Vice Principals is actually a pretty good show.
I didn't think it would be so good at first, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Anyone else watching it?
Vice Principals is actually a pretty good show.
I didn't think it would be so good at first, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Anyone else watching it?
me me me
It's really good and McBride is surprisingly among the best comedy actors right now
it's shit
You're wrong
Yup, really enjoying it, one of my only criticisms is that McBride's Gamby trips over his words too much for comedic effect, like the overexplanations but not enough to ruin the show.
Ray is best boy.
i literally dont give a fuck about the fat cunt give more screen time to goggins
I thought his character was gay until it was revealed he had a cute asian wife.
>what is a marriage of convenience
anyone else think Gambys daughter is kinda sexy?
I've been really enjoying it.
Goggins is amazing, third episode was so weak due to missing his interaction with Gamby.
no, you're literally the only person who thinks that.
Some are saying he might still be gay because of the kiss i ep 4 but who knows, he plays a great southern dandy, an evil as fuck one to boot.
i'd say he's a flamboyant gentleman
Why is Ray so bro-tier?
I didn't think it was particularly weak, we got to know more about Gamby and just how poor his interactions with the staff are but in a pinch he's really responsible and takes action quickly.
Never stick your dick in crazy.
Is the actress over 18? Maybe they can catch her fucking somebody too
I would
>implying you wouldn't hit that
gorgeous hair but that's it, her father's child
How do you fight a nice guy? You can't.
I'd fuck the shit out of her
Casting angenceies should really get into the habit of actually hiring ugly actresses to play ugly roles
Seriously, she's cuter than snodgrass
really wanted to fuck her...
fuck off, the creepy guy from predators steals the show.
>Seriously, she's cuter than snodgrass
Bold words, but not wholly untrue.
worst characer is also the main
wasted potential
want fuck
Does Goggins have much screentime in this? really the only thing about it that appeals to me
not really, no
it's definitely not 50/50 mcbride/ goggins sadly
get that poor taste outta here
episode 3 so far had his least screentime so far, 2 and 4 have a lot
Was kinda supirsed, I expected a Groggins-McBride costaring from the marketing, but it turns out McBride is the MC. Still, Groggins has some pretty good screentime.
>vice principals
>only focuses on gamby
i want to know what is lee's major malfunction, he is really fucking evil
I think i'll try it out, thanks guys.
Would take up to Makeout Point and ayyyyyyyy
I think just like Belinda we'll find out more about him, it can't just be his home life, something else fucked him up
I like the show, but the obvious ad-libbed scenes are the worst aspect for me. Just not funny at all. Thankfully they don't take up much screen time.
I hadn't noticed any adlibs....
The scenes where they insult each other are obviously adlibbed. But they usually just do it at the end of a scripted scene.
>this is my in-vitro baby
Kid looks like he's 5 years old the hell
hes still drinking that titty milk
mcbride plays the same character over and over again and i watch it because it's good. goggins stealing every scene they have together though.
Isn't that the point of though?
Shes supposed to be attractive and be above Gambys standards, but hes too obsessed with Snodgrass.
Looks aside she's the polar opposite to Snodgrass, she was wet for Gamby from her introduction and laughing at all his bad jokes and even contradicting herself, she's obsessed, even after finding his cheat sheet on Snodgrass she still wants to be with him.
She's a bad BAD girl. get the paddle
What the fuck is wrong with you