What's your favorite thing about Sup Forums?
What's your favorite thing about Sup Forums?
no one will say anything about the absurd shit i say because we're all retarded, together.
I'm a newfag, how do you do this
>What's your favorite thing about Sup Forums?
Gosh...there's so many.
The way that "pics you shouldn't share" never have the same girl repeated
That there's never a mention of Andy Sixx's excrement
The fascinating dick rate threads
The fact that there is no cuckold/BBC threads
The fact that we never see "Hilary lost" threads posted by Truptards to hide their disappointment
I could go on....there's so much
Do you know what the deal is with those 'suck a log from Andy sixxs ass' threads is? I've never actually been asked to go in one because they look fucking dumb.
Because the rest of Sup Forums isn't, apparently
Sup Forums is the only place on the internet where you can shitpost all you like and no one will care
I'm surprised about the lack of shitposting here.
Thus far...
The way it gets worse every year because of edgy 13 year olds
newfags can't triforce
>I've never actually been asked to go in one because they look fucking dumb
1. I assume you mean "....never been arsed to go...."
2. They are fucking dumb. Some faggot is trying to force a meemee
3. Nowadays Sup Forums is too dumb to realise that the perpetrator of that shit relishes responses - if everyone ignored him, so that every thread got to the 404 with zero posts, he'd give up and cry himself to sleep in his rustled jimmies.
you're anime taste is shit.
Rem still best waifu
The (implied) anonymity.
I'm watching re zero at the moment, it's good.
Rem is best girl, Subaru is a cunt, Emilia is a thot.
Traps aren't gay
I like traps :3
Pffffffft....yeah theres no way im an edgy teen
>proceeds to play minecraft and make sonic ocs and call every one a nigger
Thank you?
You're welcome (?)
the YLYL content.
No problem?
No problem, I like traps :3
It is and always has been shit. For the past 2 years, it's been much more cancerous than previous onee, but it still feels like home.
It sucks Sup Forums has turned it a fag porn site, huh.
Die in a fire, faggot.
the faggotry
I hate Sup Forums so fucking much.
So fucking much.
And all of you as well!