>watching documentary on hitler's last days
>hitler was forced to kill his dog to test out his poison
Why must humans be so cruel?
>watching documentary on hitler's last days
>hitler was forced to kill his dog to test out his poison
Why must humans be so cruel?
Other urls found in this thread:
what the fuck I hate Hitler now
>too much of a pussy to face consequences if poison is shit
>kill his fucking dog to ensure his way to the afterlife
Completely forced.
>It's laughably thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
Bet you don't give a shit about all those people that died in the concentration camps
>letting your dog live to be gang raped by ruskies
probably made up bullshit
>le Sup Forums bogeyman
feelsbadman. i love my doggos, but in the event of a zombie apocalypse i have prepared myself to end their suffering fast. i will not have my puppers alone and scared in the zombie world (zombies = ruskis)
None by gas at least.
>Dead in Berlin
Hitler went to Antartica with a lot's of Nazis.
It wasn't just jews who were targeted.
[citation needed]
>Slavs, homosexuals, communists
Remind me again why should I care?
Because they were humans with families and lives of their own.
What did he mean by this?
But homosexuals can't breed families and communists are wholly against family values
Fritz Tornow (born July 27, 1924) was a Feldwebel in the German Army (Wehrmacht Heer) who served as Adolf Hitler's personal dog-handler. He was one of the last people to occupy the Führerbunker when it was captured by Soviet troops.
Hitler ordered Dr. Werner Haase to test them on his dog, Blondi. Tornow had to force the opening of the dog's mouth while Haase crushed a cyanide capsule in Blondi's mouth. Tornow became visibly upset by these events, more so when the dog died as a result.
According to a report commissioned by Joseph Stalin and based on eye witness accounts, Tornow was further mortified when he was ordered to shoot Blondi's puppies. On 30 April, Tornow took each of the four puppies and shot them in the garden of the Reich Chancellery, outside the underground bunker complex, after Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide together. He also killed Eva Braun's two dogs, Frau Gerda Christian's dogs, and his own dachshund.
On 2 May 1945 the Soviet Army took control of the bunker complex. Tornow was among only five living occupants; the others were Dr. Werner Haase, nurses Erna Flegel and Liselotte Chervinska, and Johannes Hentschel. They all surrendered to the Soviet troops.
Genocide is wrong.
Then tell Jews and communists to not carry it out
Stop implying that there was even an attempt to exterminate these people. They were prisoners of war in an internment camp. They were undesirable in the reich but there were no plans for premeditated genocide. Especially not by muh gaschambers.
White genocide is a myth.
>not taking your doting pupper with you everywhere you go
Drug addict, had sexual relations with his niece
Fat, faggot
Morbidly obese, owned a luxurious estate where he participated in obscene orgies
Pedophile, led a batallion of gypsies, POWs, mental patients and convicted rapists who participated in monumental savagery
Wewuzian pagan occultist, muslim lover
Absolute beta who was bullied in school, looked like a Jew to the point other kids called him a kike when he was a schoolboy
Physically deformed and sickly, also a manlet
Serial adulterer
What is the final solution?
2₪ have been deposited to your account.
hi Sup Forums
>only Jews are not people
That's very antisemitic of you. Roma also aren't.
I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the genocide the Jews carried out in the USSR and palestine
More non jews was killed by germans than jews
Kys Sup Forumsack
>Dude only the Holocaust happened
Read Bloodlands, which really puts things into perspective. Jews in the Holocaust were like 1/10 the dead between 1930 and 1945 that weren't killed in battle in eastern Europe
>According to a report commissioned by Joseph Stalin
There's far too much of this in ww2 history.
Moving all jews from Germany
I never expected to feel bad for Hitler's dog-handler, but here we are. Talk about having a dick boss.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
If jews wanted to genocide palestinians they'd all be dead 50 years ago.
that was my point
Why did they have to kill such an innocent being?
If Hitler was so based why did he die like a cuck?
It's just a domesticated animal. They are just renewable tools and resources. That is what they are bred. Just because you are stupid and lonely enough to attach affection to them is your own problem.
Is that Denzel?
>With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would see their annihilation in it. That wasn't just a catch-word. The world war is here and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence.
Lived together with a literal brothel whore, was most likely her pimp
Creepy sociopathic fuck
Another wewuzian pagan occultist who preached ""Positive Christianity"" with Nordic Jesus, planned to eliminate Christianity altogether (including banning the Bible and replacing all crucifixes with swastikas)
Was probably like 1/4th German too.
"His sycophancy was well known in the army, and he acquired the nickname 'Lakeitel', a pun on his name (in German, the word 'Lakai' means 'lackey')."
"General Ludwig Beck complained that he was incapable of giving Hitler the reality of the situations and was an extremely poor tactician whose decisions were motivated more by ensuring his own survival rather than that of the troops. Marshal Paul Ludwig Ewald von Kleist labeled him as nothing more than a "stupid follower of Hitler", and most commanders went out of their way to ignore his orders"
"Considered by many to be mentally unstable, Rust would spuriously create new regulations and then repeal them just as quickly."
Also believed non-Aryans couldn't do science properly and trashed the theory of relativity etc
Quite probably the worst diplomat in modern history, literally hated by everyone but Hitler because he was a master asskisser like Keitel.
Forged or mistranslated or out of context.
Why does anyone even pretend to care about Palestinians? Legitimate question.
>we dindu nuffins
Go back to bed Sup Forums
They didn't kill her, not directly. Indirectly maybe but many others could also be given indirect responsibility.
>Joseph Goebbels mystery diary magically "found" and kept in Russia
Nicely memed, my man.
How nice that the Russians recently found Himmlers diary in Russia too, just lying around. And they also found Hitlers diary there too, too bad it was proven fake.
Most people know that.
Russians lost about 22 million
If hitler wanted all Jews dead, you wouldn't exist. There was no extermination campaign, he was just trying to separate a dangerous population group in a time of crisis. The Jews fucked Berlin in the ass in ww1 while the army was at the front. Hitler never wanted to exterminate Jews, there is literally no evidence that he wanted to exterminate Jews. Even if he did, fuck Jews
I don't know about that specific quote but there is another commonly misattributed to him which is the exact opposite of what he actually professed.
>Even if he did, fuck Jews
Why couldn't you just say that instead of making up all that stormniggering
Nevermind the countless audio and tape recordings of hitler himself saying jews are the problem and must be put to death.
Because they have the right to live in their land without getting fucked by greedy landgrabbing kikes
Proof that Hilter was a shitty villain.
They jews fought in WWI you stormnigger
Also Hitler and his gay pagan friend Hilmer loved muslim dicks
I wonder if he was thinking about all the blonde german girls that would get raped by Russian
And he was to blame.
>everyone who dislikes Jews is a stormfag
Find an audio recording right now where Hitler says he wants to put all jews to death. You hoax peddlers always talk about "ALL THAT EVIDENCE, THOSE COUNTLESS DOCUMENTS AND TAPES" when there are none.
Keep in mind, there is no question that jews were persecuted but the gas chambers and 6 gorillion are fanfiction.
If we're going based on deaths then the worst offender of the 20th century is Mao, whose Cultural Revolution lead to mass-starvation, numerous failed infrastructure projects, and the slaughtering of educated persons. Over 50 million confirmed dead either directly or indirectly from the Cultural Revolution's effects.
The real reason to hate on communism isn't because you're a capitalist who doesn't like other ideologies. It's because an incompetent capitalist government is annoying, an incompetent communist government will starve half your family to death and shoot the other half.
The Jews formed the German communist party and tried to set up a soviet state in Germany
When you're desperately trying to say that Hitler dindu nuffin yes, you're a stormfag
That's funny, considering you assumed i'm a jew because I'm not a holocaust denier.
Self awareness of a pea.
>3 million polish jews suddenly disappeared
I hate communism and capitalism. Both are materialistic and deny humanity to ordinary people. Capitalism is basically a bunch of rich powerful Jews owning corporations which force you to work or die, and hire armies to kill their enemies. Communism is a bunch of Jews forming a dictatorship that forces you to work or die and ordering the army to kill anyone who disagrees with them.
Nice trips
Stalin hated jews
Good, then give your house to a random Native American. Do it right now. It was their land first!
Or maybe that isn't a valid justification? Also all the money that keeps the Jews in Israel is mostly from dumbass Christian billionaires who are convinced that they are fulfilling the conditions for the apocalypse to happen, as per Revelations, which requires a Jewish Israel to happen. I think they think it gets them extra Jesus points or something, I'm not entirely sure how weirdo-cult Christian logic works.
But yeah, lot of rich, devout christians in the USA and Israel is evidence that money can buy a lot of things, even sovereignty, but it can't make wealthy people any smarter.
I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine
>Jews are behind capitalism
>Jews are behind communism
Pick one
Ah yes, the monolithic Jewish hivemind.
Everyone hates Jews user. Doesn't change the fact that Stalin basically created Israel, Jews carried out the holodomor and purges, and Jews created Bolshevism
I pick
>Jews are behind communism, jews exploit capitalism.
>he's unironically a holocaust denier
Chose one Sup Forumsniggers
>Hitler is based because he killed jews
>holocaust didn't happen
>He unironically belives the stupid shit he's taught and thinks he's informed and thinks there is evidence when there isn't.
>Everyone hates Jews user.
you live in a bubble
why does everyone always say that hitler loved animals then?
fucking dropped.
I choose
>Hitler is based because he challenged the subversive world jewry and gas chambers are made up.
Why were the nazi's such hilarious failures, Sup Forums?
>he's unironically an anti authoritarian edgelord well into his 20s
Even if holocaust didn't happen/was nothing wrong Hitler was still pretty much a terrible ruler
Hitler was a Jew, most of the Nazi leaders had Jewish ancestry
It was controlled opposition to make way for Israel
top kek
this is advanced autism
The Jews are a problem, maybe they do not deserve death but they definitely need to be expelled.
They greatest crimes committed in the west was the promotion of egalitarianism, the deconstruction of collectivist thinking, and the encouragement of empathy toward enemies for the sake of "peace".
Ho will play this absolute madman in his biopic
Sup Forums fuck off