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God she's so fugly. The tumblrina hair cut ain't doing her any favors either.

She looks really glamorous in this video actually

>he doesn't want to see her suck on a nice juice big black dong

Use the fucking catalog, there are already 2 threads up.

She looks like a fucking pinhead


Why is she so perfect

she literally said nothing
7 minutes of nothing

Why do we need three threads about her review?

Does no one look through the catalog anymore?

>covered in tattoos making her look like a trashy slut

Post this one more time you fucking cunt

has man face, but nice ass


trashy sluts are the best, fuck you

>SJW tumblr slut doesn't like a movie with hot sexy chicks and manly heroes

top wew

What's this thing you call "catalog"?

She's not a SJW.

Who's the tranny?

>girl makes videos without using her sexuality for views
>people still find a way to criticise her and shame her because she doesn't look how you want her to

but we're totally an equal and non-bigoted society, right guise????

just some SJW trap

stop shilling her vid, hoping it would go viral

always makes me sad to see girls that are actually pretty handsome disfiguring themselves like that

7 Minutes of saying nothing at all. Why did I watch this?

why does every female host has a beta male co-host with 0 personallity?

>blonde hair



She loves hot sexy chicks. She hates when they butch up characters who were overly-sexual before.

I wish Tara Babcock was into capeshit...

It's a cute tranny, I give him that.

Seems Marvel biased.

BvS wasn't perfect but it definitely wasn't a bad movie.

It wasn't bad, just boring.

I feel for her since I'm a big DC animated fan from being a kid, and from that I got into the comics. I want DC to succeed and make some great movies, but they keep fucking it up. It's like a childhood pet being run over again and again. It's not even funny how bad they screwed up, just disappointing.

To be fair I didn't see the theatrical cut, just the extended, and I thought it was fantastic.

I heard the theatrical cut had horrid pacing.


nigga what

she has hot soles, i wanna fuck her naked feet

Even better if true

She'd be pretty without that look. Shame how some girls do that to themselves.

It's funny though. Her fans are all normies and lap that shit up from GoT to DCu, while her opinions are more aligned with Sup Forums.

Better start figuring out for whom you wanna pander to.