my mother! my mother!
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Save your breath *stab*
10/10 - IGN
>Please, go save this person who I'm not supposed to know personally, so I'll just call her by name, because I'm Superman and I can't tell people she's my mother, because that'd open the floodgates for potential other dangers for my family and the people I love. Please, Batman, you should know it better than anyone, to keep your personal life and alter-ego separate.
Fuck off, OP.
God, I really fucking hate this scene and how many pretentious hacks defend it daily.
This scene sounds better on paper and can't be executed.
>open up dangers
>she's already been kidnapped
>batman's the only one who's there to hear it
>never even said her last name
Yeah no, you fuck off.
>Please, listen to me Lex has manipu-
>You know what fuck it we gotta fight because the move is inexplicably called Batman v Superman and the audience has been waiting for five hours to see this.
"L'aube de la Justice" is the most kino "capemerde" ever, a sub-division of the hollywoodian new age style
>Please...I know you think my parents are just kryptonians who sent me to Earth for a even said as much as you dragged me you probably wouldn't give a shit if I said "save my mother"...s-so I'm going to say "save Martha" as a way to humanize both her and I in your eyes
t. marvelcuck
You people STILL can't comprehend this scene
He's clearly trying to tell Batman, but in case you haven't noticed, he's having a little hard time breathing and you know, just generally staying alive. He's clearly doing his best and trying to maintain his secret identity on the side.
I can't comprehend a retard's slurred babbling either, but I guess I don't speak the language like you do.
There's nothing to comprehend, the scene is shallow and transparent as fuck.
>calling people cuck isn't just proving you have no adequate counterpoint
This is just embarrassing to see here, post after post after post.
And still I haven't read a single good, meaningful alternatives to this scene, that'd make it ''better'', but still keep the emotional impact and relevance. People seem to think that just by making the scene more straighforward makes the movie better.
man of steel huh? man of cock if you ask me
What's embarrassing, is unironically responding to this kind of memey bait cuckery. You're a sad man.
I watched this again for the first time since its theatre release last night.
While it's by no means a perfect film and full of infuriatingly stupid moments like this, I don't feel like it deserved the critical drubbing it received. It's at least a solid 60%.
I also noticed there were, indeed, some fairly kino moments.
>Film playing outside cinema during Batman origin intro is Excalibur
>Excalibur was John Boorman's visually-stunning epic retelling of the King Arthur legend -
>Lots of allusions to the story and visual stylings of Excalibur throughout
It also occurred to me that in the 'Knightmare' sequence and subsequent Flash visitation, when Superman says 'she was my world, and you took her from me' he's referring not to Lois but to his mother, Martha.
>Knightmare sequence represents a future where Batman had unwittingly fulfilled Lex's plans and in doing so allowed Martha Kent to be burnt alive
>Lois Lane is the key only in the sense that she's pieced together Lex's plan to set Batman and Superman at each other's throats
The more I think about this the more obvious it seems.
you seriously think this kind of things redeem a movie ? nobody gives a fuck
Yeah, somewhat. There's more, but clearly discussing it further would be lost on you.
>I finally figured out some of the needlessly obtuse and convoluted parts of the movie.
>It's kino.
>art should be judged by your first reaction to it, not after subsequent viewing or contemplation
>no further analysis needed; first time you see it, it means nothing thereafter
>Screenplay is so bad it takes multiple viewings just to understand a basic idea.
>But if I say the magic word, "Kino", it's actually good.
Battlefield Earth is about as Kino as BvS. At least the nausea from all the dutch angles made me feel something other than boredom.
Marvelfag here.
I don't see why people hated this. He didn't stop because their moms share the same name. It might have startled him at first because, surprise surprise Bruce Wayne has psychological issues regarding his parents but the real reason he changed his mind is because he realized the alien monster he had hated so much this whole time was just a regular guy with a mom.
Holy shit I think you might have actually figured it out. This actually makes a ton of sense