>Feeder... come back around on XFM 104.9 I'm Ricky Gervais, with me Stephen Merchant (hello) and little Karl... Pilkingtwat (alri)
>Feeder... come back around on XFM 104.9 I'm Ricky Gervais, with me Stephen Merchant (hello) and little Karl... Pilkingtwat (alri)
>Talk then, someone should talk
Hickory dickory dock, some lads wrote a song called Clocks, they are Coldplay.
Steve: And the song is?
Kek, they played feeder all the damn time. Great taste OP
>oh christ this isn't going out is it? someone play a record
A retro cut there, thin lizzy, don't believe a word on XFM 104.9, I'm Ricky Gervais with me Steve Merchant - babbity boo who's that over there, it's Karly Pilkboys
best Ricky intros were the easy listening ones
Ah, the good old days before Karl became self-aware. When his profound idiotic wisdom was genuine and unforced.
>believing clickbait websites
also, steves surname is actually merchant? top kike
Sup Forums is a clickbait site too
Karl still has the most impressive sounding resume
>Bob Drillboids, um, ‘Blap on the Trap’ with ‘Where's the Sailor Gone to? With Ricky Gervais and Stevelen Mitchelings!
Is this definitely suzanne?
It's not
Looks like Dave 'ill from Slade.
suzanne never existed. karls a character.
>Actually believing this.
your moms a character
I fuck Ur Mother bitch
chip chipperson is better than cark anyway
Dicky andersen has emailed in again Rick
Dear Mr. K. Dilkington...
I thought Dickers was busy watching a puddle evaporate.
Isn't he a children's book author
Awwwhhh! It's Dickers!!
>all these modern day kids with their Red Letter Media friend simulation
>all I've ever needed was Ricky, Steve and Karl
The Big Dick
>tfw you legitimately thought he was saying "Sue's aunt" for like a really long time
Karl jokes were actually pretty good
>Get it out then Karl
>Err . .. Not whilst Coldplay are here
>Their eyes can poke out up to 6cm . . . Steve
This is Suzanne, from her BBC careers page. Think she was a producer on Top Gear
Whats the ep where those Germans take the piss out of Steve on the tube?
I just put that one on
no, this is
the dickmeister general!
That's a pretty stupid haircut. Even by glam metal standards
>carl thats racist
>sorry for all the orientals listing
thats every episode
Placebo, Special needs. Which brings me on to my next point, with me Karl Pilkington.
this unmarried woman is someone I eat out with often
He still wants carls 50p
just buy your fags on the boat
buy on ferry
buy on ferry
buyon ferry
byron ferry
an a meat tree n' that.
>I think I'd just take a tenner, give it back to them with service charge included
>Another person would have cleaned them out Rick
>its a Karl and Smerch commit mail fraud episode
Dear Streets.
Yeah, that's her. My mate used to work with her when he was doing graphics for the BBC.
>Eeeey, that's reet nice of ya Karl, you've paid me milk bill
>....then the monkey starts backing out of the bank with he gun and the money
You think he still puts paperboy on his CV?
doubt he has a cv anymore, probably gets headhunted for work now
Wet Knee Houston was actually clever 2bh, I felt like Karl recieved too much shit for that one
>For Chrissake! Everytime we come out drinkin’, you always shit yourself.
Reminder that this lanky fuck was banging this.
kek which one is this from?
just don't let him carry the baguettes
She actually looks like Karl lel.
>what did he mean by this?
21 December 2002
First three minutes
found it cheers
imagine someone is autisitc enough to write a transcript of the entire episode
Is there any better example of a JUST woman?
>Hair like Dave Hill from Slade
>Fat arse
>Wants to get married, long term boyfriend won't have it
>Wanted to have kids, won't have it, probably too old to have kids now
>Have Karl as a boyfriend
war do you make of that then?
The letter for Mrs. Harris is a good one
Faulty tooth
At the moment I'm in a river full of logs
Steve: You know what happened there? Well according to The Sun here it says scientists are planning to clone mammoths for a theme park. Look at his face, look at that he looks like a dog caught in the headlights of a car, he’s terrified.
Ricky: I love Karl.
Steve: He’s sprung to attention there.
Ricky: I love Karl. I love- is that- is that the best news you could have?
Karl: Man-moths?
Ricky and Steve laugh
>its a steve gets pissy at karl for making jokes about him even though thats all he ever does on the show episode
>its a steve gets pissy at ricky after he talks about how he calls and talks to karl outside of the show episode
He's from Bristol, which was one of the most important ports of Britain during the height of the empire. "Merchant" is probably quite a common name.
I don't know if Steve was even good mates with Ricky, just writing partners. He doesn't even invite him to his birthday
>it's a Steve gets salty cause he wasn't invited to David Bowie's house episode
>It could be your brother
>it's a Steve gets wrecked by Karl for the lanky bugeyed bastard he really is episode
Speaking of, what was with the Sturgess and drugs jokes? Is it something only British listeners would have gotten at the time?
how do you mean? about her being coked up?
>all these people hating on steve
literally the funniest of the 3
It's true that Steve has a way better understanding of humor compared to Ricky's retarded jokes. Best out of the two by far.
Also I enjoy his stories.
I've never gotten the Steve hate. I mean he could be a bit of a cunt sometimes but so could the other two. He also has the quickest wit by far and kept Ricky in check, the show just wouldn't have worked without him.
Ricky was a lot older than Steve, Steve was in his late 20s while Ricky was in his early 40s. I wouldn't read too much into Rick not being invited, it seemed like it was just a smallish group of Steve's mates going out on the lash rather than a proper party.
I mean the episode where Ricky doesn't invite Steve to his big formal birthday with Karl, Jonathan Ross and loads of other people. But I didn't know there was such an age gap between them
This was Smerch and Gervais' first sitcom pilot that never got approval
>It's a Steve and Ricky talk shit about LOTR episode
>Steve is pencil necked geek
>takes the piss out of pencil necked geeks
Yeah, my uncle who used to work at the BBC (now works at Nintendo) used to know her, too.
small world innit
>This, Rick, is every boy's fantasy.
it's shit tobh
looks like Lemmy
>Please welcome to the stage Restless Diesel.
My favourite bit of the whole series is when Karl goes a bit mental just before a song break because hes proved Ricky wrong. Anyone know what Im talking about?
>Steve, did I tell you about the time I almost died eating a Mr Freeze?
The lighthouse one. Where just at the start of the song Steve goes "hang on Karl's right" and all shit breaks loose
>Karl has won!