Vola share thread
Vola share thread
Has someone created a room, and if so, where is the fuking invite? I posted my Vola ID...
spy creep voy volafile io/r/b7jpq6zw
room disabled...
dude named Counselor keeps a list of active dropboxes
he's a full time pizza delivery driver
if you know what I mean
listen fuckwit, every time you use a racist remark -- particularly when it isn't even applicable -- you make yourself seem like a 2bit burnout that wears his pants half way to knees, and couldn't hold a minimum-wage job to save his life. moreover, im pretty much obligated to mock you and point that out every time you do so.
the guy that runs it is called othallo and is pretty much an admitted pedo
still, the stuff in there is great and it aint even porn
you should post some of it too
Sup Forums room
listen fuckwit, every time you use a racist remark -- particularly when it isn't even applicable -- you make yourself seem like a 2bit burnout that wears his pants half way to knees, and couldn't hold a minimum-wage job to save his life. moreover, im pretty much obligated to mock you and point that out every time you do so.
this is a bigger shithole than pol
this has child porn
u wot m8? all im seeing is teen shit
He means he delivers cheese pizza you dumbfuckfaggot
Stop sending Sup Forumstards my way about this shit. One autistic teenager posting the same joke over and over is enough, I don't need le legion.
Also if you want the list of hand picked boxes, it's in the filebin. Just a bunch of amateur porn collected by sifting through archived Sup Forums threads.
But the Sup Forums room is autism incarnate who hates everyone for fun.
>all teens are legal
othallo please leave
bump niggers, post more