Roast me

Roast me

Seems appropriate. Roasting fat pigs I mean. Where's the fucking apple in your fat mouth?

show body pics dude u look kinda cute

I'm 130 pounds
I'm the hottest man alive

I think youre already doing a fine job of roasting you own lungs. Enjoy spending 5%+ of your life coughing, hacking, and spitting up carcinogenic waste.

thats not the first time you are "smoking a cuban"

>not vaping

>130 lbs.

so ... smallest manlet ever?

Eh, I think you look like you're quite the fellow, would hang 10/10

You must be 4ft 5 then shortcake. You have fat face syndrome.

If you don't do this stream ur gay
Streamer: MCTCLive

I'm 5'5"
This is now ama

>still vaping

are legitimately retarded? it still fucks your lungs



My man

Yeah, but im cool and shit, unlike u and ur gay friends

rather be gay than pay into the lottery of dying early, you fucking idiot

Op here
Vaping seems girly I'll stick to cigars

Gotta stick to the old tar in your lungs? Ever seen pictures of people going through chemo?

You don't inhale cigar smoke.

How you look 12 and 52 at the same time?

I smoke 10 cigars a day and drink a lot , I'm trying to die sooner. Hopefully I don't wake up

you think you don't inhale smoke thats 5-6 inches from your face?
Mouth, gum, throat cancer?
You want your "pretty" 130 lb face to fall off?


Easier solution for the rest of humanity is just to off yourself sooner if you have that little regard for your own life. Maybe go give your money away, trash.

I'm going to guess you've read at least some Hunter s. Thompson

Would but I want my moms to have her son for as long as possible
Never heard of it

>long as possible

stop smoking

I'll stop when I die

Roast me or ama
Bored as hell