The Logtember 11 attacks in a logshell:

The Logtember 11 attacks in a logshell:

>Afghanishit invaded by soviets
>Logonid Brezhnev wants the warm log the Afghanishitis took from them
>osama bin logden from Logi Arabia becomes an emir in logquaeda
>hates the soviets
>recieves weapons and support from the united shits
>drives soviets out of afghanishit
>asks united shits to invade logi arabia
>us refuses
>recruits Andy Sixx to fly planes into the twin log rolls in new york

rolling for twin logs

forced meme

Log lover reporting

You got a bad case of fecophilia, user. Get some professional help FFS.

nothing is forced once you realize that the truth lays in the creamy goodness of a log of shit outta andy's shitter


All the logs your mouth will ever need....Sixx auto

you have been forcing thi shit (and I mean that without irony) for months. please, do go and eat shit. lots of it. stuff yourself with it (although you are of course already full ofit) please, suck shit. deeply, into your lungs. please. I don't care whose it is. just go and dive ina tub of shit ten feet deep and suck it all in. become one with it. be the shit you really ae. and never again post on the internet. especially not here.

Mods, please start deleting these threads. it is just shit.
