So wait, we're expected to believe the tornado blew his dad up onto some mountain where he's been secretly living the last few years?
Are you fucking kidding me, Snyder?!
So wait, we're expected to believe the tornado blew his dad up onto some mountain where he's been secretly living the last few years?
Are you fucking kidding me, Snyder?!
Other urls found in this thread:
*motions to YOUNG MAN OF STEEL to not bother coming after him as the tornado sweeps him away*
Another brilliant decision by Snyder.
Subverting expectations at every turn.
>record scratch
>well you're probably wondering how i got here
>it all started when I was a young boy
>teenage wasteland starts playing
>>record scratch
>>well you're probably wondering how i got here
>>lets go back a bit
>>Rewinding sound
>>baby crying
>>okay not that far
stop, incoherent plot
>All this time I've been living my life the way my father saw it. Righting wrongs for a ghost, thinking I'm here to do good. Superman was never real. Just the dream of a farmer from Kansas.
Of all the shit parts of BvS, that might have been the worst. How the hell does Superman remember his father teaching him to be a hero? Because we saw his father teaching him to be a sociopath.
What did he eat up there?
Wait, this is a joke right? This didn't actually happen
People under the age of 25 don't get this movie in the slightest.
Watch the Ultimate Edition. He's still alive living on some mountain.
you and the OP should elope
Superman never listened to his parents except that one time where his dad told him he'd rather die in a tornado.
He heard what he wanted to hear.
This part confused me too.
Are we to understand Pa Kent wasn't dissuading young Clark from a life of heroics? It was somewhat ambiguous in both movies, to be honest, and it seemed like he was telling Clark to think for himself without any definite message, but with the sacrifice in the tornado, it was as much an example of the kind of life of self-sacrifice he hoped Clark would pursue. It's really poorly put across.
I guess you never watched Six Feet Under before?
Lots of characters pretend to talk to dead people there
It's not actually his dad, retard. His dad died in the tornado. It's a hologram like the ones or Jor-El in Man of Steel.
I thought Jor-El was supposed to be a ghost living in the ship's computer? Isn't he supposed to be a reference to Ghost in the Shell?
I honestly can't tell if OP is posting an image from some other movie or if this actually happened in BvS. I certainly wouldn't put it past Snyder.
It actually happened. Out of nowhere this weird dream cutscene of Superman talking to his dad on top of a snowy mountain appeared.
This thread is fucking funny.
>Six Feet Under
why would I watch gayshit?
Risidual effects of Zods illusion machine. What Kent meant by his speech is that there are consequences to playing hero "eating my hero cake".
This makes me want to murder jews
There's more dream time than awake time in BvS.
Or, at least, all the good action and character development happens in dreams.
What did Schneider mean by this?
>Sound of horses neighing in terror
>OK this is it I'd just turned 11.
You don't belong on Sup Forums.
Not everything related to information-theoretic-death is a reference to Ghost In The Shell.
Imagine Superman going to the top of the Everest only to find that Ra's Al Ghul, CIA, Bane and Pa Kent recreated the league of shadows.
>"It was all us, Clark. It's always been us. The authors of all your pain."
Clark: Why a mountain dad? Why not a field? A FIELD OF DREAMS!
Pops Kent: You came anyway and I didn't have to build shit this time.
>only pedos and faggots belong on Sup Forums
He's actually in OZ
Shut up kid and go away. This is a board about good tv series and movies.
*anal pain intensifies*
That's actually Martian Manhunter
Made no sense, but as every film school student and music video director knows, internal logic and just logic in general is secondary to cool or deep looking things.
thread theme
You people are beyond fucking dumb.
He's just hallucinating. Snyder's Superman is one relative's death away from snapping and taking over the planet. He is extremely mentally unstable, moreso than Batman. Papa Kent is a hallucination, nothing more.
Says who?
>everything in a film must be literal
Superman doesn't hallucinate, dummy. That's a human thing.
if he whisked away his papa so fast to that mountain, why didn't hack snyder show it in man of steel?
So wait is he actually still alive?
That just like dreams his kinos don't make sense
So he has serious mental problems?
Invisible suns
>Are we to understand Pa Kent wasn't dissuading young Clark from a life of heroics?
He was trying to make it clear that if he wanted to be a hero, he couldn't have a "normal" life, too. He couldn't be both Clark Kent and Superman, he would have to sacrifice something, because to be a hero is to make sacrifices of yourself for the sake of others.
That scene is a time travel one. Superman went in the past while he was sleeping (his mind, not his body) just like Flash went back and Bats saw a glimpse of what was to come.
Superman's ability to time travel is a nod to the Christopher Reeve movie, but it's also a way to explain Papa Kent's actions in MoS. Papa knew, becuase of his encounter with his future invincible son, that his son was destined to become Supes, but that people would fear him.
Snyder is a genius genius from Manchester, England across the Atlantic Sea.
whoa Superman hallucinates now? Now I really wish Batman had killed him.
Cheeky cunt.
>yfw marvel doesn't trust its audience enough so they have to give Tony a hologram machine with a weird young version of himself to show that he had a problem with his dad
>Snyder assumed people would understand that Clark was just having a memory of his dad
>marvel was right v
Dead horses, It's heavily implied during the dialogue.
Although some people think this was a holocaust reference
>Everything is possible
Thread was retarded enough without forcing a brand war, you stupid cunt
Just go and watch the Ultimate Cut.
Clark was having a hallucination you dumbfuck. He is extremelly mentally unstable. He talks as if his father was really there. Christ, and I thought fellow dc fans are smart people.
drowning horses or something
He's right though
Marvel thinks its audience is too stupid to understand Tony remembering his dead parents
They were right . The audience for civil war are literally too stupid to grasp that Tony would be upset that his parents were murdered
Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnna. I'm pretty sure it was Snyder trying to make BvS in the same universe as The Ring. Why the dead horses if not?
Please be trolling. No one is seriously this stupid.
Clark had a vision of his father when he went up the mountain. It was a figment of his imagination, a reflection of his subconscious and internal struggle dealing with the consequences of his actions being Superman.
Why are the detractors of this film so fucking retarded?
The movie doesn't explain that, so it's open to interpretation.
That's an actual Snyder quote, not just some funny meme.
>horse wanders out of the cloud of debris when zod destroys buildings in metropolis
>Pa Kent talks about dead horses
What does it all mean? Bruce sees the horse with out a rider. The horse symbolizes "passions" without a rider controlling it the horse will go off course and her horse (like a man who can't control his desires he ultimately destroys himself and is consumed)
Bruce sees the world as no longer having a rider's gone mad
Pa Kent tells how the horses drowned because of his actions as a kid. He tried to control nature but ended up killing the lang's horse. Killing all passion ...superman controlling the world and humans becoming slaves
At the end the "rider" and the "horse" need to work together to move forward.
The beauty of the Snyderverse is that things are open to interpretation. There are many layers of meaning.
You are trying to force your own repressive, orthodox interpretation on to others, which is not merely rude, but anti-art.
It is entirely possible that Pa Kent was thrown there by the tornado. Or who knows what really happened? Maybe the tornado flung him some place else and Pa Kent took a Turkish Airlines flight back home but it crashed on the way there? The are many possibilites, many shades of meaning.
No. The movie never tell us that, so we're left to believe his dad is still alive and living on that mountain. That's the only thing the movie tells us. Anything else is fanwank and fancition garbage.
Of coarse he's trolling you fucking simple cunt.
marvel fanboys will say anything to try and tear down the superior DCEU smdh
get fucked!
makes you wonder which scene is real and which is just figment of Clark's imagination. He talked to a lot of people in this movie, you know. How do we actually know Daily Planet is still there? What if they are all just inside Clark's head?
Would you fuck me, Clark? I'd fuck me.
Whoa what if the whole movie is just a dream? Truly it makes your mind stagger.
really makes you think
>but it crashed
With one survivor?
Seriously Snyder makes my cranium contemplate.
basically MOS and BVS are portrait of the mind of an autistic boy thinking he is a superpowered alien. Thats why everyone acts like a retard
>durr how he get there
He's Superman dad, he can also fly
Dumb Marvelcucks
Have fun being left behind with a useless degree kiddo.
Times are changing and what your saying? Is what made shit like ghostbusters flop and what makes Marvel movies A LOT more appealing and successful then DC films (not the animated you faggots fuck off.)
The sheer laziness shows. The source material is what MAKES these capekino movies work in the first place. If you abandon that because of a cash grab?
Well then you get green lantern, DRAGON BALL Z (not capekino but GREAT example), ASM1-ASM2, suicide squad, etc. I COULD GO ON.
The sooner directors realize this the better.
Because what's going to happen when everything's been done to DEATH but never done right?
You only get so many tries at a movie. Spider-man? Had to ride on the ass of Civil Wars success in order to convince people "Hey! See this again! It won't suck! I PROMISE THIS TIME! Watch this!"
If it wasn't for that? No WAY would homecoming have any wind.
u saying what u son of basterd bitch
Way to bring up a topic that had no business being brought up.
>He couldn't be both Clark Kent and Superman
He's fuking Superman, the whole point of his character is that he CAN.
> We're wizard of Oz now
What was the meaning of whatever he was building? Is Pa Kent stuck building dams for eternity?
If you build it, he will come.
eaaasy, easy. It's all gonna be ok kiddo, calm down.
He was building a stairway to heaven.
fuck off cunt.
It's inferred throughout the film that the theme revolves around power and powerlessness, how people with power deal with the repercussions of their actions. You don't need paragraphs of dialogue and exposition to figure that out.
I personally think he was just trolling but whatever. Makes no difference to me.
Turkish Airlines? Really, dude? All art is subjective to opinion, but that scene was pretty straight-forward. Not everything has a gray area.
Oh I see, so you need everything spoon-fed to you in a movie in order to understand it. Gotcha! So how come Pa Kent vanished at the end of that scene into thin air, if he is still alive?
Well, fuck you too! :)
What if the entire Snyderverse is a bad dream and Clark wakes up and everything is All-Star Superman? Now THAT is a plot twist!
How can dreams be real if nothing is real?
You just now realize that Snyder hates superheros.
Jonathan Kent wanted his son to drown innocent children and eat dead horses for breakfast. That's only way human fear superman, see him as Satan figure and bend to his will.
Lex Luthor Jr was the good guy here. He saw himself as god, metahuman as his archangel to fight against devil that came from above and his name was Jor-El.
I think that his dad is not really dead. He staged his death because he was fucking tired of old and infertile wife. Superman actually rescued him in an instant, faster then eyes can move. That is their little secret.
This scene made me cry.
Me too. I couldn't believe he was alive.