Thoughts on the reddit cinematic universe?

thoughts on the reddit cinematic universe?

Better than the DC Universe by a long shot. They actually established all of their characters in their own movies, instead of shoving them all together in one movie so we don't get a chance to give a shit about them.

Primo nu-malekino

The definition of safe and bland

>forced black deadshot
>stop my invincible son
>joker looking to get cucked
>he's gonna kill Mo-....i mean, martha

True reddit universe right here

The Daredevil show is the only good thing to come out of all that shit.

Would rather watch thor 2, iron man 2, and age of ultron 10 more times than watch suicide squad again

Now THIS is more my speed!

I can't imagine what it must be like to have to force yourself to like DC movies day after day. Must be exhausting.

DC fans I hope things get better. I really do.

Superior universe coming through


Agreed. It's like the beta uprising up in here for the last few days, but with desperate DC fans who can't accept criticism.

Thanks for the gold kind stranger! :)


Why is MCU so organized compared to DCEU? It's almost a shame because their superheroes are inherently less interesting than that of their rivals's.

I'm pretty sure Henry Cavill is the most uncharismatic actor I've ever seen. I couldn't tell you anything about his Superman other than the fact that he's Superman. He's also really mopey.

>Why is MCU so organized compared to DCEU?

This man.

>their superheroes are inherently less interesting than that of their rivals's

Gives them more freedom to make them interesting. That's really all there is. As soon as you make a little difference in Batman's character people go apeshit about it. Change everything about Iron Man and nobody gives a shit.

The thing is, it took Marvel years to get there, even under the great leadership of mighty Feige. People who expected DCU to rival MCU from the get go were delusional. Even if the movies were good it wouldnt feel as organized and smooth as MCU is now. The fact the DCU produced 3 movies and all them were 'meh' at best, doesnt help though.

>Why is MCU so organized compared to DCEU?

the guy in charge of MCU (this guy) is apparently very good at his job and keeps it very tidy at the expense of it being safe and basically only exist to earn shekels

>Why does the liberal millenial media accept this drivel more?

You tell me

redditors of the galaxy was the only memorable movie
idk how the fuck anyone could be excited for any of those phase 3 movies other than spooderman and pt2

>Superman is an interesting character without Cavill

Top kek

Doctor Strange looks interesting and has a great cast. I hope Mads isn't wasted.

Jesus christ who even watches all this shit.
Is say, Captain America really that fucking different from Thor or Iron Man?


Every movie is the same just with a different hero and villain.

is it lost son or invincible son?

A lot of Marvel movies are mediocre, and only a handful are good. Capeshit is a very superficial genre.

Unfortunately, DC's new movies are absolute garbage.

>absolute garbage

You can't even a little bit articulate how.

Terrible pacing, cringey dialogue, shit casting (eiseberg for example), poorly written.

Bland, interchangable, underwhelming

Manufactured mediocrity, but i guess they're good movies for kids so that's fine

you forgot your *shrug*

First post Shill post

Every damn time

Please cucked me

that's just painfull man.
Only thing I'm interested in is standalone Batman and maybe Shazam.

And from the look of Justice Leak trailer they're trying to create another memefest.

Shame it's doomed to collapse, the rock is great as a heel and could carry captain marvel as a villain.

>Phase One
>Phase Two
>Phase Three

literally what the fuck does that even mean

They had the change to learn from the MCUs mistakes and they still fucked it up.
>Not every movie needs a big cgi monster final boss thing without personality like thor
>Not every movie needs to have an element that puts the whole world at stake (like all those gems in the MCU)
And they did exactly that.

it sounds cool to numale cucks

When are they putting the new ms marvel into a film for fucks sake

L I T E R A L L Y all i care about right about now

But you liked that movie with that meme man or whatever his name is.

sounds like they're going through a phase

nice b8

To describe my sentiment in the form of a movie title: Eegah!

stop this marvel=reddit, dc=Sup Forums meme, you fucking delusional dcfagboy

It's probably more reliveing to them to shitpost here, than to rewatch their bosses (DC) mess. or watch it even once

>green lantern: reboot

you never learn?

>less interesting than that of their rivals's.
Millionar in leathersuit and invincibleman is so interresting? they should've stop with the nolan series, because it's BORING

>blacwashed characters, multicultural PC cast in ShuSkwad
wtf are you blabbering?

This. Daredevil is capeshit kino

It gets worse and worse. Age of Ultron was a big load of nothing, and Civil War had Antman and Spiderman so that was fun I guess.

>says the DC, with 6+ batman actors, with 3x rebooted heromovies

but you're shilling the dcrap

they just have their shit organized, unlike DC .. so how would you know

Will I miss anything, specifically for Inhumans, if I don't want Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter? They seem like shit to be honest, family.

Agent Carter is completely skippable since it got cancelled before the plot progressed (think better call saul)

Agents of shield starts out like CSI marvel edition but once the captain america winter soldier tie in comes around near the end of the season 1 it goes up from there but its not for everybody


Also Agents of shield's first episode is the worst of all marvel shows, better if you skimmed through it, but it is important to not outright skip it

The Marvel movies I've seen are mostly pretty formulaic and forgettable but I think it's a neat and comicbookish the way they share a universe and the characters show up in each other's movies (it's annoying that other studios seem to be aping the idea though). The final Avengers movie will probably be criticized for being bloated and unfocused with too many characters but I honestly feel like that's the main appeal given everything leading up to it.

That's because everyone already knows who Superman and Batman are

>who the fuck is Iron Man oh wait now there's a movie franchise about him time to pretend me and all my friend talk about him all the time like he's an icon like Batman or Spiderman is

>gods among us
they stole it from that fucking video game

>not calling a kinoverse by its true name

Looks like we found a Redditor, boys!

>That's because everyone already knows who Superman and Batman are

That's a double-edged sword tho people sometimes want something new not the sames heroes they know rehashed

>Want to see the Waynes get shot for the umpteenth time

My Dick is hard for spider man by marvel studios.

You're dumb and sound gay

>b-but DC
he never said anything about DC shill

Wow the offended redditor brings up DC again for No reason why do you people care so much about these companies.

>All those quips

It's painfully obvious that reddit loves the MCU look at each time they discuss a new marvel film.. Sup Forums=DC is bullshit though

At least they don't quip by accident Big guy, for you

Was getting dubs part of your plan?

DC is off to a much better start than Marvel

Iron Man > Man of Steel

Incredible Hulk

Digits iterated to the square of two has spoken the truth.

Of courshe

>everyone already knows who Superman and Batman are

Except Hack Snyder


>Wonder Woman

Outside of Superman and Batman DC characters are non existent, DC might as well create new characters

This is probably right

This guy said it best, how many times do we gotta see the same shit before we say "ok we get it".

Marvel is building up to something and that's thanos getting all the infinity stones

Well, congratulations, you got yourself dubs. Now what’s the next step of your master plan?

What is the point of cinematic universes?
I don't have a problem with media being part of the of the same fictitious world, but why is this something marketable?

Because it's a common thing in comic books but never done before on the big screen. Somehow executives didn't think "lets put this hero and this hero in the same world and make them team up in some movies"

Nice meme bro

why we have sequels user?

because its fun to see characters that you find likeable have constant adventures together...its not that hard

>A Thor movie? Why would I want to see that?
>Well he's gonna be in a movie with Iron Man. You'll probably have to watch it to understand the story

He;s right you know. Phase 1 is all building up to the Avengers, Phase 2 is all building up to thanos getting infinity stones, and Phase 3 is all building up to the new generation with Inhumans

I got so bored with it that I gave up after four episodes, maybe it improves later. I found it even worse than Agent Carter though personally. These relentlessly dark superhero adaptations just make me cringe. The premise is to inherently silly to make a show or movie that's so serious. The only way these characters make sense is if you either use a light tone, or you make the fucked in the head, which is why Watchmen managed to work but nothing else dark does.

Crashing this plane

Your taste is complete shite and i like Agent Carter




I wouldn't want to rewatch anything in it aside from Iron Man, The Winter Soldier and the Gi-Ant Man scenes from Civil War.
Dr. Strange looks like it could be good, it has a great cast and an interesting approach with all the magic, but it will fall into the same formula that all "origin" movies do.

None of these flicks are kino

You wouldn't last a day in the skwarch

Of coursh

>lost son

when does A look like o ??


Watch The Man From U.N.C.L.E. He was awesome in that.