote realm, or even the Trump realm. I stopped being a Democrat after she won the nomination because or her bullshit and it looks like the party has learned exactly nothing from this whole experience. That cunt could very well go down in history as the woman who destroyed the Democratic Party.

sorry, then you are too stupid to be allowed to vote

HItlery's Nazis are obviously still throwing a hissy fit, so we get to own them too...

so you're fine with genocide as long as it's not jews

so by your logic all jews are smart people who know how to properly vote?

but how do you account for the jewish supporters of trump then?

russian intervention

YES! I hate people who pay no attention and then just decide to choose who they like because they hear two things about a person

I don't see what's dumb about comparing what are essentially thesis statements

voting for trump vs the rest of the candidates was easy

trump is a solid turd that rolls out of the ass and leaves little to wipe

hillary, bernie, jeb and the rest of the martha's vineyard gang explodes out like nasty snot mixed hot diarrhea that splashes back and spatters your buttcheecks, and when you wipe it you can't avoid getting some of it on your fingers and so you decides to just take a shower and step over into the tub but nasty watery shit is dripping all over the floor and you slip up and fall down in the tub and this causes you to squirt more mudd all over the tub and yourself and you just breakdown and start crying in your little puddle of shit in the bathtub that you now have to clean up

>allowed to vote
Who decides, you? Everyone votes or nobody votes, or we go back to land-owning males only voting.

Then how did you post with your head up your ass?

thankfully, Hillary was kept out of power in spite of voter fraud. Unfortunately there are many people that just did not understand what her agenda was, and are still supporting it now.

clearly according to the hillary voters, if you didn't vote for hillary then you don't deserve to vote

perfectly logical

because she's literally one of the most hated politicians in America with a long and very public history of corruption and scandal

I find it HILARYous that she's even considering a 2020 run

well they are still working on "integration" so those 3 million extra voters in california and new york might be your neighbor if the leftists have anything to say about it


You're not talking to the same guy. I think that stunting the birth rates of people that are unable to be self sufficient in any manner should be enacted, but in such a way that they are unable to determine that they're being led to slaughter.

And no. I have no racial preference. I go by whichever ethnic group takes the most welfare when controlled for their population size.

>This would often imply that black Americans would be seen as a problem but African immigrants may not due to their higher education standards.

Poor Jeb. I really feel sorry about that guy.

He was there to be a puppet for the same people backing Hillary on the off-chance that the country swung right (pre-Trump) but it's hard not to feel for the guy who seemed like he was in way over his head and just wanted to go raise turtles with his goblin wife.

so you're like a more humane hitler but for good reasons

it's good to know there are people out there that have humanities best interests in mind depending on their socio-economic standing

nothing divisive and cruel about that


>nothing divisive and cruel about that
Look at this bigot who has a computer/phone when there are homeless in his neighborhood.

Can't argue with results. Crime rates have been dropping ever since. People that would've had children that would've later clogged the prison system were never born.

And no, I'm a darwinist. Society has advanced so much to protect every single human life that nature is incapable of handling genetic dead ends.

taking selfies in the bathroom while posting on Sup Forums?

well according to your logic we should eliminate the homeless by preventing them from having children, so I don't see why you would say that because you're not really doing anything to fix the homeless problem like that

kick the leaves outta here

but your support hillary? do you think hillary would agree with your ideals?

i mean i'm trying to put this together, the party of the KKK was democratic and many of the jim crow laws were passed and enforced by democrats?

are today's democrats in all their concern and virtue signalling still the same old racists from the jim crow era and still want to eliminate the blacks from the gene pool?

a full democracy is bad, the power ends up becoming very centralized and people further away from the seat of power will lose representation, but continue to be taxed

but a leaf wouldn't understand that sinc they never really stopped sucking the king's dick

Well if you're above dividing people based on financial standing then gimme yo phone nigga, I'm poor as fuck. You owe me faggot, gibs.

>If she's so qualified and great how come she didn't win?

Best choice doesn't always win.

I didn't vote for Hillary. And the abortion policy of the Democratic party is absolutely racist in nature. They have a lot of conflicting goals, but that one is undeniably racist. All it takes is a 5 second Google search against which race is getting the most abortions to figure that out.

I think the Republican party is setting itself up for failure by being against abortion and welfare. The more prudent move is to stop birth rates before they become a societal and financial problem.

People would rather have an unqualified buffoon than a woman. Plus 30+ years of republic demonizing.

If you think that betamax and apple are better, theres no help for you.

Because no one liked the unlikable Hildebeast. She ran a horrible campaign, and the only people who voted for her are the lib cucks who always vote Democrat.

spend so long in office and done nothing. No need for her to be pres and do the same

and the only ones who voted for trump were inbreds who cant count without using their fingers

LOTS of shills out today, distracting from the fact that Trump is about to have historically the worst 100 days of any president, the lowest approval rating, 3 major unfulfilled promises (defeating ISIS, repealing Obamacare, and the Wall - among many others).

You fucking rubes got tricked so hard and I love it.

Was Hillary horrible? Yup - but Trump is an international embarrassment, and a psychotic lunatic child molester. Even his own wife hates him.

Ahem - she did win by three million votes.

She is not the president because the wealthy few who run the country have no respect or desire for republican democracy.

Kinda like Trump's inauguration.

Because the usa doesn't like getting cucked. She's not that qualifies nor great.

lmao - Trump is qualified... Thanks for the OmegaKek

but clearly the "wealthy few" as you put it fully supported her and were very much against trump throughout the entire campaign, even many republicans were "never trumpers"

so explain to me why that with so many corporate backers and political turncoats getting on the hillary train did she lost?

trump won within the established rules that every president since the industrial revolution has ran by

the wealthy few who run the country are the media and their parent corporations and donors to the clinton campaign, her donations were far greater than trumps

so how did you work out that logic about the "wealthy few" not supporting hillary?

she lost with all odd stacked in her favor

that's just it, he had 0 experience

a person with 30 years of experience got bested by someone with 0, let that sink in youngfag


You are one stupid son of a bitch

> Thinks 3 million is a lot
This argument is usually used by people who are dumb as rocks.

> Us population greater than 300 million
> 50% voter turnout
> 3 million is less than 2% of vote count
Popular vote was basically a tie, electoral vote from elected officials favored one over others. Basically it was between an evil given villain, or vile dumb rich guy

Murica isn't a democracy, Murica's a republic.

>she did win by three million votes
Wrong. She collected 3 million more votes, she did not win.
Google electoral college and see why it is needed before you run your ill-informed mouth. Your feelings don't constitute facts.

The entire nation's voice needs to be heard, not just the loudest

>republican democracy
I think you mean "Constitutional Republic". Thanks for learning about America and it's politics before you voted.