Where can i buy this specific toy?

where can i buy this specific toy?
also best male masturbator toys?

Other urls found in this thread:


isn't that more for her pleasure than for his?

pretty sure thats an anal tunnel plug...

cuck cut goy slave american bois dont understand any of this shit.
>>one step away from fem dom sharia / nuclear war and they are clueless.

they think their sex pleasure nerves are in their asshole.

>posts feminine penis

Super Head Honcho Masturbator

what is that thing supposed to do?

wtf are you talking about

exactly what a woman/female will say too...
>>Pretending to not understand, yet mock, supremacy.
>> Your whole state/economy is a perfect cuck.

Who the fuck types like this? Absolute sanctimonious dilettante.

>doesn't even know how to greentext

the fuck ?

much lel
hiel hydra


fuck off, newfag.

kek that dick is messed up.. I think his pee hole was originally halfway his pipi.

dubz is truth
dubz is light

I dont think thats a male masturbator as much as a girth thing for intercourse, they sell several similar products on adamandeve.com. Maybe you knew that, as you separated your questions... anyway I've had a couple rubber pussies, cheap and expensive ones. The best one I've ever had was a Fleshlight. Very realistic if you warm up the sleeve and the lube in a big bowl of hot water for 10-15 minutes. But I never use mine bec. I dont ever feel like cleaning the damn thing afterwards.

thinking the world loves you when the world hates your stupid impotent cracker mind. not realizing nothing can save you. especially not your mouth or your sex drive.

where did this come from?

The more important question:

Why is everyone ignoring the painted manicured fingernails in OP photo?

You like that sort of thing do you?

omg what a cutfag

the back of cut dicks are so nasty

Yeah, it truly looks dominated by the jews. Now it's just a tool for other's pleasure, but not his own.

I'm circumcised and life is fine, faggots. Woman in my area actually prefer cut dicks.

Women* Fucking phone.

Samefagging so hard it hurts

I'm colorblind from birth, my eyesight is just fine.

>implying cutfags know what they're missing

>Implying you have any idea what it's like to be circumcised.
Argument goes both ways, faggot. At least I can last for a while before blowing my load because my sliding dick cheese foreskin combo made me cum. Also, no, no live needed to bate. Don't know where people get that shit.

No lube* Again. Fucking phone.

>implying you can't get cut later in life

I'm circumcised but I don't need to brag about it.

No matter your dick shape or cutness, if you can smoove talk a bitch to the bedroom, she gon take the dick regardless

Did you, then, faggot? How was your phimosis? Balantitis fun?

You are hyper passive aggresive impotent subhumans and you were designed to be the epic fail on the other side of the fence. you are going to be raped and raped and raped and raped and raped. you are the perfect slave but the world hates you. j/s. {more memes!) ./

why does this male have painted nails

Of course not cutfag, I enjoy my 20.000 nerve endings. By the way, no one is cut here.

nice, did you type this with two refugee dicks up your anus?

shouldnt good bois be in church not at home looking at kiddy porn?

>implying i'm christian and a pedo
You'll have a tough time in the real world, kiddo.

you live in the USA you are a pedo.
it is your world... do you want to join actual reality?

>implying i live in the usa
You're embarrassing yourself. Go away.

>> 33rd nig highlord here

I thought this board was in the English language, not Faggotish



So.....Europe, then. In Erica, most women prefer cut. They're more common here and come without dick cheese, last longer in bed, and have smaller chances of harboring harmful bacteria/viruses.




Japan, China, Russia, Australia, Ireland, UK, Hawaii, New Zealand, India.

What. The. Fuck. Fucking phone. IN AMERICA.


exactly this. at least one of you guys is not completely autistic

I wish to visit none of those places for an extended time. Also, I'm married. I don't care what the rest of the world is doing. Circumcision lowers the risk of Phimosis, Balantitis and Bacterial/Fungal infection by a shit ton. You may lose a few nerves, but it's not like my dick has no sensation, and I can actually pump a woman at full speed for more than 30 seconds. I'd rather be numb than oversensitive.

Stop blaming your phone for not knowing how to type, niggerfaggot.

And well, we don't cut in Europe since at least we have not been cucked THAT much by the jews.

thats a tunnel plug for anal stretching

I'm an atheist. My child will be circumcised. Keep telling yourself there's no benefits and only Jews do it. It doesn't make it true, but your delusion is entertaining


>>doze dubz dough

"Boy are having their arousal conditioned to pain and cruelty all before their first kiss."~ Melinda Tankard Reist

next you will be saying you have a vagina why dont you shut the fuck up for once in your privie life

dubz of truth


Why would you openly admit that you know nothing about anything and that you love being a cuck?

This is why that's fucking retarded. Infants LITERALLY do not have the ability to form memory yet. I don't remember being circumcised. I do remember women being glad I'm circumcised. Granted I've only fucked like 5 women. I was never a whore. It's not cruelty to prevent disorders in later life by literally nipping them in the bud.


for all those fags who like uncut cocks, here is your wallpaper

"Cognitive" "dissonance"

I never said any of that shit, but nice try, faggot.

Fuck you, shit dick.

wtf, this guy must fist his urethra daily

>>feminism v. circ in Africa "less pleasure less power"
>>antifeminism in America, "fuck get's too crazy just cut all of it off!"

kkkunt or kkkuck>?./

Right. I'm circumcised, so I must be a white supremacist. You know you've fucking lost when even your damned strawmen make no fucking sense. You're an idiot. I hope you get Phimosis, Balantitis AND a severe fungal infection. There are, and always were/will be, medical benefits to circumcision. I'm GLAD my parents circumcised me, and I will be doing the same for my child's health.

The land of skull hate fuck your brother... hahah. listen to the kkkuck or kkkunt squirm.
they abort, molest, knife rape, drug and cage children and then as good as any smash to the side of the street. But this is survival to the democrat.and the republican. It is progress.

you dont get phimosis, you are born with it. shows how uninformed you are

Just your typical uncut tube worm cock

oversex bitches and studs that you are.
you may stop yourselves from being replaced, it will only make the chains that much tighter.
islam is going to rape your asshole. then you are going to be product or you will be put down like animals. you cannot possibly pay debts and it seems... it seems you believe very highly in debt system...


Now I know you're fucking trolling. GTFO of here.

Can't tell if this is a very clever troll or an idiot.

Riiiight. I'M the troll.

Yeah ... that still doesn't indicate the cause. People are born with it, but most people don't realize anything is wrong until puberty, sometimes even much later.

it's because americans are scared of talking about anything sexual with their children. kids dont pull it back untill their teens and their foreskin didnt have time to stretch

The foreskin, in normal circumstances, does not need to "stretch". And kids will play with their junk, regardless of the culture. It isn't until later that they might feel guilty about doing so but even then almost none of them will stop doing it.

long story short the dragon found the virgin and he is right this moment raping her to death. her nuking will be the "bridehood" of christ.

You think you're being deep and wise and sagely. We all hear:

only pure hubris can make people believe that they are the majority and what they say goes and say and do whatever and it does not represent who they are as a people. you know what is said about pride?

People are born with...Their dick skin becoming too tight. Right. It only becomes a problem when they're fucking 30. You're an idiot.

You're not mankind's savior. Shut up and go fucking preach from your soapbox somewhere else.

knife rape some other baby
>what animals think does not matter animal
it does matter in law. it does matter in psychology.

Nice job respecting your own offspring's body. No wonder the west is fucked. You would let him choose if you loved him.

realizing I just put a slur on animals.
only female's bitch's eat their children and they certainly do not mutilate them....

Fuck your attempt to pry me with guilt. I'm stopping him from the possibility of aquiring diseases distinctly because I'll love him.
What the fuck did any of that even mean? You think a circumcision to a baby, who will NOT remember the experience, AT ALL, will be damaged psychologically. From a circumcision.

Im pretttty sure its rare to have phimosos or whatever

shut the fuck up about your experience
you do not have a right to speak for others.

I sure the fuck do when it's MY kid. Go fuck yourself. I made him. I'll clip his dick for his own good I severely hope this triggers you.

you do not OWN shit cracker kkkunt/kkkuck

cancer, pure unadulterated hpv cancer.

Your mental deficit is staggering. I get that English isn't your first language, but it's not the words making you out to be retarded, it's the meanings of the words. Until my kid is 18, I'm responsible for them and they answer to me. I made them. They are mine. I will guide and protect them however I deem best. Fuck you.

We done here. Niggars are niggars kids. Dont chop on sex organs unless you are a faggot niggar stan worshipper.

This is exactly what I'm fucking talking about. That was nonsense befitting a 15 year old Gang banging nigger. You're a moron.

big oil, big pharma, big medical, big niggar. big ego big nazi. they rival the gulags of russia and they dont even know or care why or how it's happening. Well it is going to get worse.

What. THE FUCK. ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, SPERGLORD!? Address my fucking arguments!