ITT: overrated movies
ITT: overrated movies
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You start.
Star wars
star wars 7
star wars a renewed hope.
star wars the empire strike again.
star wars jedi returns home
check these doubles
Also The Hurt Locker. Fuck 2008
Drive. Boring movie with shitty actors.
>liking poo in loo
Pleb general?
Only because you couldn't get these TRIPSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
Drive was pretty boring
It felt like they wanted to include a lot more than they did but were rushed for time. I didn't care for anything going down.
Wasn't it supposed to be heavy on cinematography? Neon Demon did that way better.
>Oh, you don't like boring as shit movies. What a pleb
Whatever you say, man-baby.
Lawrence of Arabia.
Came out years after Spartacus, is about half as entertaining. Has a tremendous fucking faggot dancing around in the desert for a protagonist.
this board is a crock of fucking shit, fuck all of you nigger dick sucking faggots.
Everything Marvel & DC.
I agree it's overrated somewhat, but it's just so memeable. think of how many magical meme moments happen in this film.
>telling trips to leave
Check the overrated dubs
You are so fucking wrong it physically hurts.
I really hope this is just some shit bait, because if not then you need to kill yourself right fucking now.
Shut the fuck up, Donny.
Found the redneck. There's one in every thread.
These threads are always pleb containment threads with insecure people posting critically acclaimed movies which they didn't enjoy or process so in defense they say the movie is actually bad or overrated just so they don't feel stupid or lesser in comparison
But deep down you all know the truth
Atleast DC is rated right nowadays
fucking Terminator
The word is contrarian and the whole website is based around them
Blade Runner
contrarian for not liking shit movies lol
I'll tell you one thing that's overrated: nu-Sup Forums
american psycho was a trip when drunk, but average when sober
Agreed, the best part is the very beginning.
>tfw the blacksmith was a cuck
pahjeet detected
I can agree with those!
Also capeshit in general.
The director in general tbqh, The Thin Red Line is pretty good though
You can call it whatever you want but it sure isn't average
You're very wrong, those old epics need an afternoon to get through.
Your opinion is objectively correct.
Your opinion is objectively wrong.
You have autism and/or are underage.
>he uses a word as an adjective that is the antonym of the noun he's trying to define with said adjective.
That's a big portrait
>Box office $3.907 billion
Dr Pavlova, I'm a C.I.A graduate
For you
Pretty crazy how over 1/4 of that box office gross is just from 7. Death of an actor can go a pretty long way in marketing.
Dr Pollen, I'm Bee.I.A
Uh, you don't get to bring friands
the only place where American Psycho is overrated is on Sup Forums
you ask your normie friends and they hate it or never watched it
Every normies favorite movie
>10AM fly over states
Yep, America just woke up
Friendly reminder that "Overrated" is the most meaningless criticism someone can say about a movie.
In no way is the statement a reflection of the quality of the movie, only its reception.
It basically amounts to "I don't like [thing] because it's more popular than other [thing]."
Anyone who uses this word without irony should never have their opinion validated.
i love how much snowflakes tries to diss good movies because most of the people like them...
Adam Sandler movies now are the new black
Yeah nah
It's a great dark comedy, but some people do act like it's fine cinema or something. It's just a great film.
Everyone's shitting on you for this but it's on practically every "film buffs" top 10 list these days so no matter how great it is it's still overrated.
Reminder that American Psycho was directed by a woman