Every fucking day, man. Every fucking day I see these threads and the faggots who post them continuing to either post or bump them all day EVERY fucking day. Like seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you not tired? Since fucking October this fucking faggot has gone nonstop about how he wants to eat andy's shit! Just give it up!

Give it the fuck up. What makes you think people enjoy seeing this thread posted every single fucking day? Whag makes you think some queer singer of some shitty ass band would let some mentally handicapped psychopath like you within a mile in them, let alone eat their shit?

Just fuck off with this already. If it isnt a troll and youre legitimately hungry for some guy's shit, itll never fucking happen. Nobody, especially andy sixx, would let some autistic little faggot like you eat his shit... because Andy likes me better and im the only one whose actually good enough for that warm, creamy steamy log of shit being spat out of his delicious chocolate starfish asshole of his. God hes so fucking hot im going to suck so fucking hard on his asshole that food he hasnt even eaten yet is going to come out and your little pathetic ass is just going to stand there and watch and cry like the little bitch that you are because youll never be good enough for his hearty log roll.

Would you eat that log op?

I'm a meme





6/10 didnt see plot twist coming
but your still a cancerous fag and andy sixx is a band for 13 yr teens
i smell underage ban

