Do we have a complete understanding of electricity?

do we have a complete understanding of electricity?

Electrodynamics is probably the most understood theory within physics. So yes, we do have a complete understanding of it.

Call me when we have Tesla Rifles with acceptable physical range and power levels.

There's a difference between a complete understanding of a theory within physics and being able to create it as an engineering feat.

We've had a complete understanding of it for about 120 years now retard

I'll call you on my electricity phone faggot

We don't have it because we don't understand it.
If we fully understood it we would be able to

A good scientist never goes on the assumption that we have a full understanding of anything. You should assume that there is always something more to uncover.

We do understand the theory behind it. Sure we don't know exactly how to create this very specific thing, but if that was your idea of "complete" then we'll never have a complete understanding of anything ever.

> what is a rail gun


Tesla did

But he happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong moment talking about the Wardenclyffe tower's goal

JP Chase Morgan had subventioned Tesla for his advancement of the alternating current system

His guys snitched on him to Chase and the jew banker sent guys to destroy Tesla's lab and made his life a living hell

Because he had invested too much on copper wiring to build high tension lines, his investment was at stake of being obsolete thus losing a huge sum of money just because Tesla wanted to make electricity available for free for all mankind

Pretty sure there might be a select handful of highly gifted and intelligent individuals who might have an advanced knowledge of electricity

Obviously you'll never hear if them because either:

>they've been spotted and magically disappeared
>they are secretly working on projects and waiting for the right timing to release new notions and designs that could fuck the petro dollar

>do we have a complete understanding of electricity

MSEE here. The short answer is "not quite". The longer answer is electricity is an electromagnetic phenomenon and we still have some gaps in our understanding at a quantum level.

One the whole, though, electromagnetic theory is probably one of science's most solid fields and greatest triumphs.

electricity is blue and it hurts if touched.. i say we know enough

>If we fully understood it we would be able to
I'll give you a little example to put things in perspective. When the Germans built the ME-262 they fully understood the axial flow design and why it was better than the centrifugal flow engine, but were unable to build a practical one because of material limitations. You see, the turbine blades had to be made of stronger metals they just didn't have access to which meant the engines required replacing every 100 flight hours or something like that. So by your logic, they didn't fully understand it because they didn't have the correct metal even though the axial flow engine was straight up better than the centrifugal engine found in the gloster meteor.

so your saying there understanding was limited by what they knew.

no shit

You're such a spastic

By your logic we didn't create calculators until the 20th century because we didn't understand maths until then


We pretty much have It fully worked out it has been merged wth the weak force and now that we have proven the highs field exist there are few holes left in the quantum electrodynamics



It's always the people acting like they can't be wrong who get the basics wrong.


kek pls leave