one roll per each update

Location: Southern Germany
Colour: Green
Name: Krauts


Perfect map

OP use this map pls

Location: West Germany
color: Red
name: Bund Deutscher Mädels

Location: United Kingdom
Color: Blue
Name: Cornholio

so it begins

Location: Portugal
Color: you choose OP
Name: Reino do Sexo Anal

Location: Catalonia
Colour: Orange
Name: El maricón

Location: Finland
Colour: you pick


Location: Rome
Colour: Pink
Name: Biggus Dickus

What does Jiipe mean?

jeremy corbyn

pick a different color

Location: Iran
Color: You decide
Name: Tusken raiders

OP i gave you the map
The Dacian Empire
East North most point in Russia
Any Color, if not taken red
Rolling to expand south and west

Pink is already claimed nigger

Will take teal please op

Portugal expands more

Rome choose colour purple

I'm benis go east towards russia.

teal is taken

jeremy corbyn

fuck you jeremy corbyn you lil faggot ass BITCH

Bund Deutscher Mädels = BDM

BDM expands east.

Please calm down sir. Can't we just have a sensible debate

Benis expands towards russia


Hey BDM I'm Benis want to have an alliance?

Why so sour, Kraut?

BDM, Benis and Krauts, want an alliance?


update all colors are taken

Benis here, Of course!

biggus dickus moves northward to the alps

Benis expands south

REINO DO SEXO ANAL expands a bit to africa, but focus on spain

Go sell some crack nigger

BDM expands East

Kraut and BDM join together (kraut expands north)

El maricón expands further into spain


biggus dickus goes to the south to conquer the rest of italy

Portugal here.
M8 you can take all france, just give me spain

El maricón expands into france

can you make a thread?

Reino do Sexo Anal focus on spain but take a bit of africa

Cornholio moves to invade those dirty scots.

Benis takes the rest of Finland. Expand south with the rest of my territorie points (if I have any).

BDM goes North toward Finnland/Norway

biggus dickus moves towards croatia

I cant, i am at cellphone

Sorry for being a retard i mean just norway


Reigno Sexo Anal takes more of Africa

Benis here expand south

biggus dickus moves to the east

Cornholio moves to unite more of the British Isles under one crown

Reino do sexo anal focus in spain

You bunch of wankers
jeremy corbyn Will remember this

Imposter, this man is clearly an imposter MODS WAAAH

BDM invades rest of norway (if any points left move east)

biggus dickus will conquer greece

M8, why you are fucking with my fucking game

Tusken Raiders starts expanding straight west

Think of it this way- Orange will block you off and contain you in Spain. If you take more of Africa, you have an expansion path.

who the hell is the real Reino do sexo anal?


My nation, i do what i want! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

biggus dickus towards greece

Conquer spain and a bit of africa


I'm Spartacus!

No, I'm Spartacus!

No, I'm the real Spartacus!

If you first move your borders against orange, you will get the most territories there while still having the option of moving into Africa, which is uncontested.

one roll each update

Cornholio moves to cross the English Channel to Calais

Reino do Sexo Anal focus on africa but take a bit of spain

biggus dickus to greece

Tusken raiders expands south

BDM expans directly towards Black Sea

Cornholio offers a NAP/Alliance to the BDM.

Northern Ireland
Colour: any thats left
name: famine shmamine

biggus dickus offers el maricon an alliance

Benis goes south then west if I have any left overs

Fuck off out of the future Cornholio nuclear proving grounds

no colors left sorry

OP, i think that el maricon is offline, pls give his territories to Reino do Sexo Anal

Wewuzz Kangdom

Benis East

Cornholio takes more of the continent

biggus dickus fills in the rest of the balkan

if they dont roll this round ill give their land to you

Reino do Sexo Anal focus on africa

BDM accepts NAP with Cornholio
for at least 10 updates

Tusken raiders expands directy towards Jerusalem

Glad to come to agreement. Germany and Britain strönk

Hello OP
Just an user thanking you for making such a great threat.
Thank you
