Woodcutting thread

Woodcutting thread

last two digits are your woodcutting level

00=must play rs3 for the rest of your life

choppily chop


I have almost maxed osrs account and I prefer rs3

1v1 me faggot


weird looking RS3 cape.....



Jokes on you, I like woodcutting


I don't associate with easyscape players


Osrs is best, anyone want to chill on there? Just tell me world and location and we can hang out

I agree, osrs is too easy.


im not woodcutting until they release treecuttodt

cape get

Chests are the only thing that make rs3 "ez" and they're completely optional. osrs is for casuals with a rock hard cock for nostalgia, people that can't learn new mechanics because they're too slow in life, and like playing a game version that has a dead economy.

rolling for 99!

at least I can use a dragonaxe

41 wc here

but just ignore the plethora of xp multipliers. it isnt nostalgic at all the games look nothing alike

sooooooooo much

No effort

wood needed

Plz into leval xddd

choppin magics right now, got ab out 4000 logs in the bank






Why aren't you in the wc guild ?


idk i just came back and havent got around to going there just cuttin logs while i do other things

fuck you pussy nigger bitch fuck

little bitch slut who the fuck do you think you are

stupid little ass licker fuckface whore cunt fucker jackass piece of fucking monkey shit dick sucking faggot

You get an invisible +7 boost to wc in the guild, pls drop everything right now and go there

roll if trips get birds nest

Where my skill cape at bitch?

Wow close1.
Also true. Guild is competitive but best spot