Hey Sup Forums. Why would you seek the company of a Hawkins slut when you can have the cleanest purest pleasures of Barb instead?
Hey Sup Forums...
If she didn't dress like a grandma and did her hair better then maybe.
She's 10X better than that scarecrow, . No-one gave a shit about her, they just acted like it never happened to rescue the gay boy.
DC rpes?
do you mean DC rapes?
What is wrong with you user?
I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.
I bet she'd look great in just her bra and panties looking all coy and nervous
I'm so sick of seeing threads about this godawful show
hot damn, theres this girl in my class that im trying to fuck that looks exactly like this but with brown hair and less pale what is even that hairstyle
I cringed every time I saw Misses Skelleton.
Sup Forums gave me post traumatic stress disorder. Every time steve touched her i was like
Same when they fucked I was like " DONT PUT TOO MUCH WEIGH ON HER"
Sup Forums is 18+, faggot.
Evil version when?
You've never heard of University, pal?
Have you?
>hot damn, theres this girl in my class that im trying to fuck that looks exactly like this but with brown hair and less pale what is even that hairstyle
You seriously need to work on your grammar.
Big tits.
Sorry, I didn't know I was being assessed on this Taiwenese basket weaving webzone about my grammar. I'll be sure to to improve it, just for you.
10/10 would penetrate
>looks like a boy
>still wants alpha male
Yeah, thanks no.
Anyone notice how she looks like a lesbo SJW, but, because she's in the 80s, it's okay?
She is the prototype.
>looks like
is where it ends since she's just as much of a boyhungry slut like everyone else but just judge physical appearance to match up with your rhetoric.
Fucking moron
>ywn experience her soft warm love
>is where it ends since she's just as much of a boyhungry slut like everyone else but just judge physical appearance to match up with your rhetoric.
>Fucking moron
yes you are