Why are there literally no young white women who care about the white race?

Why are there literally no young white women who care about the white race?

Why are you so vulnerable to cognitive bias? Just cause you don't know any doesn't mean they don't real.

>I've never seen a dinosaur
>I live in an area where there are no dinosaurs and my neighbors also have never seen one
>dinosaurs are not real

Think harder, friend.

And on the likely chance this is a troll/shill thread, troll harder, friend.


dunno lol

The best trolls are the subtle ones

why do insecure liberals try to push their insecurities onto others?

his form on that rear naked choke is terrible.

Reem could fucking murder you

I do. But I got a bunch of angry roach and nig online stalkers trying to find me as a result lol.

why would anyone care about the white race?