Who was worse?

Who was worse?

They were the same character with two different names and played by two different actors.

But at least Leto didn't spout a bunch of pseudo-philosophical nonsense.

Eisenberg because he was the main fucking villain.

sorry, I should have asked, which actor raped the character they were trying to portray, the worst?

Eisenberg actually ended up being a better Joker than Leto did.


The only reason I knew he was supposed to be Lex Luthor was because the movie went out of its way to tell me every time he was on screen.

Leto felt like a cheap imitation of the Joker while Eisenberg felt like George Michael from Arrested Development

Neither. Both were incredible and better than any Marvel villain.

He was actually closer to pic related.

That's not much of an accomplishment... but true.



Carrey actually ended up being a better Joker than Leto did.

I liked them both.

>eisenburgs lex getting praised in the BVS bluray extras

They all had to know how shite it was but they were in too deep to admit it.

Baron Zemo

Carrey's the Joker DC needs.

1000x this

Leto at least attempted to play the character he was portraying and the fact a significant amount of his screentime was cut I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

No idea what the fuck Eisenberg was doing.

Leto reminded me of the Joker of BTAS.

Eisenberg, I don't know what the fuck he was doing. It was like the bastard child of Ledger's tics (*smacks lips* *licks lips*), plus OUAT Rumplestiltskin's mannerisms, and Mark Zuckerberg.

tfw Carrey was one of the best batman villians.

I didn't mind him personally, and my normie friend loved it. I get the feeling that most people who were pissed off about his portrayal are comic fans.

Leto was fine as the Joker, he just looks incredibly retarded.
Eisenberg was shit.

>Eisenberg, I don't know what the fuck he was doing. It was like the bastard child of Ledger's tics (*smacks lips* *licks lips*), plus OUAT Rumplestiltskin's mannerisms, and Mark Zuckerberg.
That's actually a perfect description.

lex luthor was worse

It was god damn awful. Possibly the worst casting since halle berry storm or jennifer lawerence mystique

I like how everyone fucking hates Eisenberg's Luthor and loves Leto's Joker when they basically did the same tweaks to the character that would be needed to be made to fit them into this world.
It's all world building and characterizations that would feel off and strange in this world, need to be changed so the characters fit. You can't have a tall, buff, genius, bald, multi billionaire scientist who hates Superman in this world, it just wouldn't happen. So they tweaked it until it worked and that's what we got. Same with Leto's Joker, which fit a bit better than Luthor anyway

While I definitely understand this comparison, I don't think it's completely apt. Eisenberg was playing a very specific, very different version of Lex than we're used to seeing, but that doesn't make him simply "the Joker". There's actually precedent for this quirky, psychotic version of Lex Luthor in the comic books. Check out "Birthright" for a classic example. Or any of the golden age/silver age comics where Lex is portrayed as a "mad scientist". This version seems to combine various different depictions of Lex into a version that also feels suited for the times, with him being a younger, nerdy tech billionaire. If you don't like that version, that's of course totally fine and your own personal tastes. But it doesn't mean his Lex is unfaithful to the source material.

>implying any of them are worse

Eisenberg should get an Oscar for his performance as Lex in BvS, such a powerful performance fuck the haters



Nothing to brag about though